Did Legolas and Gimli stay with Aragorn?

The relationship between Aragorn, Legolas, and Gimli. They are companions and best friends who remained with each other when the Fellowship broke.
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Did Legolas and Gimli remain friends?

Gimli and Legolas Spent the Rest of Their Lives Together

After the War of the Ring, Gimli and Legolas remained travel companions.
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What happened to Legolas and Gimli at the end of LOTR?

After the war

After Aragorn's death, Legolas made a ship in Ithilien and left Middle-earth to go over the sea. His strong friendship with Gimli prompted Legolas to invite him to accompany him to the Undying Lands; making him the first and only Dwarf to do so. He was never seen again in Middle-earth.
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How long did Aragorn, Legolas, and Gimli run?

Éomer marvelled to find that the companions had travelled forty-five leagues [note 1] in only three days, for which he called Aragorn Wingfoot.
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Why is Legolas so loyal to Aragorn?

Aragorn and Legolas are long-time companions and best friends since Legolas' father Thranduil sent him to live among the Rangers of the North. Aragorn and Legolas grew close, up to the point where Aragorn revealed his true identity to Legolas. Throughout his journeys, Aragorn and Legolas are as close as brothers.
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Aragorn vs Sauron unreleased scene (better quality) - edited

Who is Legolas in love with?

It is later mentioned that Tauriel is a talented warrior and was therefore made leader of the Mirkwood border guards. Legolas, the son of Mirkwood's Elven king Thranduil, is indicated to be attracted to her, but as she is a lowly Silvan Elf, she does not believe herself worthy of him.
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Does Legolas really never talk to Frodo?

After the elf offered his bow to Frodo's service (which could barely be considered a whole conversation), the two never spoke again—and though Legolas referred to Frodo in conversation with others, the hobbit never once said the elf's name.
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Is Gandalf older than Legolas?

Gandalf's physical body is around 2000 years old, while Legolas' age is hard to determine but he is likely between 2000 and 3000 years old.
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Who is older Legolas or Gimli?

Well, we don't really know how old Legolas is, not in canon. But certainly he is much older than Gimli. But to a dwarf's eyes (and to be fair, our own) he looks younger. And in terms of lifespan, Gimli has lived far more of his own life than Legolas has of his own.
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What is Gimli Legolas final count?

In the aftermath of the Battle of Helm's Deep, Legolas approaches Gimli through the litter of bodies of Uruk-hai and proudly announces his final count of forty-two killed. Gimli half mockingly congratulates him before announcing he is sitting on his forty-third.
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Who did Legolas end up with?

Legolas never marries. The closest he gets is spending the rest of his life, as far as we know, with Gimli; they travel around Middle Earth for decades together, and eventually Gimli is given special dispensation to travel to the Undying Lands with his "friend" Legolas—the only dwarf ever to do so.
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Did the Hobbits ever see Aragorn again?

Yes. In appendix B of the Return of the King, there is a chronology of some events that took place after the story, and that includes a few times Sam, Merry, and Pippin met Aragorn.
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Is Gimli the only Dwarf left?

Though Gimli has no children, he is not the last Dwarf of Middle-earth. After the fall of Sauron, his people continued to thrive in the Lonely Mountain. Gimli made his home in Rohan, in the Glittering Caves of Aglarond, and many of his kinsfolk came with him.
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What happens to Legolas after Gimli dies?

Eventually, Legolas came to Ithilien with some of his people, with his father's leave, to live out his remaining time in Middle-earth helping to restore the devastatedforests of that war-ravaged land.
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Who does Legolas marry in the books?

Tolkien doesn't reveal whether Legolas's mother died sometime during the Second or Third Age, or if she traveled to the West, leaving Thranduil and Legolas behind. Legolas does not marry or have any children, based on the appendix of The Lord of the Rings.
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Has Gimli ever been to Moria?

There's only one real moment in The Fellowship of the Ring that touches upon Gimli's past: when he enters the Mines of Moria in hopes of seeing his cousin, Balin, who was once Lord of Moria.
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Did Legolas have a lover?

So much so, in fact, that he never shows any interest in romance ever again. He never even talks about romance in The Lord of The Rings trilogy. While he became averse to falling in love, the son of Thranduil did not become loveless. Legolas traded romance for strong, loving companionship among friends.
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What happened to Tauriel after Kíli died?

It is believed that after Kili dies, Tauriel becomes a lone rider and never loves again, she was so broken by the experience of losing him. Their love was real, and it was as strong as any other Middle Earth romance story. But this romance doesn't appear in the original book, so where did it come from?
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Who are older, Legolas and Elrond?

it's more reasonable to think that legolas from lotr shared the same name as a 1st age noldorin elf than to assume that he's older than elrond. The Glorfindel who died in battle with a balrog at the fall of Gondolin is the same one who, like Gandalf, was returned to a living body because of his bravery and strength.
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How much older is Arwen than Aragorn?

And when they later meet at Rivendell, the two clearly have a long history together stretching long before joining the Fellowship. This isn't surprising, as, despite their looks, Aragorn is 87 during this era, and Arwen is over 2700 years old, so they've had more than enough time to know each other.
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How old was Legolas when he met Aragorn?

According to the official movie guide for The Lord of the Rings, that year was TA (Third Age) 87, making Legolas 2,931 at the time of the War of the Ring.
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How is Legolas related to Galadriel?

It is possible that Legolas was related to some of the Elves of Lothlorien, but not to Galadriel.
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What is the only line Legolas says to Frodo?

As many have observed before, the interactions between Frodo and Legolas are severely limited in the trilogy even though they are allies. In fact, there's only one line that Legolas says to Frodo: “And you have my bow.”
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What did Galadriel tell Legolas?

*'To Legolas she sent this word: Legolas Greenleaf long under tree In joy thou hast lived. Beware of the Sea! If thou hearest the cry of the gull on the shore, Thy heart shall then rest in the forest no more.
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