Did Captain America return Mjolnir?

Since Cap was going to 2013 Asgard anyway to return an infinity stone, he simply returned Mjölnir as well. That's why he took it with him at the end of Endgame.
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Did Captain America bring back Thor's hammer?

Ultimately, Rogers is able to use Mjolnir throughout the final battle and even beyond it, as he carries both his shield and the hammer back with him through time when he goes to return each of the Infinity Stones to their rightful time and place.
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How did Mjolnir come back in Endgame?

In Avengers: Endgame, Thor steals Mjölnir from his past self (since Hela destroyed it in Thor: Ragnarok) and brings it to the present.
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Did Captain America ever pick up Thor's hammer?

When Captain America first lifted Mjolnir in 1988's Thor #390, it was a gamechanging moment for the Marvel Universe.
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Does Thor ever get Mjolnir back?

Mjolnir made its triumphant return in Thor: Love and Thunder, but it didn't come back for Thor, despite the God of Thunder still being worthy. Thor's trusty hammer, Mjolnir, debuted in the MCU before the God of Thunder himself, having appeared in the post-credits scene of Iron Man 2.
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13 Superhero Characters Who've Lifted Thor's Hammer

Why did Mjolnir choose Jane?

In a moment of wistful affection for his girlfriend, Thor asked his trusty hammer to always protect Jane, and in doing so unwittingly enchanted Mjolnir to do just that. Just like Thor's father Odin once enchanted the hammer to only be lifted by someone who is worthy, Thor cast a spell that let Jane use its powers.
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Can Thanos lift Thor Hammer?

While the primary Thanos from Earth-616's universe was defeated and was never worthy to lift Mjolnir, it's possible that a future (or existing) variant of Thanos could.
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Can Hulk lift Thor's hammer?

The simple answer is no. Yes, Hulk absolutely smashes Thor to the ground with Mjolnir, but, he's holding both Thor and the hammer. Hulk wouldn't have been able to lift Mjolnir by himself, but since the God of Thunder had a firm grip on it as well, he was able to use it as a weapon against his teammate.
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Can anyone lift a Stormbreaker?

The hammer Stormbreaker is very similar to Mjolnir, made of mystic Uru metal and is nearly indestructible. Worthiness: Just like the original Mjolnir, no one can lift Stormbreaker who is not worthy. After the founding of New Korbin, there was a line of aliens and Korbinites all attempting to lift Stormbreaker.
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Is Stormbreaker stronger than Mjolnir?

Powers and characteristics

Stormbreaker has the additional power to summon the Bifröst, allowing Thor to teleport anywhere in the Nine Realms. Screen Rant has identified Stormbreaker as the more powerful of the two, based on this ability, as well as it being a much larger and edged weapon.
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Why did Mjolnir not heal Jane Foster?

In the comics everytime Jane became Thor, Mjolnir purged her body of toxins. In her case those toxins were the chemotherapy drugs that were at the very least keeping her cancer in check. So everytime she became Thor her condition became worse.
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Does Thor tell Mjolnir to protect Jane?

When Thor and Jane are still dating, Thor asks Mjolnir to always protect Jane no matter what. This oath alone speaks to the deep connection between Thor and Mjolnir, which rarely finds others worthy of wielding it. To keep its promise to Thor, the hammer calls to Jane telepathically, guiding her back to New Asgard.
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Why is Tony Stark not worthy of Mjolnir?

In the former movie, it was likely Tony's narcissism and lack of humility that contributed to his “unworthiness.” These attributes did, however, make him a hero. After saving the world, making a play to sacrifice himself, and defeating Thanos' army, he was not able to lift Mjolnir in Age of Ultron.
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Why can Cap wield Mjolnir?

According to Anthony Russo, he's always been worthy, and during that moment in Age of Ultron, he stopped himself from lifting the hammer fully out of deference to Thor: “In our heads he was able to wield it, and he didn't know that until that moment Ultron when he tried to pick it up.
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Who is the strongest Avenger?

With that in mind, now in the depths of Phase Five, these are the seven most powerful Avengers in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, ranked.
  • 7 Hulk.
  • 6 Shang-Chi.
  • 5 Thor.
  • 4 Captain Marvel.
  • 3 Ant-Man.
  • 2 Doctor Strange.
  • 1 The Scarlet Witch.
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Can Loki lift Mjolnir?

Loki is confirmed to be worthy of lifting Thor's hammer, Mjolnir, for the first time in official Marvel canon. In The Immortal Thor #5, Loki confidently catches and wields the hammer, showcasing his growth and heroism.
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Does Spider-Man can lift Thor's hammer?

Originally Answered: Can Spider-Man (from any universe) lift Mjolnir? Sure, the prime Spider-man (Peter Parker of Earth 616) was able to lift Mjolnir and throw it to Thor.
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Is Thanos or Hulk stronger?

Thanos Beat Hulk Because He Was A More Skilled Fighter

When it comes to pure brute strength in the MCU, Hulk is usually the first that comes to mind in the universe. The green giant is famous for his fits of rage that have him destroying everything in his path.
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Could Thor beat Thanos if he was in shape?

Could Thor have beaten Thanos by himself if he was fit in Endgame? Yes. Thor at his peak could have beaten Thanos by himself. One hit from him using Stormbreaker would mortally wound Thanos.
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Can Stormbreaker only be lifted by Thor?

Can anyone lift Stormbreaker? Yes - but it's meant to be the strongest Asgardian weapon, and not just anyone can fully utilize its abilities.
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Can Thanos lift a Stormbreaker?

Storm breaker is meant to be the strongest weapon of Asgard and could even summon bifrost, says Eitri. But there is no enchantment or spell on it like it was on Mjolnir. So one doesn't have to be worthy to weild it, just the strength to lift it. Clearly Thanos is capable of lifting it.
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How did Thor make Stormbreaker?

Eitri appeared before them and learned that Thor needed a weapon, so he decided to forge Stormbreaker. With Thor and Rocket's help, Eitri opened the cage around Nidavellir and re-lit the forge, melting down ingots of Uru and pouring it into a mold.
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What happened to Mjolnir after Jane died?

In 2025, Mjølnir reassembled itself in order to bestow power on to Jane Foster, who began operating as Mighty Thor. However, Mjølnir's power prevented any attempts to treat Foster's cancer. After Foster's death, Thor regained possession of Mjølnir.
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How did Jane know she was worthy?

Originally Answered: How did Jane became worthy of holding Thor's hammer in Marvel comics? Mjolnir chose her to be worthy because she said that her heart was stronger than her thunder, and it was—she did save Asgard and threw Mangog into the Sun.
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