Can the scarlet witch beat Galactus?

Scarlet Witch Just with her saying "No More Mutants" in the House of M comic event, she was able depower nearly all mutants throughout the Multiverse. As a Multiversal Nexus being, she could easily tear apart Galactus.
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Can Scarlet Witch defeat Dormammu?

2 The Scarlet Witch Bested Dormammu In Giant-Sized Avengers

One of the most powerful entities in all of Marvel, Dormammu, ruler of the dark dimension, is an inter-dimensional being who wields immense supernatural power.
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Can Scarlet Witch beat Silver Surfer?

The two fight, and Scarlet Witch quickly gets the upper hand. Victorious is shocked, claiming Scarlet Witch should not be able to “quell” the Power Cosmic. Since her first appearance in 1964's X-Men #4, the Scarlet Witch has been portrayed as one of Marvel's most powerful characters.
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Could Wanda beat a celestial?

This is why Wanda's powers are so strong, but her genetic disposition - which may be the beginning of the development of mutants - also accentuates her abilities. Besides, Wanda's anger has increased her power level, and WandaVision just revealed that she now could hold her own against a Celestial.
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Could Scarlet Witch beat Thor?

Marvel Cinematic Universe Marvel Comics Thor Stomps The Scarlet Witch. The outcome is already clear in the Uncanny Avengers Vol. 1 #4 After Thor doesn't yield, She went all out on Thor but she simply couldn't overpower him and “cast a hex down” his throat The combined efforts o…
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10 Characters Who Have Defeated Galactus

Who would win, Hulk or Scarlet Witch?

A stealthy application of Scarlet Witch's magic could take down a Hulk, but if they realize what she's up to, their emotional reaction is likely to be enough to give them a chance to stop her.
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Can Scarlet Witch beat Thanos?

Her full potential was not showcased until WandaVision. Scarlet Witch was by far the most powerful MCU Phase 4 character, yet Wanda could not beat Thanos in either Avengers: Infinity War or Avengers: Endgame.
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Is Loki powerful than Wanda?

Wanda has all the powers of the infinity stones and her magic is limitless. In the MCU, Loki is clearly more powerful. Wanda can only project her astral form into other branches, but Loki is maintaining all branches at once. He's returned the multiverse to its true original form of the world-tree Yggdrassil.
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Who wins, Phoenix or Scarlet Witch?

With the Phoenix Force, Jean Grey is an Omega level mutant, meaning there is simply no limit to what she can accomplish, and though the Scarlet Witch would certainly put up a strong, mind-bending fight, Jean Grey would likely take the victory during this huge battle.
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Can Hulk beat a Celestial?

Apocalypse states that the Hulk's power/energies can challenge or possibly even overcome the celestials themselves. Was able to generate enough force to power a shield that was made to stop Exitar the Exterminator from destroying the planet. Exitar is one of the most powerful celestial in Marvel.
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Could Deadpool beat Silver Surfer?

Soon after starting his new gig, the Silver Surfer arrived to stop Deadpool in his new cosmic form. The two had an all-out battle that was nothing short of awesome. While it wasn't a definitive defeat, Deadpool proved he could fight the Shiny Man to a draw, at least when imbued with cosmic powers.
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Can the Hulk beat Silver Surfer?

10 Hulk. Silver Surfer has handily defeated the Hulk multiple times. While the Hulk is incredibly strong and one of Marvel's most powerful heroes, it's how the Silver Surfer was able to take him down that shows just how strong the herald of Galactus is.
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Can Loki beat Silver Surfer?

However, the ultimate outcome of the fight showed that although Loki's trickery may procure him great power, he is still no match for one as heroic and noble as the Silver Surfer.
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Can Scarlet Witch beat strange supreme?

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Who is more powerful, Odin or Scarlet Witch?

The Odin Force — the power of the All-Father — is much more powerful than Scarlet Witch. While Scarlet Witch's feat of wiping out a huge majority of mutant-kind is impressive…
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What is Wanda's strongest form?

Scarlet Witch has unlocked a new 'ultimate form' called Unending Chaos, making her the most powerful Avenger in Marvel Comics history. Scarlet Witch's Unending Chaos form has the power to shatter reality in the multiverse, posing a threat that even cosmic foes fear.
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Can Raven beat Scarlet Witch?

Raven's mental skills are far greater than Scarlet Witch's, which will deliver her the win. If there's anywhere Wanda is weak it's her mind and Raven has powers that would take advantage of that weakness, quickly ending the fight.
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Can Jean Grey beat Thor?

1 Jean Grey

Second, Jean is - wait for it - an Omega-level mutant with such extraordinary telepathic and telekinetic ability that Professor X had to suppress it when she was young. Putting Jean in a corner (or a cocoon) generally doesn't work, and there is little Thor could do against her.
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Will Wanda be in Deadpool?

Deadpool 3 is currently set to be released in theaters on May 3, 2024. Sorry Wanda fans, neither The Scarlet Witch NOR Wanda-838 will be appearing in #Deadpool3.
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Is Wanda stronger than Thanos?

Both WandaVision and Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness displayed Scarlet Witch's reality-warping abilities, which make Wanda one of the most powerful beings in the entire MCU. It is safe to say that Phase 4 Scarlet Witch would have defeated Thanos, even if the Infinity Stones were involved.
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Which is stronger, Chaos Magic or phoenix force?

The Phoenix Force is inherently weak to Chaos Magic, to the point where even interacting with Wanda telepathically has hurt it before.
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Can Franklin Richards beat Scarlet Witch?

Franklin Richards was omnipotent at some point, although his powers did not last forever. At the height of his powers, comic book Franklin Richards was much stronger than the MCU's Scarlet Witch ever was.
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Can Scarlet Witch beat Superman?

Superman Is Not Immune To Magic

Scarlet Witch's most important aspect in this fight is that she has the ability to defeat Superman. He is not impervious to magic, so her hits will damage him.
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Could Scarlet Witch beat ultron?

Ultron ultimately destroys the planet they're on, quickly defeating the zombie version of Scarlet Witch. While it's odd that live-action Scarlet Witch could take on Thanos, but Ultron easily defeats Zombie Scarlet Witch, previous Marvel moments explain things.
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Is Darkseid stronger than Wanda?

7 Lose To: Scarlet Witch Can Warp The Reality Around Darkseid. Even before her television show revealed that she was the Scarlet Witch, Wanda had enough in her arsenal to at least make Darkseid take notice of her. With the power boost from the show, she's now on a level well above anyone else in the Avengers.
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