Could Scarlet Witch beat Silver Surfer?

Scarlet Witch is Officially Strong Enough To Beat Silver Surfer.
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Who can easily beat Silver Surfer?

With Thanos, Aegis and Tenebrous confronted Galactus and his newly restored herald, the Silver Surfer. Surprisingly, the three defeated the Surfer with relative ease.
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Could Scarlet Witch beat Galactus?

However, the basic Scarlet Witch is too weak to erase the Well-Fed Galactus, as he has several universal-multiversal feats, and Wanda had problems with characters weaker than him. But her most powerfull version from ''House of M'' is enough to erase beings far more powerful than him.
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Can any superhero beat Scarlet Witch?

This means that characters with either low-level superpowers or no superpowers, such as Daredevil, Black Widow, and Hawkeye, could defeat the Scarlet Witch in certain situations. In Avengers: Age of Ultron, Hawkeye was able to push a taser arrow onto Wanda's forehead.
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Can Dr Strange beat Silver Surfer?

Originally Answered: Who wins in a fight, the Silver Surfer or Dr. Strange? Dr. Strange wins, he has won before against Surfer and Surfer has admitted that he is no match against Strange.
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20 Avengers Who Could Beat Superman

Can the Hulk beat Silver Surfer?

10 Hulk. Silver Surfer has handily defeated the Hulk multiple times. While the Hulk is incredibly strong and one of Marvel's most powerful heroes, it's how the Silver Surfer was able to take him down that shows just how strong the herald of Galactus is.
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Can black panther beat Silver Surfer?

Under normal circumstances Black Panther wouldn't stand a chance against the Silver Surfer. There's not shame in that, as the herald of Galactus is a powerful foe for just about anyone to face.
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Could Scarlet Witch beat hulk?

Scarlet Witch's Powers Can Easily Defeat the Hulk (Under One Condition) Scarlet Witch has proved her magic can stop the Hulk, but the specific spell she needs to use has one condition to be effective. Avengers' Scarlet Witch has already proved she can defeat the Hulk, but only under a specific circumstance.
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Can Scarlet Witch beat Thanos?

Her full potential was not showcased until WandaVision. Scarlet Witch was by far Marvel's Phase 4 most powerful character, yet Wanda could not beat Thanos in either Avengers: Infinity War or Avengers: Endgame.
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Would Scarlet Witch beat Superman?

While the strength of Scarlet Witch's magic in the Marvel Universe is well-known, it can reach unimaginable levels in the DC Universe, making Wanda so powerful that not even Superman could stop her.
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Can Scarlet Witch beat Dormammu?

2 The Scarlet Witch Bested Dormammu In Giant-Sized Avengers

After invading the Dark Dimension, Vision managed to free the Scarlet Witch from her binds, allowing the two to go after Dormammu. In a surprisingly quick fight, Scarlet Witch and Vision defeated Dormammu and his sister, Umar.
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Could Scarlet Witch beat a Celestial?

This is why Wanda's powers are so strong, but her genetic disposition - which may be the beginning of the development of mutants - also accentuates her abilities. Besides, Wanda's anger has increased her power level, and WandaVision just revealed that she now could hold her own against a Celestial.
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Can Scarlet Witch beat Thor?

While Thor is one of the most powerful beings in the MCU, it is known that Scarlet Witch's powers are superior. However, there are a lot of examples, even outside of Marvel, where powerful figures can still be defeated by those less so under the right circumstances.
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What is Silver Surfer's weakness?

Weaknesses. Nullify, Fateseal, and Stagger abilities will shut down Silver Surfer.
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Can Thor beat Silver Surfer?

Thor has actually beaten the Silver Surfer repeatedly by striking him with Mjolnir, revealing the enchanted Uru metal is one of the few things capable of hurting the Surfer even through his normally indestructible silver skin.
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Can Loki beat Silver Surfer?

However, the ultimate outcome of the fight showed that although Loki's trickery may procure him great power, he is still no match for one as heroic and noble as the Silver Surfer.
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Why is Scarlet Witch so weak in MCU?

While this limited amount of power makes Scarlet Witch look weaker compared to her comic book counterpart, it was necessary in order to make the MCU more balanced, as giving her more power would render her almost invincible.
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What is Scarlet Witch's weakness?

The first is mental - she needs to concentrate on her spells, and casting them takes time. This was seen in Uncanny Avengers #4 by Rick Remender and John Cassaday, where her battle with a brainwashed Thor goes awry as he is aware of this limitation and uses it against her.
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Which Avengers can beat Wanda?

It is not hard to conclude that Doctor Strange would be one of the most capable heroes to take on Wanda in a fight, given his expertise in the mystic arts.
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Can Scarlet Witch beat Spider-Man?

While it may not be permanent without some assistance, Spider-Man can easily beat Scarlet Witch, and her greatest weakness proves it.
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Would Scarlet Witch beat Captain Marvel?

Therefore, by the end of the Infinity Saga, Captain Marvel was likely stronger than Wanda, all things considered. However, after discovering the true nature of her powers in WandaVision and accessing the Darkhold magic in Doctor Strange 2, Scarlet Witch is now more powerful than Captain Marvel.
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Could Scarlet Witch beat ultron?

In terms of feats, Infinity Ultron has definitely an upper hand. Infinity Ultron could shatter realities and travel through realities. Scarlet Witch in MCU couldn't travel through realities, as she needed America's powers to do so.
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Can Wolverine beat Silver Surfer?

However, Wolverine would still run into problems when facing Silver Surfer. Silver Surfer can stay out of Wolverine's way forever and blast him with impunity. He could use the Power Cosmic to mess with Wolverine's molecular structure and basically make it impossible for Wolverine to hurt him.
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Can Galactus beat Silver Surfer?

While the original Silver Surfer of Marvel's Earth-616 universe is immensely powerful on a cosmic scale, he is nothing compared to his DC crossover variant, as that version could take down Galactus with a single hit–and there's one very specific reason as to how that's even possible.
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Is Silver Surfer stronger than Black Adam?

There's no denying that the Silver Surfer is one of the most powerful beings in the Marvel Universe. As such, he's more than a match for Black Adam. The Silver Surfer can move faster than lightning, which pretty much takes away Black Adam's most notable powers right there.
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