Could Jack still be alive?

Co-hosts Adam Savage and Jamie Hyneman conducted their own experiment and concluded that both Jack and Rose could have shared the raft and survived, provided they propped their upper bodies upright and figured out how to attach Rose's life jacket underneath it to increase the buoyancy.
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Could Jack have survived in the Titanic?

I think Jack's logic was, 'I'm not going to do anything that would put Rose in danger. ' And that's totally in keeping with the character,” concludes James Cameron. So the final answer is definite: yes, Jack could have survived but for the purposes of the script, his death was inevitable.
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Could Jack have survived hypothermia?

First, they determine that Jack would have hit clinical hypothermia if he'd stayed in the water for more than twenty minutes — and, since it took the rescue team around two hours to find Rose, he would have indeed perished as he does in the film.
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Would Jack and Rose have survived?

Jack and Rose's raft was the subject of a 2012 episode of “MythBusters,” which came to the conclusion that Jack and Rose could have shared the board and made it out alive—if they secured Rose's life jacket underneath.
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Why Jack could have lived?

It seems that if the couple had both used the door to keep just their upper bodies out of the water, and if Rose had given him her life jacket to help keep him warm, Jack would have had a much better chance at survival.
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A "Titanic" Myth: Would Jack Have Survived if Rose Had Shared the Door?

Would Jack's body have sunk?

That is also how pathologists can tell whether a person was drowned or was dead before hitting the water; if you drop a body post-mortem, it would definitely float. This means that if Jack was dead when Rose pushed him under water, then he would have immediately floated back to the surface.
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Why didn't they let Jack live on the Titanic?

He argues that the real answer to whether Jack could have fit on the door and lived lies not in experimentation or reproduction, but in the script. The story says the door isn't large enough, that Jack gives up his spot for Rose, and that he dies.
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Why did Rose not save Jack?

It was too cold

He would be as good as dead anyway by the time he'd swum under the raft in 28-degree (Fahrenheit) waters and tied the lifejacket into place. Moreover, since Rose would have to get off the raft and wait in the water while he did that, she'd probably die of hypothermia as well.
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Why did Rose marry after Jack died?

By the end of Titanic, Rose explained that Cal killed himself after losing his fortune in the Wall Street Crash of 1929, and after the death of Jack, she had a fresh start under a different name. Rose did what Jack made her promise she would do and got married, had kids, and died many, many years later.
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Did Cameron admit Jack could have survived?

Director James Cameron of Titanic has acknowledged that the character of Jack Dawson, essayed by Leonardo DiCaprio, might have been able to survive the shipwreck in the famous Oscar winning movie 'Titanic'. This comes after 25 years of denial, numerous fan debates and a few scientific re-enactments.
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How long could Jack survive in the water Titanic?

Cameron subsequently acknowledged that Jack would've therefore survived for "a few hours", long enough for the rescuers to arrive.
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How long did Jack survive in the water on the Titanic?

Once they had him at 98.6° F, they submerged him in 29° water and timed how long it took him to reach deadly hypothermia. They pronounced Jack dead at 51 minutes because his body temperature dropped to below 85° F, which means he would have experienced loss of motor control and not been able to hold onto the board.
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Why did Rose let go of Jack?

Rose letting go of the necklace is her letting go of Jack

It symbolizes her love for Jack. She had gotten married later in life, but her holding onto that piece meant she never extinguished the flame she had for him.
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Would Jack have jumped after Rose?

Another bluff was when Jack found Rose about to jump off the ship: Jack famously told Rose that if she jumped, he would jump after her, but he never had that intention as that wouldn't have accomplished anything except killing both.
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Why did Rose jump off the lifeboat?

Much drama ensues, involving Rose rescuing Jack from a lower deck as the icy waters approach and engulf them and jumping off the lifeboat she briefly boarded because she can't imagine leaving Jack behind. Thanks to Jack's cool head in a crisis, they survive Titanic's sinking.
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Who did Rose marry after Jack died?

5 Rose Married A Man Named Calvert

Although Rose changed her name to “Dawson” to honor Jack, used this name during her acting career, and ultimately revealed she never got over Jack, she moved on and got married at some point in her life.
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What was Jack's last words to Rose?

Promise me you'll survive. That you won't give up, no matter what happens, no matter how hopeless. Promise me now, Rose, and never let go of that promise. Rose : I promise.
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Was Rose pregnant from Jack Titanic?

Did Jack and Rose from the Titanic have a child? No, Rose married after Jack's death and had a child. Rose's adult granddaughter is with old Rose in the beginning and end of the movie. You do realize that Rose, Jack are entirely fictional characters, right?
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Is Rose dead or dreaming at the end of Titanic?

Titanic ends with Rose dropping the diamond into the ocean and then going to sleep, which is largely interpreted as her death. After the camera pans over her sleeping peacefully, Rose is transported back into the Titanic with Jack and everyone who died on the ship.
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What does Jack tell Rose before he died?

The scene below recounts the last moments of the couple together after Jack has said to Rose, “You must do me this honor… promise me you will survive… that you will never give up… no matter what happens… no matter how hopeless…
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How did Rose give Jack immortality?

In the finale of the first season of the revamped Dr. Who, we see Rose absorb the Time Vortex of the TARDIS and uses this power to not only evaporate the Daleks, but revive Jack. Due to this process, Jack becomes immortal.
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Could Jack have gotten on the door with Rose?

Yes, he could have fit on that door, but it would not have stayed afloat.
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What actually caused Jack's death at the end of Titanic?

Left in the freezing water by her side, he quickly succumbs to hypothermia after saying his tearful goodbyes. Fans, the stars themselves, and even the Mythbusters team have all posited ways in which Jack could have survived in the years since the film's release in 1997.
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How could Jack have survived?

Jack could have survived, says film-maker James Cameron as 'Titanic' re-releases 25 yrs on. Fans insist Jack could have survived the icy Atlantic waters after the ocean liner sank, if only he had shared an improvised raft with Kate Winslet's Rose.
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Why did Rose throw the necklace in the ocean?

In the final scene of the movie, Rose, who has lived a long and fulfilling life, returns to the site of the wreck and drops the diamond into the ocean, symbolically letting go of the materialistic values that had constrained her earlier in life and embracing the memories of the love and experiences that had shaped her.
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