Does Clint die at the end of Hawkeye?

In the episode's most controversial scene, Maya confronts Kingpin and appears to shoot him dead off-screen. The finale ends with Clint finally making it back for Christmas, with Kate and Lucky in tow.
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How does Clint Barton die?

Phil Coulson told Fury that Barton insisted that he did not kill Thor and he never misfires, no matter what evidence S.H.I.E.L.D. had against him. While Barton was in the cell, Yellowjacket killed him by flying into his ear and causing a hemorrhage in his brain.
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Will there be a season 2 of Hawkeye?

Hawkeye season 2 hasn't been renewed yet (but it also hasn't been cancelled) Marvel has yet to announce if Hawkeye will return for a second season. The show concluded its first season run in December 2021 and there hasn't been any definitive confirmation on if it will return.
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How does Hawkeye come back to life?

When the Scarlet Witch inadvertently alters reality, Hawkeye is resurrected with no memory of previous events. When young mutant Layla Miller gives several heroes (including Hawkeye) the ability to remember, he is horrified at the Scarlet Witch's actions. Hawkeye shoots Wanda in the back with an arrow.
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Who becomes Hawkeye after Clint?

Haunted by the death of her mother and the crimes of her father, Kate Bishop rejected family wealth and embraced a heroic path. Inspired by her favorite Avenger, Hawkeye, Kate took up Clint Barton's mantle when he was believed to be dead.
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Clint Does The Black Widow Whistle | Yelena Forgives Clint | Hawkeye Episode 6 Finale

Is Kate Bishop coming back?

Bishop made her MCU debut in the miniseries Hawkeye (2021). Steinfeld's portrayal of Bishop has been well received by fans and critics. The character returned for a cameo in The Marvels (2023) that sets up a possible analogue to the Young Avengers in the MCU, and is expected to return in future MCU media.
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Will Jeremy Renner return after Hawkeye?

HAWKEYE Star Jeremy Renner Confirms Plans For MCU Return Following His Accident Earlier This Year.
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How can gamora come back but not natasha?

Gamora was sacrificed by Thanos in the Infinity Timeline. Bc they went back to multiple dates before Thanos could even get to the stones, he never got to the point of sacrificing her for the soul stone, because Clint and Natasha went there first. So, Natasha simply ceased to exist in the original End Game timeline.
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Who is the strongest Avenger?

Thor, the god of Thunder, was undoubtedly the most powerful member of the original Avengers.
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What happens to Yelena after Hawkeye?

As a result of her conversation with Clint about her sister, Yelena abandoned her revenge-driven mission. However, that doesn't mean the MCU is done with her. Now that Yelena has accepted that Hawkeye isn't responsible for Black Widow's death, she can move on and enter a new chapter of her life.
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What is Kate Bishop's superhero name?

Hawkeye first appeared in Young Avengers #1 (April 2005), created by writer Allan Heinberg and artist Jim Cheung. She is first introduced as Kate Bishop and in issue #12 she takes up the Hawkeye mantle as the original Hawkeye was dead at the time after being killed in Avengers #502.
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Does Natasha Romanoff die?

Natasha Romanoff's death in Avengers: Endgame is one of the saddest moments in the entire MCU, but when exactly her sacrifice occurs can be a bit difficult to figure out.
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How many kids does Hawkeye have?

S.H.I.E.L.D. agent Clint Barton has kept his past and private life a secret, like any good spy. Known only to his closest confidantes, he is married to Laura Barton and together, the couple have three children, Cooper, Lila and Nathaniel.
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Did all of Hawkeye's family die?

In 2018, Barton, along with her three children, was killed by Thanos in the Snap. Five years later, they were all resurrected and the Barton family were once again reunited, after which they attended Tony Stark's funeral.
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Who can defeat Thor?

15 Avengers Who Could Beat Thor In A Fight
  • Scarlet Witch. Thor wasn't around during the events of Avengers Disassembled and House of M, so he missed out on Wanda losing control, and therefore he didn't have to face her full power. ...
  • Wasp. ...
  • Captain America. ...
  • Black Panther. ...
  • Cannonball. ...
  • Cable. ...
  • Wonder Man. ...
  • Sersi.
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Who is stronger than Thor?

Odin. Even at the time of his MCU debut, Thor wasn't the MCU's strongest character. That title, at that time, belonged to Anthony Hopkins' Odin. The patriarch of the Norse pantheon and the King of Asgard, Odin possessed an incalculable degree of power in the MCU, even at his advancing age.
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Who killed Thanos?

In the aftermath of his failure, Thor had a new-found determination to kill Thanos and undo the Snap. The remaining Avengers converged on the Titan's home to find him wounded and the Infinity Stones destroyed. Seeking vengeance, Thor raised Stormbreaker and, with one fell swoop, beheaded Thanos.
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What is the secret that only Gamora knows?

Probing Nebula's cybernetic memory banks, Thanos' suspicions were confirmed, that Gamora knew of the Soul Stone's location and had secretly admitted it to Nebula. Having decided to move further in his quest, Thanos lured the Guardians of the Galaxy to Knowhere where he took the Reality Stone, and ambushed them.
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Will Iron Man return?

Robert Downey Jr. confirmed that Iron Man 4 is indeed in the works. While negotiations continue for his return, this would mark his 7th appearance in a standalone Marvel movie and his 9th outing as Tony Stark in total.
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Why is Gamora missing in endgame?

Marvel Studios' Avengers: Endgame saw Thanos' Infinity War snap reversed, but while most of the fallen heroes returned, those who died before Thanos' snap weren't so lucky, including Gamora. Endgame, however, brought Gamora back thanks to the Time Heist, allowing her 2014 self to journey to the present.
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Will Hulk return?

The Hulk's most significant return is expected in "Avengers: The Kang Dynasty" and "Avengers: Secret Wars," where he will likely play a crucial role in defeating the main villain.
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Will Scarlet Witch return?

But while Wanda Maximoff seems to have actually died after her battle with Doctor Strange and America Chavez, Elizabeth Olsen hasn't officially exited the MCU, which makes her return as the Scarlet Witch possible in the future. Many characters have found a way to return after their deaths in Marvel movies and shows.
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Is Jeremy Renner done with the MCU?

Months after recovering from his terrifying accident, Jeremy Renner has given an upbeat update about his future on screen. Renner is best known to a whole generation for his work as Clint Barton/Hawkeye in the Marvel Studios films and his own Disney+ series.
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Who is Hawkeye's daughter?

Lila Barton is the daughter of Laura and Clint Barton. In her preteen years, she had taken a liking to archery, much like her father. Barton's life was one of the trillions claimed in the Snap in 2018, although she was resurrected five years later in 2023 in the Blip.
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What happened to Hawkeye's third child?

All the Barton children were erased from existence when Thanos snapped his fingers in the closing moments of Avengers: Infinity War, returning when the Avengers reversed this in 2023. That means Nathaniel should really be about four years old in the new Hawkeye series, but he's now played by a 10-year-old actor.
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