Do people have money in Star Trek?

Outside of Earth, money and other forms of currency were still used in the 23rd and 24th century, by the Federation itself, individual Humans, and other Federation species. One form of such currency was the Federation credit.
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Is there an economy in Star Trek?

Yet the one scientific concept Star Trek storytellers often avoid is how the economy of the Federation works. The characters often say they no longer "use money," yet they still use modern economic terms and, whether it's Federation credits or gold-pressed latinum, there is still currency.
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Is there money in Starfleet?

However, a form of currency has been widely used in the Star Trek Universe, including on Starfleet facilities: Latinum.
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Is Star Trek a moneyless society?

Star Trek creator Gene Roddenberry set the series in a future where money is obsolete. A lot of science fiction shows present a darkly dystopian view of the future, where humans battle for limited resources, starkly divided between the haves and have-nots. But some views of the future are far more utopian.
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What is money called in Star Trek?

In Star Trek the original TV series, they called their units of money 'credits.' Were credits still used as currency in Star Trek: The Next Generation? -
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How Star Trek's Future Works - Money, Work and Property

How do people pay for things in Star Trek?

In the 25th-century timeline of Star Trek Online, a currency system called "Energy Credits" (EC) has achieved near-universal acceptance among galactic powers, including the Klingon Empire and Romulan Star Empire.
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Do people have to work in Star Trek?

The Star Trek universe is a utopia because people do not have to work, but yet the ones we see on the show are all paradoxically very busy. The motivations of people who chose to work are analyzed.
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What do civilians do in Star Trek?

Although Starfleet crewmembers staffed the vital positions on board the Federation starships, civilian crewmembers were allowed to hold important jobs in the ship's science and medical departments, as well as support areas like Below Decks or the Arboretum.
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Is Star Trek socialist or capitalist?

[A]t least from a libertarian perspective, the otherwise appealing ideological vision of Star Trek is compromised by its commitment to socialism. The Federation isn't just socialist in the hyperbolic sense in which some conservatives like to denounce anyone to the left of them as socialist.
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Does TV exist in Star Trek?

In Star Trek: Lower Decks, watching television has fallen out of fashion in the United Federation of Planets, with characters preferring holodecks and holo-novels for entertainment. The absence of television in the future of Star Trek is ironic considering the franchise's origins and its production of TV content.
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How does Star Trek not use money?

In Star Trek, why is there no money? Where do all the goods come from in the future? There is money, most notably Federation Credits and Gold-pressed Latium. Thing is, there's no real need for money because the Federation is mostly post-scarcity.
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Can you join Starfleet?

To become a part of SFC Quadrant 2 and begin your Starfleet career, all you need to do is fill out the following application. Upon acceptance you'll receive further information from our Director of Administration on your membership, privileges, Academy and your assignment.
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How do Starfleet pay at Quarks?

As far as Quark's is concerned, I'm assuming that each Starfleet officer has a tab that Quark gives to Sisko periodically. Sisko reviews the purchases and sends it to Starfleet for reimbursement. It's a pretty good business deal for Quark, really.
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Was Star Trek low budget?

Watching the episodes with modern eyes, everything from the sets and costumes to the then-revolutionary visual effects (called "opticals"), it looks "cheap." Yet, in the late 1960s, Star Trek was one of the most expensive shows on TV, nearly bankrupting Desilu Studios because of their co-financing deal with NBC.
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What is the government like in Star Trek?

Originally conceived as the Coalition of Planets, it wasn't long until diplomats from Earth, Vulcan, Tellar, and Andoria realized their relationship was getting serious, so they formed the United Federation of Planets — Star Trek's optimistic vision of a powerful, peaceful, and multicultural democracy.
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Is Star Trek Marxist?

Star Trek Is Not Socialist

But, most important of all, it's a future that protects the rights of the individual rather than bulldozing them at the whim of politicians who arbitrarily decide what's best for the community. Individual freedom is the foundation of the Federation's values.
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Was Elon Musk a socialist?

Political parties and the US in general

He has described himself as a "socialist" but "not the kind that shifts resources from most productive to least productive"; he later clarified not to take this tweet too seriously.
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Is there communism in Star Trek?

In fact, while it may be overly simplistic to say that Star Trek depicts a socialist society, its utopianism owes much to the ideas of Marx in that it imagines a future where collectivism triumphs, money is obsolete, and every material need is met.
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Is there a military in Star Trek?

Within this fictional universe, Starfleet is a uniformed space force maintained by the United Federation of Planets ("the Federation") as the principal means for conducting deep space exploration, research, defense, peacekeeping, and diplomacy (although Starfleet predates the Federation, having originally been an Earth ...
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Are there non officers in Star Trek?

A non-commissioned officer (also known as NCO or noncom) was an enlisted member of Starfleet who functioned as a lower-ranking crewman with authority over other enlisted crewmen, sometimes referred to as a team leader, and may serve as a member of starship or space station's senior staff.
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Are there any non officers in Starfleet?

There are non-commissioned members of Starfleet. There have been several named Crewmen throughout the various series, and I'd be remiss if I didn't mention Senior Chief Petty Officer Miles O'Brien. If Star Trek is maintaining its typical level of naval tradition, these people have “rates” instead of “ranks”.
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Do Star Trek actors get royalties?

As far as any potential royalties go, Shatner revealed on Twitter that “anything before 1973 (that includes Star Trek Original Series) doesn't pay a cent in Royalties. So please don't think you own me or I owe you something for watching.
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How many hours is a day in Star Trek?

The only reason a 26-hour day has become so synonymous with Star Trek is because the show in which it originates discusses that cycle more than once, as its location stays the same throughout the show.
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How long can people live in Star Trek?

According to the Star Trek canon, the average human lifespan will reach 100 years during the early 22nd century. By the mid-24th century, the mean crested 120 years. This gradual increase in longevity is mostly thanks to advanced medical technology.
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