Does Edward get mad at Bella for kissing Jacob?

In the movie its a clearly unwanted kiss, she hurts her hand punching him, Edward gets all vampirey mad, Charlie calms it down, and Carlisle fixes Bella! In the book, Jacob is kissing Bella, she is pushing at him and he just keeps kissing her, until finally she stops fighting it and then he lets her go.
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What was the point of Bella kissing Jacob?

In order to keep him close as he threatened to leave, Bella asked him to kiss her, and she realized she was in love with him – but not in the same way she loves Edward.
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How did Edward know that Jacob kissed Bella against her will?

It's explained in the books how after Jacob kisses her and she breaks her hand she calls Edward to tell him what happened but in the movie Edward pulls up to Bella's house completely in the know to confront Jacob.
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Does Bella love Jacob more than Edward?

While Bella does harbor feelings for Jacob, she still chooses Edward, over and over again. It's clear that she will never decide to be with Jacob. Despite this, she continuously inserts herself into his life, which only causes him pain.
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Does Jacob still love Bella after imprinting?

He does but in a different way. Once he imprinted on Renesme, the love he had for Bella shifted to her child. The whole philosophy behind his love for Bella was for him to stay connected to her bc of her child. Renesme was the reason his love was so strong and unwavering.
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Eclipse - Clip Edward Threatens Jacob

Is it creepy that Jacob imprinted on Renesmee?

Ultimately, there's little-to-no justification for Jacob's imprinting on Renesmee as a narrative decision. Imprinting brings an uncomfortable "child bride" aspect to Twilight that's both controversial and offensive.
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Will Jacob marry Renesmee?

Renesmee got married to Jacob and made Lucina her maid of honor. In Have A Purpose, Renesmee reveals that she is pregnant. She gives birth to Evan and Sarah and appointed Lucina as the godmother to her kids.
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Did Bella ever love Jacob romantically?

Next, Bella does not fall in love with Jacob in Eclipse. Bella falls in love with Jacob in New Moon. I think it's easy to understand why this fact doesn't occur to her.
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Why would Bella choose Edward over Jacob?

Bella had to choose because she knew what she was doing to Jacob was wrong. She gave him hope that they could be something more, and though she loved him, she didn't love him like she did Edward. While that broke Jacob's heart, it also gave him the freedom he needed to move on and find love elsewhere.
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Did Edward want Bella to have a baby with Jacob?

He explained how he wanted Jacob to help him convince Bella to abort the baby so that she can eventually become pregnant with Jacob's baby. Even though he was slightly intrigued by the idea, he knew that Bella would never go for it.
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Did Bella lose her virginity to Edward?

The loss of her virginity becomes the point of transition from girlhood to womanhood: Bella can only become a woman through her relationship with Edward. Essentially, Twilight is saying that there's no self-discovery, no growing up for a woman without a man, and that a transition into adulthood can only follow sex.
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Why does Edward gag when he sees Bella?

During biology class, Edward reacted with disgust towards her, as if she was nauseating to him, and it was later revealed this was because the scent of her blood was irresistible to him.
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Why does Edward cover his nose when he sees Bella?

Edward acts in some strange ways sometimes, and people are curious why Edward covers his nose when he meets Bella at school. This is because he loves the way that she smells and he wants her blood.
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What did Jacob say before kissing Bella?

(at around 1h 30 mins) Just before Jacob almost kisses Bella, he says "Kwop kilawtley," which means "stay with me forever" in Quileute.
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Why did Edward leave Bella?

When a drop of Bella's blood from a paper cut falls on the floor, Jasper (Jackson Rathbone) loses control and attacks Bella. Several members of the Cullen family must hold Jasper back. To protect Bella from the dangers of vampire life, Edward and his family leave the town of Forks. Edward vows never to see Bella again.
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Does Jacob live forever in Twilight?

Jacob will live as long as he keeps phasing and he won't stop as long as Ren is alive. So technically he CAN live forever but he could also be killed by a vampire, another wolf-shifter or Ren could die by one of those and Jacob would stop phasing and die of old age.
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Will Renesmee outlive Jacob?

Although the timelines of their lifespans work out, Renesmee will ultimately outlive Jacob because she is part vampire, and while it seems endearing that Jacob would live his entire life dedicated to her, it comes across as a sad puppy dog who is begging for attention.
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What does Edward do when Bella is on her period?

Edward is aware of what's going on physiologically with Bella, but he is too much of a gentleman to ever say anything about it, and Bella would be too embarrassed to ask if he noticed or was bothered by it. The blood from a woman's period isn't the same as a cut; it's not freshly oxygenated, not flowing from the heart.
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Why was Bella so mad at Jacob for imprinting?

Imprinting was an involuntary action for a Quiluete wolf to do. Their body basically chose a mate for them. Jacob loved Bella, which was clear, but imprinting came before love, not after.
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How did Edward get Bella pregnant?

The venom, Stephenie writes, is what helps Edward impregnate Bella in the fictional book. Ten years since Breaking Dawn was first released, fans are still talking about one potential plot hole from the book and movie.
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Why does Jacob get mad at Bella's wedding?

Jacob got mad when he realized Bella and Edward were going to have sex while Bella was still human. Since Edward was incredibly strong and sex can frequently result in a loss of control, this was very dangerous for Bella.
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Is there a love triangle in Twilight?

Wuthering Heights and the Twilight series are both romance stories about a love triangle between one woman and two men. They share characters that are very similar: selfish and dramatic Catherine and Bella, and dangerous and vengeful Heathcliff and Edward.
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Can Renesmee get pregnant?

Their child would be 1/4 human, 1/4 vampire and 1/2 werewolf, which would make them a threat to the Volturi. Renesmee is fertile as she is 1/2 human. The only aspect of herself that is a vampire is that she'll never age after she matures and she drinks blood.
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How old is Renesmee when she gets married?

Bella Swan & Renesmee Cullen (18 Years Old And 4 Months Old)

She marries Edward Cullen not long after becoming 18 and graduating from high school, but she doesn't become a vampire at the start of their relationship.
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How long did Bella carry Renesmee?

Summary. In The Twilight Saga, Bella's pregnancy with Renesmee lasted only 28 days due to her hybrid nature as a half-human, half-vampire, causing rapid growth. Renesmee's accelerated growth during her early years was a result of her dhampir hybrid status, reaching full maturity by around seven years old.
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