Does Harry ever have feelings for Hermione?

The True Sign of Friendship Harry is not sexually attracted to Hermione - he never has been. He does acknowledge that she is pretty at the Yule Ball. Hermione even earns a full paragraph describing everything from her hair to her dress to her teeth.
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Does Harry Potter ever have a crush on Hermione?

First and foremost, Harry loved Hermione as much as he loved Ron, but he never had romantic feelings for her. He saw her like a sibling. He also explicitly claims in the 7th book that Hermione is like his sister.
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Did Harry ever kiss Hermione?

Well, in case it skipped your mind, Harry and Hermione shared a kiss – not cause they were in love or dating each other but a manifestation of a Horcrux, in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows – Part 1. While Daniel thought it would be soft and sensual, read on to know how Emma finally kissed him and why.
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Who does Hermione actually love?

One of the central romances happens between Harry's best friends, Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger. It took them until the seventh book to make their relationship official, but their mutual feelings were there throughout the series long before their first kiss.
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Did Harry and Hermione hook up?

While Harry and Hermione have never been romantically involved, that has not stopped many others from assuming that they two of them are together.
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The Real Reason Harry Potter And Hermione Didn’t End Up Together

Why didn't Harry love Hermione?

Short answer: Because he was in love with Ginny Weasley. Long answer: As I've already said in a previous answer, there is no proof whatsoever for Harry considering Hermione as a possible romantic partner. For example: “Harry liked Hermione very much, but she just wasn't the same as Ron.
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Why did Harry marry Ginny instead of Hermione?

So why did Harry choose Ginny over Hermione? Because Harry and Hermione were never a thing. And because Harry developed feelings for Ginny. He didn't “choose Ginny over Hermione,” because he was never interested in Hermione.
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Who did Hermione lose her virginity to?

She lost her virginity to Ron sometime after the Battle of Hogwarts. Not to Krum or McLaggen and surely not Fred. Thank you.
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Who did Harry love more, Ron or Hermione?

Harry liked Hermione very much, but she just wasn't the same as Ron. There was much less laughter and a lot more hanging around the library when Hermione was your best friend. Ron is funny, and he's soft where both Harry and Hermione have hard edges.
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Did Harry have a crush on Draco?

Harry Potter had a few love interests during his time at Hogwarts. Though he eventually settled down with Ginny Weasley, he also had a thing for Cho Chang in his earlier school years. Then, of course, there's his secret love for Draco Malfoy…
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In which book did Draco kiss Hermione?

Draco never kisses Hermione in real. They never share that kind of a relationship. This has most probably happened in fan-fictions but you will be disappointed if you go looking for it in the books or the movies cause it does not happen.
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Why did Hermione hug Harry but not Ron?

In the film, she only hugs Harry, and just gives a hesitant handshake to Ron (Note: This was the result of Emma Watson being hesitant to hug both Daniel Radcliffe and Rupert Grint in public view, with her hugging Radcliffe during filming having to be frozen for a few seconds to get the desired effect due to Watson ...
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Why did Harry choose Ginny?

In the books there are plenty of reasons why Harry would like Ginny. She is smart, strong, funny, sassy, a good quidditch player, pretty... Even Fred and George mention that she is quite popular with boys. Harry and her spend a lot of time together in OotP where he gets to know her and becomes her friend.
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Why did Harry break up with Ginny?

In desperation, Harry asks Parvati Patil, who accepts, and who suggests her sister Padma as a date for Ron. At the end of Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, Harry realizes that anyone he becomes close to is likely to become Voldemort's target. To protect Ginny, he reluctantly ends their relationship.
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Who did Harry Potter has a crush on?

Harry's first crush Cho Chang was perfect on paper; she was a great Quidditch player and a kind soul, but the two had no compatibility beyond that. Harry was besotted with Cho, who only had eyes for Cedric at first. When Cho tried to pursue a relationship with Harry later, she was clearly not over Cedric's death.
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Who is the first crush of Hermione?

Hermione never gets offended by anyone calling her any bad name except her professors. Malfoy calls her a mudblood, makes fun of her large front teeth, pansy calls her a rabbit and everyone in her class calls her a know it all. She is always unbothered.
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Did Draco have a crush on Hermione in the books?

In some parts of the saga, Draco even seems obsessed with Hermione. Even though he considers Muggle-borns to be inferior, he hasn't ever picked on one other than Hermione.
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When did Harry fall in love with Ginny?

After years of build-up, Harry finally starts to have feelings for Ginny in The Half Blood Prince - and one of the first moments he realizes it is when he smells Amortentia, and it smells like 'something flowery he had smelled at the Burrow'... Ginny's hair!
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Who did Luna Lovegood lose her virginity to?

After Luna lost her virginity to Laura, this was dubbed as Luna's first serious relationship. Their relationship ended violently after Luna was surprised with a pregnancy scare. (Noted: Soon after this event and another including other characters, pregnancies among students was prohibited in DARP.)
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Who did Ginny Weasley lose his virginity to?

She not only lost her virginity to Dean: she compares him to Harry every single night, and she can't help asking for a discreet booster dose every now and then. That's the reason Harry cursed his mulato son with a name like Albus Severus. Weird. I thought this was common knowledge for anyone who followed JKR's tweets.
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When did Hermione kiss?

Ron and Hermione finally lock lips during a distressing moment in Deathly Hallows — Part 2 when the characters are in the Chamber of Secrets. Hermione, with support from Ron, destroys one of the last remaining Horcruxes with a basilisk fang, which causes a magical wave of water to come crashing towards them.
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Why did Harry name his daughter Luna?

Her middle name, Luna, is a tribute to Luna Lovegood, a good friend of her mother, during their time at Hogwarts. This naming choice reflects the deep respect and affection Harry and Ginny have for these two individuals.
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Was Harry supposed to marry Hermione?

The author said that she thinks that Hermione and Harry should have gotten married. Rowling said, “I wrote the Hermione/Ron relationship as a form of wish fulfillment. That's how it was conceived, really.
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Did Harry have a crush on Luna?

Although Harry and Luna share a touching friendship, with Harry naming his daughter after his friend and his mother Lily, there is never any hints of attraction between the two. Harry and Ginny share a more physical and passionate relationship.
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