Could Rue have survived?

Rue was also intelligent. She was able to survive by herself before she formed her alliance with Katniss. She survived mostly on berries that she found and discovered could be eaten. She was expected to have survived by staying off the ground and hiding in trees.
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How did Rue survive so long?

The Games. In the arena, Rue managed to stay alive by staying off the ground, much like Katniss did. She used her extensive knowledge of plants to collect food.
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Why didn t Thresh kill Katniss?

Katniss Everdeen

Thresh is touched that Katniss had taken care of the young girl, and he feels that he owes her. As a result, he spares Katniss's life and warns her to run from Cato.
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What does Rue's death symbolize in the Hunger Games?

Rue's death in The Hunger Games signified a symbol of resistance for Katiness.
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Why didn t Katniss ally with Foxface?

At one point, Katniss thought of the possibility of letting her into the alliance she had built with Rue but quickly dismissed the idea due to the fact if she did, Katniss would only earn herself a knife in the back.
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What if Katniss and Rue were the last two tributes left?

Was Katniss addicted to morphling?

Yes, Katniss did develop an addiction to the morphling, on account of constantly being sedated with it, however, I wouldn't say that she was an addict. An addict is someone who goes to a substance (or whatever their 'poison' may be) under their own mind.
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Why does Cato hate Katniss?

Cato sees his victory in the Hunger Games as the correct and natural outcome – after all, he's been preparing his whole life, and tributes from Districts 1 and 2 are most likely to be winners. But Katniss's high score in training, uncommon for District 12 tributes, earns Cato's attention and ire.
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Was it Katniss Fault Rue died?

Answer and Explanation: Rue is murdered by Marvel, one of the other Tributes, during the Hunger Games. She and Katniss split up in order to destroy the Career Tributes' source of supplies. Katniss is supposed to blow up the supply pile while Rue lures the other Tributes away by setting a series of small fires.
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Did Rue's dad start the riot?

Katniss never hallucinates about her dad's death after being stung by tracker jackers. Rue's dad doesn't start a riot in District 11 after his daughter's death. Haymitch doesn't convince the Game Maker to change the solo victor rule.
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Why did Peeta paint Rue on the floor?

Peeta used the dyes to paint a picture of Rue after Katniss covered her with flowers when she died. He says he wants to hold them accountable for killing Rue, and Effie tells him that that kind of thinking is forbidden. Katniss then tells the team she hung a dummy of Seneca Crane.
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Why does Cato say I'm dead anyway?

What does he mean by this? It means that during the arena, during his killing spree, he realizes that there's more to life than killing, and he's just a pawn in the whole scheme of things. He realizes that he's a cruel person the capitol created, and he wouldn't mind dying because he wasn't alive on the inside anyways.
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Did Katniss try to kill herself?

During the supposed execution of Snow, she instead shoots Coin, due to her being responsible for Prim's death. She then attempts to kill herself with the suicide pill attached to her uniform, but Peeta stops her.
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Was Thresh killed by Mutts?

He also gave Katniss a chance to run free instead of killing her as a peace offering for protecting Rue. Cause of Death: Once he avenged Rue, Thresh was killed off-screen by a pack of wolf-like mutts designed by Gamemakers to hurry along the end of the games.
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Why was Rue holding her pee?

On the show Euphoria, Rue is so depressed that she can't get out of bed to go to the bathroom. Depression can definitely cause a lack of motivation and changes in energy levels, causing some people to do destructive things towards their health.
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Does Rue ever become clean?

Eventually, Rue does get sober and remains that way for most of season 1. A lot of it is tied to the bond she shares with Jules and the fact that she has Ali by her side for the moments where she might do something she regrets.
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Why was Rue in so much pain?

"She's in the midst of a degenerative disease and it's taking control of her life. And in many ways she feels out of control. She doesn't have the ability to control her emotions, her body.
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What did Cato realize at the end of the Hunger Games?

Change: Mournful Cato

Realizing that he's about to die, the District 2 tribute says, ''I've always been dead, haven't I? I didn't realize it until now. ''
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Why does Katniss break glimmers fingers with a rock?

Admittedly, this aspect could very well be Katniss' hallucinogenic tracker jacker stings working against her, but she does have to break Glimmer's fingers to retrieve the bow the other tribute was carrying, adding to the scene's grimness.
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Why does Katniss scream Peeta's name at the end of Chapter 18?

Under the new rule, tributes from the same district will both be declared winners if they are the last two left alive. Katniss, realizing that she and Peeta can both survive, immediately calls out Peeta's name.
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What does Rue's death reveal to Katniss?

Rue dies and Katniss realizes just how much she hates the Capitol for doing this to Rue, for doing this to all of the tributes. She wants revenge on the Capitol and wonders if there's a way for her to do it. She recalls Peeta's words about showing the Capitol that he's not simply a piece in their Games.
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Does Katniss avenge Rue?

Katniss avenged Rue when Marvel killed her. As a memorial to Rue's death, Katniss covered her in flowers and sang to her until she died, indicating to the Capitol that Rue was not just a piece in their games.
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Why did Katniss love Rue?

In The Hunger Games, the first tribute Katniss allied with was the twelve-year-old Rue from District 11. Katniss was drawn to Rue as she reminded her of her little sister Prim and sought to protect her in the Games. It was to end in tragedy, however.
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Did Cato and Clove love each other?

She loved Cato, and he loved her, but they couldn't tell anyone. No one would sponsor a Career Tribute who loved anyone, especially someone in the arena with them. They had tried to keep it secret, but, since they see the Comittee of Victors every day in training, it's hard to keep anything secret from them.
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Who almost killed Katniss?

In the 74th Hunger Games, Clove was the only Career tribute who came close to killing Katniss twice — at the Bloodbath and at the Feast, and certainly seemed to have a deep hatred for her, perhaps because Katniss received a higher score than her.
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Why does Katniss hate Haymitch?

Katniss realizes that she kind of hates Haymitch because he's apparently not very good at supporting his tributes – or getting them sponsors (the people who give aid and supplies to the tributes during the game). Katniss asks Haymitch for advice, and he says "stay alive" (4.40) and then laughs.
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