Could Odin stop Thanos?

9 Odin Embodied The Full Might Of Asgard With Odin still ruling Asgard, Thanos would have easily been stopped had he made a play for the Infinity Gauntlet. Odin himself had once sought the Infinity Gauntlet, and would therefore be attuned to any other individuals attempting to follow in his footsteps.
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Could Asgard have stopped Thanos?

Odin, then, was a big opponent even for Thanos, so attacking Asgard would have been a huge risk and the Mad Titan could have been defeated, and he knew there would be other ways to get the Space Stone without risking his bigger plan.
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Is Odin strongest in MCU?

Odin. Even at the time of his MCU debut, Thor wasn't the MCU's strongest character. That title, at that time, belonged to Anthony Hopkins' Odin. The patriarch of the Norse pantheon and the King of Asgard, Odin possessed an incalculable degree of power in the MCU, even at his advancing age.
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Can Odin wield the Infinity Stones?

Odin likely did, at one time, possess the Space Stone as it was left with a Norse cult on Midgard, in Tønsberg. It is also confirmed that his father, Bor, once possessed the Aether - AKA the Reality Stone - after he took it from the Dark Elves and had it buried on a distant world.
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Is the Odin force stronger than the Infinity Stones?

No. Like Mjolnir it only served as a channel for the wielder's power. So in Odin's hands, it channeled the Odin Force, which was just below the power of an Infinity stone in potential. That was why Thanos waited until Odin was gone before going for the stones.
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We SOLVED Why Thanos Waited So Long to Pursue The INFINITY STONES | Marvel Theory

Who can beat Odin in Avengers?

Besides the Living Tribunal, who can easily beat Odin when he's at full power? Oblivion would absolutely smack Odin around with no problem.
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Can Hulk defeat Odin?

If he was relatively calm Odin would probably engage the Hulk physically to underline the difference in power between them. Odin would crush hulk! Odin is the most powerful being in the nine realms outside of cosmic entities.
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Could Odin beat Galactus?

Odin stands a good chance at defeating a moderately-fed Galactus. Odin has been stated to be equal to a moderately-fed Galactus. Though Galan did withstand a powerful headbutt from Odin. The Devourer had just consumed one planet before that.
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Can Odin beat Dormammu?

Originally Answered: Who would win, Dormammu (MCU) or Odin (MCU)? Well it depends what age Odin is. The Odin we see in the movies isn't nearly as powerful as prime Odin. However even Odin in his prime would still have a tough time against Dormammu.
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Could Hela have beaten Thanos?

Thanos Had The Infinity Gauntlet

Naturally, the clearest and most obvious reason why Thanos would win in a fight with Hela would be his Infinity Gauntlet. In the Mad Titan's possession, it would be incredibly difficult for Hela to defeat him either in a straight fight, or some other means.
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Could Magneto beat Thanos?

Matthew Waterson noted to Phase Zero that Thanos' Infinity Gauntlet is metal, suggesting that Magneto could have easily stripped Thanos of his most powerful weapons, rendering him all but powerless, and making him easier to take down.
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Why didn't Kang stop Thanos?

While Kang and his evil variants could benefit from ruining or interrupting Thanos' plan, they would risk their own existence without the stability that the Sacred Timeline provides.
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Could Odin beat Zeus?

So while Zeus' best feat is defeating a mountain-sized monster, Odin's best feat is defeating a monster as big as nine worlds. Odin outclasses Zeus in intelligence, versatility, strength, and weapons. Zeus simply can't compete. The winner is Odin, All-Father of the Æsir.
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Did Thanos ever meet Odin?

He transported Thor back to Asgard where Odin took this as an act of war and fought an extremely destructive battle with Thanos. Even upon learning the truth, Odin did not thank Thanos for his reluctant altruism, but told him to leave and never return.
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Who could solo Thanos?

10 MCU Characters Who Could Have Beat Thanos (If They Didn't Die...
  • 10 The Supreme Intelligence Possessed Immense Power And Resources. ...
  • 9 Odin Embodied The Full Might Of Asgard. ...
  • 8 Bor Proved Even More Powerful Than His Son, Odin. ...
  • 7 Hela Decimated Asgard Wielding The Power Of Hel.
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Can Odin beat Darkseid?

But then how did Odin beat Darkseid? WIZ: Odin tore the 4th world, the home of the gods, out of the divine sphere, thus Darkseid was no longer a higher dimensional being, just one god in one universe. This made it possible for Odin to kill Darkseid.
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Can Odin beat Ghost Rider?

I think Odin wins this fight with Mid to High difficulty. He is a powerful Multiversal+ Immortal God who has a whole bunch of OP feats and abilities that places him well above the likes of Ghostrider.
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Who would win Odin or Celestial?

Unfortunately, no Odin cannot take down a Celestial. How do we know this? Because he tried already when the 4th host of Celestials came back to earth to judge mankind. Odin and all the peoples of Asgard merged their consciousness into the Destroyer to try to make them leave and were utterly defeated.
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Could Odin in his prime beat Thanos?

Without the Infinity Gauntlet, Thanos stands little chance against Prime Odin. Odin is stated to be able to shatter the Earth. And he turned Frigga into stars. He has devastated while worlds, laid waste to kingdoms and destroyed demons and monsters.
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Could Odin beat Hela?

Unable to kill his own daughter, Odin defeated Hela and imprisoned her using his own power to keep her at bay in another realm for eons. During this respite, Hela attempted to escape imprisonment in Hel and was near successful.
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Could Captain Marvel beat Odin?

Now, to the real question, can MCU Captain Marvel defeat Odin? HELL TO THE HELL NO. The All-Father was able to imprison Hela for at least an ENTIRE MILLENNIA. The same Hela that massacred the Valkyries but Brunnhilde.
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Who wins Odin or Superman?

Gotta go with Odin on this one. Superman is strong, yes, but he's not Odin level strong. Odin's fought people with incredible strength and speed.
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Can Odin lift Mjølnir Marvel?

Becoming worthy to lift Mjolnir is no easy task, as very few in the MCU have been able to do it. Besides Thor, the only characters who have lifted Mjolnir so far are Odin, Hela, Captain America, and the original Vision -- plus a surprisingly sturdy coat hook in Thor: The Dark World.
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Who can defeat Ghost Rider?

As powerful as Cosmic Ghost Rider is, Immortal Hulk would destroy him. Castle couldn't do anything that would actually kill him, which would give Immortal Hulk time to destroy his opponent. While Immortal Hulk is certainly the most powerful Hulk, even other forms could defeat Cosmic Ghost Rider.
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