Does Bruce Banner ever get cured?

Bruce Banner wasn't the only gamma radiation expert in the Marvel universe; one of his closest rivals in that field, Dr. Raoul Stoddard, had been working on a way to separate Bruce from the Hulk for years. Using a device called the Gammatron, Stoddard apparently, finally, cured Bruce Banner of the Hulk.
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Can the Hulk be cured?

there is no way to fully “cure” Banner from Hulk. Yes, nanites can split Hulk from Banner but there is no way to completely remove Hulk from society without killing him(Hulk).
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How did Bruce Banner go back to normal?

By 2024, Banner had constructed the Hulk Inhibitor Device to return to human form so that his arm could heal. Along with Captain Marvel, Banner was called upon by Wong to aid in investigating the mystical Ten Rings which Shang-Chi had harnessed.
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Does Bruce Banner permanently become the Hulk?

Time Heist and reversing the Blip

By 2023, he is now permanently in the body of the Hulk but with the mind and voice of Banner. He meets Rogers, Romanoff, and Scott Lang at a diner and agrees to help them with their quantum time-travel plan.
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Can Hulk turn back to human?

The doctor transforms into the Hulk during moments of stress, anxiety, and most of all anger. The change can reverse itself if the Hulk reaches a state of calm, either by himself or through a special mantra utilized by his fellow Avengers, most notably Natasha Romanoff, the Black Widow.
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When Did Hulk's Arm Heal? Shang-Chi, She-Hulk & Endgame Timeline Explained!

Can the Hulk be permanently killed?

The Hulk, as he has been portrayed through most of his publication history, can be killed by someone with enough power to either overload his regeneration or simply wish him out of existence if they are powerful reality warpers (Hulk does have some resistance to reality warping) or if someone has a powerful artifact ...
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Who is the weakest avenger?

Although he is an extremely skilled marksman, Clint Barton is often considered to be the weakest member of the team seeing as he's just a regular guy with a bow and arrow.
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What happens to Hulk if Bruce Banner dies?

The Immortal Hulk series has established that the Hulk is functionally immortal, and he can survive even after Banner dies, which is exactly what scares the scientist.
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Why does the Hulk hate Bruce Banner?

7 The Hulk And Banner Hate Each Other

Hulk hates Banner because he's puny. The Hulk takes pride in his power and the freedom it gives him. He sees Banner as a waste because being Banner takes away from his life. He also knows that Banner would destroy him if he could.
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Will Hulk ever be angry again?

So while the MCU's Hulk may never go back to being angry the same way he was before, Bruce has a new set of personal demons to deal with that can have lasting repercussions on the MCU.
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What is the Hulk's lifespan?

He can operate under intense conditions for prolonged periods of time due to his body not developing fatigue toxins quickly. Decelerated Aging: For all intents and purposes; the Hulk lives indefinitely.
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Who is the strongest Avenger?

With that in mind, now in the depths of Phase Five, these are the seven most powerful Avengers in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, ranked.
  • 7 Hulk.
  • 6 Shang-Chi.
  • 5 Thor.
  • 4 Captain Marvel.
  • 3 Ant-Man.
  • 2 Doctor Strange.
  • 1 The Scarlet Witch.
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Why can't the Hulk be killed?

Bruce Banner aka the Hulk was transformed into the gamma mutate after being blasted with a lethal dose of radiation. Rather than killing him, however, the gamma radiation forever altered his DNA, turning him into a creature capable of unparalleled destruction on a planetary scale.
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Did Hulk's arm ever heal?

He learns that her blood synthesizes gamma radiation differently than his. They both share a rare combination of genetic factors that even allow gamma radiation synthesizing, but Bruce is surprised to learn that She-Hulk's is unique. He is able to use these findings to heal Smart Hulk's arm fully.
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Is Hulk truly immortal?

During "No Surrender," Banner realized Hulk's immortality. Considering the number of times the Hulk has been resurrected, it's no coincidence that death never sticks for the behemoth. Indeed, the Immortal Hulk reveals that when Banner first detonated his gamma bomb, he incidentally opened the Green Door.
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Could Hulk survive a nuke?

While the Hulk was easily able to survive the barrage of nuclear weapons, the noise of the explosions and cries of dying people eventually came to bother him. The Hulk returned to his birthplace in New Mexico and sealed himself in a cave with a massive boulder, trapping Banner inside with him for many years.
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Why can't Banner have kids?

The soft-spoken scientist's blood is infused with gamma radiation, allowing him to transform between being a human and being a ferocious green machine. However, it's possible that the gamma radiation in his blood also prevents him from being able to have a child with someone.
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Will Hulk live forever?

He can never escape the aftermath of what he's done because death will never grant him peace. The Hulk will live forever, constantly seeing not just the harm he causes in the present but the harm that also reverberates into the future.
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Who is the most evil Avenger?

10 Most Brutal Avengers Villains
  1. 1 Ultron. Ultron conquered the world in alternate Marvel timelines, showing just how brutal he truly is.
  2. 2 Red Skull. ...
  3. 3 Grim Reaper. ...
  4. 4 Thanos. ...
  5. 5 Hulk. ...
  6. 6 Kang The Conqueror. ...
  7. 7 The Masters Of Evil. ...
  8. 8 The Celestials. ...
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Who is the least Favourite Avenger?

The 10 Most Disliked Avengers In The Comics, Ranked
  1. 1 Iron Man Is The Worst Hero In The Marvel Universe.
  2. 2 Dr. ...
  3. 3 Hank Pym Hasn't Been Popular In Decades. ...
  4. 4 Namor Is Kind Of Annoying As An Avenger. ...
  5. 5 Reed Richards Is A Thoroughly Unlikable Character. ...
  6. 6 U.S.Agent Is Cap-Lite In The Worst Way. ...
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Who is the most peaceful Avenger?

Because Hulk just wants to be left alone. He may look like the most aggressive but if you actually look at most of his fights you'll see Hulk very rarely starts the fight which is why he very often tries to leave mid battle even if he's winning.
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Can Hulk exist without Banner?

While Bruce did give the Hulk life (with the complexities of their coexistence being far too intricate to satisfyingly explain in just a few sentences), the fact that they are both connected to something larger than just themselves means Hulk can exist without Bruce Banner, not necessarily only through him.
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Why can t Hulk turn back into Banner?

While Banner turning into the Hulk is caused by stress, Hulk turns back into Banner when he calms down. A side effect of that is that Banner goes through a cool-down period and can't Hulk out right away again.
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Can Smart Hulk turn back into Bruce?

Bruce began developing a prototype inhibitor that would revert Smart Hulk to his human form for an unspecified reason (but possibly because he was no longer effective as a Hulk with his injury). The inhibitor device is fitted on Bruce's left arm and calibrated to meet his specific needs.
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