Does Lex know Batman's identity?

But when supes confronts lex the first time, lex reveals that he was the one sending letters to Batman to bait him into going after the superman. But these letters were sent to Bruce wayne,thus implying that lex knows that Batman and Bruce wayne are indeed the same person!
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Who canonically knows Batman's identity?

While it was teased that The Batman's Riddler knew Bruce was Batman, it was eventually revealed that he hadn't uncovered the truth as his comics counterpart had. Likewise, Deathstroke, Bane, and Joker all know Batman's secret, as well as Ra's al Ghul and his daughter Taila (the mother of Bruce's son Damian).
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Why is Batman scared of Lex?

Why Bruce Wayne Was Afraid Of Lex Luthor. Another reason Batman fears Lex Luthor is because he's the only villain who can match Bruce Wayne's resources. Even Batman's best villains often have to struggle and steal to enact their plans, which means Bruce will always have an advantage with the tools at his disposal.
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How does Lex not know Superman's identity?

Luthor fails to connect the dots because he believes everyone on Earth - including Superman - thinks exactly like him. In Lex Luthor's mind, secret identities are useless - they're a way to hide one's power (which he would never do), and thus Superman couldn't possibly be Clark Kent.
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Who is smarter Lex or Batman?

Even Lex Admits Batman Is Smarter

It makes total sense that he'd be one of, if not the, smartest man on the planet. Batman has proved his genius many times, but if even Lex Luthor admits it then there's no further room for doubt.
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Smallville Lois Finally Finds Out Clark's Secret Identity, Part 8

What is Lex Luthor's IQ?

Lex Luthor's IQ is estimated to be 225, which is very impressive. Batman's is 192, while Albert Einstein's is thought to be between 160 and 180.
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Who is richer Batman or Lex Luthor?

That is not true. Lex Luthor has never been richer than Bruce Wayne. Even in the comics, Lex Luthor is a self made man who created his own company. While he has accrued immense wealth, it is just a drop in the ocean when compared to the Wayne Family.
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Why does Lex become evil?

In the 1960s it was revealed that his hatred was rooted in a childhood accident caused by the young Superman (then Superboy), which made Luthor go prematurely bald. From that period through the 1980s he was presented as a mad scientist bent on conquering the world.
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Does Lex respect Batman?

Batman And Lex Luthor's Relationship

Their relationship is best defined as one alternating between begrudging respect -- with Lex acknowledging that Batman is a human among god-like superheroes -- and outright loathing.
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Why does Lex hate Superman in Smallville?

But it makes sense when you remember WHY Lex hates Superman. Luthor wants the power and adulation the Man of Steel has, and that jealousy drives his hatred.
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Who is the only man Bruce Wayne is afraid of?

This raises the question as to why Batman was scared of Lex Luthor specifically. The reason Batman's other villains can't compare is that Lex Luthor is the literal foil to Bruce Wayne. Bruce's greatest fear is becoming the very evil he fights against every night, which explains Batman's no-kill rule. The costumed...
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Who is Batman's biggest fear?

There's no doubt that recalling the fate of his parents is Bruce's biggest fear and regret. No matter who kills Batman's parents in different media, it's the catalyst to the person he becomes. Bruce spent all his childhood and early adulthood scared of remember what had happened.
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Has Batman ever beaten Lex Luthor?

Lex Luthor

The Dark Knight resolves to go to Apokolips to recover Robin's body, but the League tries to stop him from making a rash decision. Lex adds insult to injury by goading the Caped Crusader, but it results in Batman beating him mercilessly.
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Who killed Bruce Wayne's parents?

Batman: Three Jokers #1 (August 2020). In Batman's origin story, Joe Chill is the mugger who murders young Bruce Wayne's parents, Dr. Thomas Wayne and Martha Wayne. The murder traumatizes Bruce, inspiring his vow to avenge their deaths by fighting crime in Gotham City as the vigilante Batman.
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How does Lex know Bruce is Batman?

But when supes confronts lex the first time, lex reveals that he was the one sending letters to Batman to bait him into going after the superman. But these letters were sent to Bruce wayne,thus implying that lex knows that Batman and Bruce wayne are indeed the same person!
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Who was the first villain to figure out Batman's identity?

Hugo Strange is a supervillain appearing in comic books published by DC Comics, commonly as an adversary of the superhero Batman. The character is one of Batman's first recurring villains, and was also one of the first to discover his secret identity.
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Who can outsmart Lex Luthor?

10 Marvel Villains Who Could Outsmart Lex Luthor
  • 6 Mister Sinister's Mastery Of Genetics Is A Blindspot For Lex.
  • 7 Galactus Is Much Smarter Than Lex Luthor. ...
  • 8 Mystique Would Put Lex In His Place. ...
  • 9 Sabretooth Would Come At Lex Luthor In Ways He Wouldn't Expect. ...
  • 10 Mad Thinker Is A Challenge Even For Mister Fantastic. ...
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Is Lex Luthor actually a good guy?

While Lex is primarily depicted as a supervillain allied with other villains, such as Metallo, Parasite and Bizarro, and frequently leading DC supervillain teams such as the Legion of Doom, he has also been portrayed as an antihero who will ally himself with Superman and other heroes when the situation calls for it.
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Who is smarter Lex or Joker?

Well according to the Web, the Joker's IQ is between 140 - 160 while Lex Luthor is 225. Joker is smart but mainly smart in one field being chemistry and engineering. Unlike Lex Luthor that is first represented as the smartest human in the DC universe but has knowledge in multiple domain and is an expert businessman.
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Who killed Lex Luthor?

However, he was killed off pretty early by Mother Mayhem in a most shocking move. Ironically, Lex's death made the Cult of Trigon even more intimidating, paving the way for Conner Kent aka Superboy to take over his company.
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Does Clark find out Lex killed Lionel?

Chloe is at the Isis Foundation when Clark enters and tells Chloe about the message Lionel left for him and that the keys are the secret. Chloe says that Lionel left one of the keys for Clark in her desk, but Lex took it. Clark realizes that Lex killed Lionel for the key and super-speeds off.
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Why does Lex wear one glove?

In Lex Luthor's future sequence, he is wearing a glove on his right hand. This is a nod to the comics where, at one point, Lex wears a glove due to hide the effects of long-term exposure to kryptonite.
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Is Batman broke now?

Batman is also no longer a billionaire, though his situation is slightly different. Lucius Fox is now in control of Bruce's fortune, and the government is watching every penny; he can't easily give it back and Bruce can't use it to fund his crimefighting activities.
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How rich is Batman in real life?

Considering Bruce Wayne's superpower is essentially "being rich enough to afford gadgets and karate training," it makes sense that the Batman would be pretty loaded. Forbes estimates Wayne's worth at $9.2 billion, and lists his company, Wayne Enterprises, as having an annual revenue of $31.3 billion.
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Is Batman richer than Tony Stark?

While Tony Stark is not the richest hero in all of movie history, his net worth of $12.4 billion is higher than Bruce Wayne's and one of the highest net worths in movie history.
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