Can Hercules defeat Hulk?

While some stories have shown Hercules to be stronger than Hulk at his base strength, Avengers: No Road Home goes further by giving him a unique type of strength that the Green Goliath will never have.
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Who is more powerful Hulk or Hercules?

The actual strongest Avenger is neither Thor nor the Hulk, but Hercules, and the Prince of Power has proven it by beating them both many times. The title of strongest Avenger is often contested among powerhouses such as Thor and Hulk, but it actually belongs to someone else: Hercules, the Prince of Power.
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Can Zeus beat Hulk?

As such, Zeus decides to grant the Hulk's request to beat him to death in hand-to-hand combat. The Hulk's first blow sends Zeus crashing into a nearby building. Zeus then returns this with an even more powerful blow. The ruler of the Olympians than overpowers the Hulk, and ultimately knocks him off Mount Olympus.
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Can Hercules defeat World Breaker Hulk?

As with every fight they've had, Hulk has either won or stalemated herc, well, all but 1. The only time that Hercules has beat Hulk was when he was Professor Hulk. Any time that the Savage Hulk, Devil Hulk, or Green Scar goes up against him, he loses.
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Has Hulk ever beaten a god?

Rising to his feet, Hulk backhands the Son of Zeus, before pummeling the Greek god into submission as he begs Hulk to stop, trying to convince him that they're there to help. Namora covers her eyes, unable to watch any more of the brutal beating.
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10 Reasons Why MCU's Hercules Is Stronger Than Hulk (& 5 Reasons Why He Isn't)

Who can Hulk not beat?

Despite his immense power, the Hulk has been defeated by heroes like Wolverine, Iron Man, Puck, and the Punisher. Spider-Man, Fantastic Four, and the Thing have also managed to take down the Hulk using their intelligence, teamwork, and unique abilities.
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Would Kratos beat the Hulk?

Few characters in any fiction could stand against the most powerful versions of the Hulk, but Kratos could likely finish the job against an average-powered version of Bruce Banner and his alter ego. Both of these characters have somewhat similar rage-based abilities.
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Who would win Thor vs Hercules?

While Hercules may have the strength to literally destroy Thor's body, Thor can technically do the exact same thing to Hercules. The Olympian and the Asgardian are evenly matched in terms of both strength and durability.
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Who would win Hercules or Thanos?

Hercules is class 7, meaning he can lift over 100 tons, and is the same weight class as other heavy hitters like Thor, the Hulk, Namor and Gladiator. However, so is Thanos, it's just that Thanos is stronger and vastly more powerful than Hercules.
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Who defeats Hercules Marvel?

Hercules, however, manages to return to Avengers Mansion and singlehandedly engages the Masters of Evil, being eventually beaten unconscious by Goliath, Mister Hyde, and the Wrecking Crew.
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Can Zeus beat Thor?

In a Zeus vs Thor scenario, Zeus would probably end up the victor, but the same goes for his son, Hercules. Technically speaking, he's only a demigod, but, if any biceps could outsize Thor's, then it is the Herculators.
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Can Valkyrie beat Hulk?

Hulk is one of the Marvel Cinematic Universe's most powerful characters, but Thor: Ragnarok proved that Valkyrie (Tessa Thompson) can defeat him.
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Can Hulk beat Loki?

Loki regards the Hulk as a danger to society, and, because the God of Mischief is attempting a heel-face turn in order to become a hero, he decides to defeat the Hulk. Of course, even despite his Asgardian strength, Loki is no match for the Hulk so he doesn't bother using his strength to subdue the beast.
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Can Hercules beat Spider Man?

In their notable first encounter, Hercules is shown to have the speed and reflexes to match Spider-Man's spider-sense which leaves Spider-Man's attacks pretty ineffective and allows Hercules to easily overpower him.
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Which Hulk can beat Thor?

Simply put Thor can best Hulk in a fight because he wields Mjolnir and is a god. Complexly said, Hulk can't defeat a divine god with a mighty hammer that lets him blast energy beams, fly, and summon a kinds of weather.
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Can Superman beat Hercules?

Hercules is very strong but that's pretty much it. While he's a demi-god, he doesn't really have a magic weapon or skill he can use beyond his strength and that's going to cost him against Superman.
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Can Shazam defeat Hercules?

Hercules Is A Powerful Demigod But He Couldn't Stand Up To Shazam's Magical Lightning. Hercules is the Olympian son of Zeus and one of Marvel's most powerful demigods. He's a longtime member of the Avengers and has faced some of the biggest threats in the Marvel Universe.
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Would Thanos beat Odin?

He has feats such as defeating Surtur (who can destroy a planet), conquering the 9 realms, and sealing away Hela. While there isn't much doubt that Thanos could beat Odin if he had all 6 stones, Odin could probably defeat Thanos if he only had one or two of them.
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Can Hercules beat Wonder Woman?

3 Wonder Woman Would Pulverize Hercules

Hercules is one of Marvel's most powerful Olympians, but that's not going to save him from Wonder Woman.
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Who is stronger Zeus or Odin?

Who is more powerful, Odin or Zeus (God of War and God of War Ragnarok)? Many die hard God Of War fans may not like this answer but Odin was by far the more powerful of the two.
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Can Odin beat Zeus?

Odin has pretty clearly been shown to be demonstrable more powerful than the other gods. Odin's Odinforce has far outstripped anything Zeus's magical lightning bolts have ever done.
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Who wins Odin or Zeus Marvel?

While Zeus is by no means a pushover, unless he has some immensely powerful tricks up his sleeve in Thor: Love and Thunder, it appears that the MCU's Odin is still the strongest god on the cosmic block.
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Who can t Kratos beat?

Other characters like Alucard, Ōnoki, Anos Voldigoad, Lelouch, Kaguya Otsutsuki, and many more possess unique abilities and powers that can disintegrate, immobilize, or overpower Kratos in combat.
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Can juggernaut beat Kratos?

Trion Juggernaut would crush Kratos with one hit and could quite possibly beat the entire God of War universe.
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Can Spiderman beat Kratos?

It depends . While regular Spider-Man would get curbstomped by Kratos,there is a version of Spider-Man with the Beyonder power,that is essentially nigh-omnipotence,that would erase Kratos from existence in the blink of an eye.
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