Does Deadpool ever feel pain?

Yes, Deadpool feels every bit of pain as normal humans do. However, his regenerative ability allows him to heal from all injuries. While Deadpool can heal quickly, he isn't indestructible.
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What superhero has the highest pain tolerance?

  • Marvel's The Challenger.
  • Through Indian nerve-control training, the Challenger has gained the ability to render himself immune to pain at will.
  • As for DC, well we have Snowflame, the only comic character who gets his superpowers from cocaine. In his own words,
  • “I feel no pain.”
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Can Deadpool survive being cut in half?

Thanks to Deadpool's healing factor he can regenerate from almost any injury, including being literally torn in half or decapitated. His extreme resilience to damage has led many people to speculate that he may in fact be completely immortal.
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What hurts Deadpool?

From being cut in half by Captain America's shield to having his head crushed by an anvil, Deadpool has endured some truly horrific injuries throughout the Marvel Universe.
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Does Deadpool ever get his body fixed?

Taking a test sample of the serum actually healed every scar on Deadpool's body, gifting him back his old, attractive face. However, as is the case when afflicted heroes try and be healed in Marvel Comics, his scars eventually returned.
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Can Deadpool feel pain ?

What would happen if Deadpool's head was cut off?

Most likely, Deadpool would have to place his head back onto his neck, and it will then Regenerate in that location. This is also seen possible because of this, yes I know this is just epic cover art to build suspense, but it shows us that Deadpool can actively hold his head rather than it just regenerating instantly.
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Why did Deadpool have no mouth?

Along with his extra mutant powers, one of the things Stryker did to Wilson was have his mouth surgically shut, making him the perfect soldier in Stryker's eyes. In the post-credits scene his mouth is partially open.
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How much pain can Deadpool feel?

Yes, Deadpool feels every bit of pain as normal humans do. However, his regenerative ability allows him to heal from all injuries. While Deadpool can heal quickly, he isn't indestructible. His body restores, but he does endure pain as much as a regular human would upon a similar injury.
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Why can't Deadpool be killed?

His power is so effective that it allows him to be immortal despite him carrying his cancer. But that doesn't mean he is unkillable. One way of killing him is to put a mutation-dampening collar on his neck. It will disable his regenerative ability and allow the cancer cells to grow, thus deteriorating his body.
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What is Deadpool most scared of?

There are two things though, that scare him above all: cows and clowns are a Deadpool weakness. Wilson's always been scared of cows because he believes that their eyes are all-knowing. The Merc is also scared of clowns, finding them too creepy.
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Could Deadpool survive the snap?

Deadpool survived the Infinity War snap because he wasn't technically in the Marvel Cinematic Universe at the time.
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Can Deadpool survive a nuke?

Readers witnessed Wade Wilson's rapid regeneration abilities and Rogue's absorption powers work together at an unbelievable level, saving Rogue's life – and proving Deadpool can survive a nuclear blast.
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What happens if you freeze Deadpool?

Eventually, Wade gets out from under Stryfe's thumb, but the real miracle is that Deadpool survives the freezer in the first place, whether he is left insane or not.
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Which super hero can't feel pain?

Due to clinical experiments, the nerve endings connected to Darkman's skin have been severed, rendering him immune to pain, but unable to feel physical sensations.
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Does Deadpool have infinite stamina?

Another interesting side-effect of Deadpool's healing factor is his superhuman ability to never get tired. His muscular system produces far fewer fatigue toxins than a normal human being, so he can exert himself at peak capacity for several days before he begins succumbing to fatigue.
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Who is the physically strongest hero?


The strongest superhero of all. His strength is infinite. He can easily lift and destroy planets, stars, and the like.
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Can Deadpool lift Mjolnir?

In the end, Deadpool wasn't worthy. While he seemingly had control of Mjolnir and the strength of Thor, it was all a mirage put on by Loki to distract Thor.
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Can Deadpool beat Thanos?

There's not really much one can do when facing an opponent whose prime ability is to never perish. Hence, Thanos would have no chance against Deadpool if he was facing him without the Infinity Gauntlet. Thanos can eradicate entire civilizations and wipe out half of all life in the universe with a snap of his fingers.
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Has Deadpool ever killed anyone?

Deadpool has killed a lot of people over his long career, easily between ten and fifteen thousand, and his healing factor lets him heal from the most grievous wounds, something his enemies can't do after fighting him.
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Can Deadpool get drunk?

Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking (1)

At the start of the game you can make Deadpool drink loads of beer, however Deadpool scolds the player for it and states he can't get drunk even if he wanted too.
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Why doesn't Deadpool's face heal?

These "super-cancer" cells persistently destroy his healthy cells while his healing abilities rapidly regenerate them. This endless conflict between the healing factor and the cancer cells results in Wilson's disfigured appearance. His inability to heal his skin lies in his failure to cure his cancer.
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Can Deadpool lose his head?

Between lost limbs and even decapitation, Wade Wilson has managed to sprout back up. And in most cases, it seems that his head is the key to regeneration success, seeing as it often has to be attached back onto his body to actually heal decapitation.
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Why does Deadpool hate Wolverine?

Wolverine is a killer, but one who managed to become a hero. Deadpool is not, he knows it and he hates it.
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Why is Deadpool's body messed up?

It has been revealed that at the time his healing ability was given to him, Deadpool suffered from some form of cancer; after the healing factor was given to him, it made his normal cells as well as his cancerous cells unable to die, giving him a heavily scarred appearance beneath his suit.
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