Can replicants fall in love?

The original Blade Runner showed us that two replicants can fall in love. This makes sense, because a replicant is almost indistinguishable from a naturally-born human. Made with the same biological building blocks, they should have the capability for the same emotions as humans.
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Are replicants allowed to have feelings?

Regardless, replicants in Blade Runner clearly have emotions. In Rachael's case they are so developed as to be indistinguishable from those we feel. So this feature of the replicants complicates our task of defining what they are. This has all been leading up to a definition of a human.
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How did the replicant get pregnant?

The second film further develops Rachael's origin, and gives significantly more details about her radical design. It revealed that she was an experimental model of replicant with a high percentage of human organs, including human reproductive organs, and that Rachael conceived a child with Deckard.
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Is there any Romance in Blade Runner?

'Blade Runner', 1982. Rick Deckard has a crush on doe-eyed replicant Rachael. She is currently at his apartment, vulnerable and confused, having just found out that she is not human and that all of her memories up to this point are not her own.
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Can replicants reproduce with humans?

Replicants have the same physical appearance and biological functions as humans, though they cannot reproduce. Replicants are created from the genetic data of their respective Gestalt, and their appearance is based on the Gestalt's original human body.
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Blade Runner - Replicants can develop emotion (Bryant & Deckard)

Can replicants feel pain?

Replicants like K are capable of feeling sensations, and emotions, and having thoughts similar to humans. So, there is no moral grounds to treat them as badly as they are treated.
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Why are replicants so human like?

The replicants were engineered human beings. The distinction is a human would be born from his mother. A replicant would be created.
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Why does love cry in Blade Runner?

She weeps when they suffer and is heartbroken when they die, but is incapable of acting to stop either. Like so many people who feel helpless in today's society, Luv is a prisoner to her programming. Luv's first very-human tears come as she witnesses a murder.
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Why does Luv kiss Officer K?

During the final fight with K, after subduing him, she smugly kissed him and retorted "I am the best one!", as if trying to prove her superiority over not just K, but all other replicants, further hinting at her deep-seated insecurities that she kept well-hidden.
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Is Blade Runner about autism?

Ridley Scott's dystopian classic Blade Runner (1982) is reexamined in these autistic terms, where the cyborg characters are reconfigured as neuroqueer subjects, and the postmodern spectacle is reimagined as the empathetic core of a pro-disability message.
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What does 6 10 21 mean in Blade Runner?

The horse, with the inscription "6.10. 21", establishes the connection between the dead female replicant who gave birth and died on 6.10. 21, and K himself, implying that the memories were not in fact "implanted" but are rather genuine after all.
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What is the lifespan of a replicant?

Nexus-6 replicants had a built-in four-year lifespan, created as a safety mechanism to prevent possible emotional development. Due to their short lifespans, replicants had no framework within which to deal with their emotions.
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Why were replicants banned?

After a bloody mutiny by a NEXUS 6 combat team in an Off-world colony, Replicants were declared illegal on earth — under penalty of death. Special police squads — BLADE RUNNER UNITS — had orders to shoot to kill, upon detection, any trespassing Replicants. This was not called execution. It was called retirement.
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Do replicants lack empathy?

They are genetically human in every way. Except a lack of empathy, hence the Voight-Kampff test. Replicants are limited to a 5 year lifespan or they develop emotional responses IE empathy.
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Why do replicants only live 4 years?

Firstly, Nexus replicants are identical to humans in every regard, including genetics. That's why the empathy test is required. Secondly, if replicants live long enough they also develop “emotional responses” IE empathy. That's why Tyrell corp limits them to five years.
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Do replicants have implanted memories?

In 2049, replicants such as K are aware of their implanted memories. It is no secret to them that they do not have a long-term past; a function of a new inbuilt feature of obedience.
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Is K Deckard's son?

Because of this memory, K became convinced that he was Rachael and Deckard's child, but was eventually informed by Freysa that he was not and that the child was female. With this revelation, K soon determined that Stelline was the child. K took Deckard to Stelline's lab as she interacted with a snowfall hologram.
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Did K love Joi in Blade Runner?

His perfect match would disobey her programming to help him. Regardless of your opinions on the above, I do think that the movie clearly says that Joi's love for K was programmed/created by a corporation. But he loves her back.
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Who is Officer K's girlfriend?

Portrayed by

Joi was a brand of DiJi designed by the Wallace Corporation. One of these Joi products was owned by the Blade Runner K, functioning as his domestic partner.
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Does K ever smile in Blade Runner?

As a result, K presents himself as stoic and rather serious and rarely ever smiles, which contributes to his intimidating presence when on the job, he is also thorough in completing his tasks as a Blade Runner due to his lack of or rather suppressed emotions.
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Why did Joi call K Joe?

K began to show signs of breaking down as he came to the conclusion that his memory was real. He later returned to his apartment, informing Joi about his findings. Excited by this news, Joi decided to bestow the name "Joe" upon him.
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Who was pregnant in Blade Runner?

Blade Runner 2049

Ford reprised the role for the sequel, portraying an older Deckard who is hiding in the radioactive ruins of Las Vegas, violently resisting intrusion. Prior to the events of the film, Deckard's replicant lover Rachael became pregnant with his child but died in childbirth.
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Why do replicants eyes glow?

In some scenes, the glow in the pupils of replicants' eyes creates a sense of artificiality. This effect was produced by cinematographer Jordan Cronenweth shining a light along the optical axis of the camera. According to Ridley Scott, "that kickback you saw from the replicants' retinas was a bit of a design flaw.
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Are replicants self-aware?

In order to make them as efficient as possible, the Replicants were made self-aware and given full brain function, complete with the capacity to think, feel, and even hope.
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Was Ryan Gosling a replicant?

Gosling's work was described as "superb, soulful", and he was considered physically convincing as a replicant in his expression and appearance. Meanwhile, critics from The Hollywood Reporter and from Empire magazine were among those who believed Ford worked a career-best performance.
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