Can Wolverine beat Thanos?

Even if the fight happens with the stones, it'll very difficult for Thanos to kill Wolverine but eventually, Thanos will win given that he has the most powerful weapon in the world. But if the battle is between Thanos without the gauntlet and Wolverine, then Wolverine will definitely defeat him.
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Which Avenger can beat Wolverine?

Thor has battled some of the most dangerous villains ever and is superlatively powerful. The God of Thunder is one of the few Avengers with more combat experience than Wolverine, and his greater power would give him a huge advantage over the mutant.
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Who can easily beat Thanos?

9 MCU Characters Who Could Have Beat Thanos (If They Didn't Die...
  • 8 Bor. Bor is not a significant player in the events of the Marvel Cinematic Universe but did make an important appearance in Thor: The Dark World's prologue. ...
  • 7 Hela. ...
  • 6 The Ancient One. ...
  • 5 Dormammu. ...
  • 4 Surtur. ...
  • 3 Quicksilver. ...
  • 2 Ultron. ...
  • 1 Ego.
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Can Wolverine beat Thanos without gauntlet?

5 Wolverine's Endurance Would Outlast Thanos

It wouldn't matter because Logan would keep getting up and using those claws to slice and dice through Thanos and his armor. Thanos wouldn't be easy to destroy, even without the Gauntlet, but he wouldn't be able to regain his strength.
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Did Wolverine beat Thor?

While Thor is easily the more powerful of the two, he finds himself incapable of matching Wolverine's speed and agility. The mutant is able to get in several swipes at the Asgardian - drawing blood - and even goes full leapfrog on him, impaling him through the back with all six adamantium claws.
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Thanos vs Wolverine: Can Wolverine Beat the Mad Titan?

Can Wolverine's claws cut Thor?

While Thor is easily the more powerful of the two, he finds himself incapable of matching Wolverine's speed and agility. The mutant is able to get in several swipes at the Asgardian - drawing blood - and even goes full leapfrog on him, impaling him through the back with all six adamantium claws.
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Has Wolverine ever beat Hulk?

Despite his immense power, the Hulk has been defeated by heroes like Wolverine, Iron Man, Puck, and the Punisher. Spider-Man, Fantastic Four, and the Thing have also managed to take down the Hulk using their intelligence, teamwork, and unique abilities.
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Can Odin beat Thanos?

He has feats such as defeating Surtur (who can destroy a planet), conquering the 9 realms, and sealing away Hela. While there isn't much doubt that Thanos could beat Odin if he had all 6 stones, Odin could probably defeat Thanos if he only had one or two of them.
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Can Wolverine beat Superman?

Although Superman is infinitely more powerful than Wolverine, he would lose because he would underestimate his opponent and would not be prepared for Wolverine's very specific skillset. Wolverine, however, would lose to Batman because Bruce Wayne is a master combatant and strategist with a genius-level intellect.
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Why Hulk couldn t beat Thanos?

Thanos is stronger than Thor, tougher than Thor, and, as a professional warlord and soldier, far more skilled at hand to hand fighting than the Hulk. The Hulk is strong, incredibly strong, but his fighting style largely consists of “try to punch the other guy as hard as possible until he goes down”.
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Can Superman beat Thanos?

As mighty as they are, neither Thanos nor Superman is immortal. Both have been killed in the past, meaning neither is unbeatable. However, Thanos would need an ironclad plan to trap and defeat the Man of Steel, because if it comes down to plain old fisticuffs, Superman is definitely going to win.
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Who could beat Thanos 1v1?

Scarlet Witch

As Thanos discovered in Avengers: Endgame, Wanda is powerful enough on her own to defeat him. At the true height of her powers in the MCU or in the comic books, he would simply be no match for her. Her ability to alter reality would undo him in an instant.
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Can Spider Man defeat Thanos?

Spiderman is pretty much powerless against Thanos. Even when he can conect a few hits, keep him off balance or distract him, there is nothing he can do to actually hurt him. Even if Thanos neglects all defense and lays in the ground passively, spiderman can't pull a move strong enough to scratch him.
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Who would win Spiderman or Wolverine?

Spider-Man is already significantly stronger than Wolverine, meaning that if there are any bodies of water around the pair when they fight, Logan's already a goner, but even if not, Spider-Man also carries around a rapid-setting adhesive that could cut off Wolverine's oxygen if Spidey was prepared to get in close.
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Who in DC can beat Wolverine?

As arguably the most powerful being in DC Comics, Superman would very likely be able to win over Wolverine. Firstly, his strength alone may be enough to bend adamantium, making it incredibly hard for Logan's body to heal properly.
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Who wins Wolverine vs Colossus?

Wolverine, given enough time, could defeat Colossus in a fight using only his claws, but he would have a terrifically difficult time doing so; the latter's skin is made of adamantium, same as Logan's claws, and even a demon-controlled Wolverine can do very little against him.
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Can Shazam beat Wolverine?

Wolverine would be an unconscious smoking wreck after facing off with Shazam. While he would heal from any damage, Shazam could keep taking Wolverine out of the fight without breaking much of a sweat.
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Can Aquaman beat Wolverine?

Aquaman is way stronger than Wolverine but Wolverine has been fighting foes ways stronger than him for a long time. He knows how to roll with the punches and get his shots in. Wolverine would come at Aquaman immediately and not give him a chance to really cut loose.
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Can Wolverine claws hurt Superman?

Ultimate Wolverine: Who Wins In A Fight? On top of that, Logan's claws can cut through nearly anything, including the skin of beings like the Hulk. Piercing Superman's flesh would be difficult but far from impossible for Wolverine, making the Man of Tomorrow vulnerable to every slash and stab attack Logan lands on him.
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Can Zeus beat Thanos?

On a normal day, Zeus would wreck Thanos, but he is never winning while Thanos has the Infinity Gauntlet. Thanos using it makes him the strongest being in the Marvel universe. To recap, Thanos using the Infinity Gauntlet killed half the living things in the universe with a thought.
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Can Thanos defeat Galactus?

Only with the power of the Infinity Stones does Thanos stand a chance of beating Galactus in a fight; it's fortunate for him (and for the universe) that Galactus considers himself above such moral concepts as good and evil, choosing instead to eat planets out of a desire to satiate his hunger rather than a desire to ...
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Can Hulk beat Odin?

Odin is an immensely powerful cosmic being, on Par with entities like the eternals and even Galactus. Hulk may be able to make himself physically Stronger than Odin, but at the end of the day, Odin can warp reality itself, and could just make Hulk cease to be.
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Who wins Deadpool or Hulk?

The Planet Hulk and World-Breaker Hulk storylines saw the Jade Giant almost completely obliterating all the Marvel heroes, even the Sentry. The Hulk is one character Deadpool can't beat.
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Can Wolverine's claws cut Hulk?

His adamantium claws are one of the few weapons in the Marvel Universe that can consistently pierce Hulk's skin and Wolverine has no problem going for Hulk's head. In fact, if it came down to it, Wolverine could cut Hulk's head off, ending the Hulk once and for all.
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Can Wolverine beat Juggernaut?

However, for some reason, Wolverine has never been able to defeat Juggernaut on his own. That doesn't mean he wouldn't try. Wolverine even tried to fight Juggernaut when all he had was bone claws. However, Wolverine has never been able to beat this unstoppable foe.
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