Can younglings use the Force?

Jedi Initiates, also known as Jedi younglings, were Force-sensitive children recruited by the Jedi Order from various species across the galaxy.
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Can Padawans use the Force?

Padawan was a rank of the Jedi Order, given to apprentices who trained to become Jedi Knights. A Padawan was a Force-sensitive who trained in the Jedi Order to one day become a full-fledged Jedi.
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Are younglings considered Jedi?

"Youngling" was a term for a child of many species. Force-sensitive younglings who were taken to the Jedi Temple to be trained as Jedi were known as "Jedi younglings" but had the specific title of "Jedi Initiates." Children in the Path of the Open Hand cult were known as the Littles.
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Do Jedi forcibly take children?

But they didn't have to. This is because the Jedi didn't kidnap infants or children at all. Parents freely gave their Force sensitive children to the Jedi Order and many of them felt it was an honor. In fact, the Jedi were very much against kidnapping children.
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Can anyone tap into the Force?

Anyone can tap into the Force, but it requires discipline and dedication to become a Jedi. The Force is an energy field surrounding all living things, not just Jedi.
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The Younglings are Sith Lords

Is the Force possible in real life?

Scientists are mostly skeptical about a "real world" explanation for the Force. Astrophysicist Jeanne Cavelos says in The Science of Star Wars that explaining the Force is particularly difficult because "it does so many different things".
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Can a non-Force user gain the Force?

Sabine Wren managed to unlock the power of the Force through training. According to Tano, while the Force did reside in all living things, "talent" played a factor in terms of who was sensitive to it. Tano insisted that the non-Force sensitive Wren could become attuned to the Force through training and focus.
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Can Jedi get pregnant?

Although the 2002 film Star Wars: Episode II Attack of the Clones established that the Jedi Order members couldn't marry or have children, Star Wars creator George Lucas explained that despite their monastic culture, the Jedi were permitted to have sexual intercourse as long they didn't form attachments or possessive ...
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Can Jedi take wives?

In the Jedi Order, emotional attachment and possession were forbidden because it was believed they could lead to jealousy and fear of loss, and ultimately the dark side of the Force; for that reason, Jedi were not allowed to marry.
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What age do Jedi take kids?

Force-sensitive children were brought into the Jedi Order before the age of six, although most joined between one and three years old. Of course, there's a long list of ethical concerns about this, and there's a convincing argument to be made that the Jedi are a cult that indoctrinates young children.
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What age do Jedi get lightsabers?

Between the ages of four and eight, younglings acquired the basic skills of lightsaber combat using low-powered training sabers to practice the deflection of blaster shots fired by training droids. Both the training droids and lightsabers were non-lethal.
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Did any Jedi younglings survive?

Yes, a few Younglings are known to have survived Order 66, including an unnamed Rodian seen in Jedi: Fallen Order. The most famous Youngling survivor is “The Child,” Grogu.
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Who trained Yoda?

Legend had it that Yoda—a Jedi who became Grand Master—was trained by N'Kata Del Gormo. A Force-sensitive Hysalrian, N'Kata Del Gormo was trained in the ways of the Force and achieved the rank of Master within the Jedi Order.
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Why can't Jedi have two Padawans?

The Jedi Code mandated that the Jedi could train only one apprentice at any given time. The Code forbade the Jedi from killing unarmed opponents as well as seeking revenge. Amongst other dictates, the Jedi Code forbade Jedi Knights and Jedi Masters from training more than one Padawan at a given time.
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Who was Yoda's Padawan?

The Grand Master's apprentice

At one point in time, Dooku was the Padawan of Yoda, the Grand Master of the Jedi Order.
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Which Jedi had 3 wives?

Like all Cereans, Mundi practiced polygamy due to the 1-to-20 male-to-female ratio among his species. Mundi first married Shea, his bond-wife, and later married four honor-wives, including Mawin.
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Who is the Jedi with 4 wives?

Jedi Master Ki-Adi-Mundi was the most famous member of the family. Due to the low Cerean birthrate, he was allowed by the other Jedi to follow the Cerean custom of polygamous marriage—he had four honor wives and seven daughters.
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Which Jedi married a clone?

After Qiilura, Etain became a full Jedi Knight. She spent some time serving with both Omega Squad and Delta Squad, both on Coruscant and elsewhere. She also married Darman, RC-1136, a Clone Commando in Omega Squad, with whom she had a son, Venku Skirata.
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Did a clone get a Jedi pregnant?

During one of these missions she would break the Jedi Code's rule of attachment by falling in love with Darman, RC-1136, a clone commando in Omega Squad, and becoming pregnant with his child, Venku Skirata. The two would later marry in the traditional Mandalorian way shortly before her death in 19 BBY.
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Are Jedi born or made?

With the exception of Anakin Skywalker, prospective Jedi were identified a short time after birth by the quantity of midi-chlorians in their blood, a factor which indicated the level of a subject's Force-sensitivity. Many of these children were listed within Jedi holocrons before being identified by the Order.
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Can two Jedi fall in love?

Under the original order, Jedi were forbidden to marry because they believed attachment could lead an individual to the dark side, as was the case with Shaela Nuur.
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Can Force users fly?

Although, at the very least, they have the levitation ability, which could likely be taken to higher heights than previously seen, as they just need to do it in a safe area that's more peaceful. From a storytelling perspective, it also makes sense that Jedi can't fly.
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Can any species be a Jedi?

Any race could have a force-sensitive born among their ranks to become a Jedi or a Sith. However, among all the variety, there are some species that are naturally inclined towards Force powers. Just like lineage plays a part in some people's Force capabilities, so does species.
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How rare are Jedi?

Going off what Kanan Jarrus told Ezra Bridger in Star Wars Rebels, there were at least ten thousand Jedi Knights before Order 66. If Jarrus' number is accurate—and assuming it doesn't account for Padawans and Masters—that means that about one in every 100 billion people was a Jedi.
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