Does Loki come back to life after Infinity War?

Technically speaking, the real Loki — or rather, the Loki that fans have watched since 2011 — is still dead. The version in the series is from a different timeline, and he is at a distinct point in his character growth.
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Is Loki permanently dead in Infinity War?

Yes. Loki died in “Avengers: Infinity War” when Thanos attacked a ship traveling from Asgard (which had just escaped the apocalypse, as seen in “Thor: Ragnarok”). Thanos destroys everyone and everything on the ship.
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Will Loki come back after Endgame?

Avengers:Endgame Sets Things Up for Loki. The God of Mischief has 'died' a number of times—but will be back for his own time-traveling Disney+ series.
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How did Loki come back to life?

Loki has always delighted in cheating death, manipulating others into believing he was dead in order to hatch his next scheme. At the end of Thor, he apparently took his own life — but Loki survived death by plunging into one of the many portals he knew could be found in Yggdrasil.
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Is Loki stuck forever?

Loki, as it turns out, was the only one who could save the TVA—and so from the moment Sylvie killed He Who Remains, he was destined to need to hold the timelines in place. He's now Loki Who Remains, possibly for the rest of time.
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How Loki Can Still Survive INFINITY WAR - Episode 5 Confirms It

Is Loki going to be in Avengers 5?

The events of Loki led audiences to believe that, should Loki abandon his post, the multiverse would collapse and the branches would begin to die. As such, Loki is unlikely to take an active role in the fight against Kang for Avengers 5.
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Will we see Loki again?

Although he's alive, there's no confirmation of a Loki season 3 or his return in future Avengers movies. Marvel has not confirmed when or if Loki will return. While there might be potential for a variant of Loki in a future project, it remains unclear. Loki's ending makes sense as a final one.
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Who is more powerful, Thanos or Loki?

By far, Loki is now the strongest MCU character. It was shown in season 1 of Loki that Timelines=the universe. Loki held infinity of them with his strength.
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Is Loki now the god of time?

By saving and organizing every existing timeline, Loki has become the God of Time — a higher being who keeps the past, present, and future of every universe from being erased by outside forces. However, Loki has also become the God of Stories, as he has placed everybody's personal journey above his own.
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How did Loki survive falling off the bridge?

After it was destroyed, the Bifrost could no longer be harnessed, preventing the annihilation of the Frost Giants, and creating a temporary wormhole which Loki allowed himself to fall through after Odin condemned Loki's actions.
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What does the 3000 mean in endgame?

“I love you 3000” is a quote from Avengers: Endgame that basically means “I love you more than anything.” The line was first said by Morgan Stark, Tony Stark's daughter after he tucked her into bed. In his last hologram at the end of the movie, Tony turns to Morgan and says “I love you 3000” before disappearing.
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Is there Iron Man 4 coming?

"Tony Stark's story is far from over," Downey said. "Iron Man 4 will explore new dimensions of the character and his legacy through the eyes of Morgan. It's an honor to continue this journey and see where it leads." Feel free to express your thoughts on this exciting project by leaving a comment below.
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Did Loki save all the timelines?

Loki finally has his throne — it might just not be the throne he was expecting. As the second season of Marvel Studios' Loki draws to a close, the Sacred Timeline and all the other timelines are finally safe from destruction, thanks to Loki.
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Why did Loki fake his death in Thor 2?

Of course, Loki is always one step ahead, and it's revealed at the end of the film that he faked his death to return to Asgard, cast a spell on Odin, and impersonate him in order to become king.
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Why did Thanos let Thor live?

So while he essentially killed half of life in the universe with the snap, he saw those deaths as necessary for the galaxy to thrive. This is ultimately the reason why he didn't go out of his way to kill Thor (or any other character) at the beginning of Infinity War.
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Is Loki dead in MCU timeline?

While the original Loki was killed during the events of Avengers: Infinity War, a new version was reborn thanks to the Avengers' time-traveling five years later.
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Will Loki meet Thor again?

Meanwhile, the events of Endgame and Loki gave fans hope that Thor would get a chance to see the person Loki became, easing the grief from seeing his brother's death. Unfortunately, the Loki finale all but ensures that won't happen. There is one small glimmer of hope, though.
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Will Loki just sit there forever?

Here, holding on to all of the timelines, he became a kind of tree god, physically representing the Norse tree of life, Yggdrasil. It was a poignant and painful ending for Loki, who now seems to be sentenced to being alone for eternity as he watches over the timelines.
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Is Loki powerful than Thor?

Is Loki more powerful than Thor? Loki isn't more powerful than Thor ,that's why he seeks mjolnir. I will say he is more powerful without bringing mjolnir to the question. Although he is more versatile having powers Thor doesn't,Thor is far stronger physically though and mjolnir can dispel magic spells.
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Which avenger can defeat Loki?

Next was Thor, Loki's brother, hoping this would be the last time they fought. Thor's Mjølnir and Loki's Scepter clashed. A bolt of lightning came down, knocking out Loki.
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Can Loki beat the Hulk?

Of course, even despite his Asgardian strength, Loki is no match for the Hulk so he doesn't bother using his strength to subdue the beast. He manages to use something else. Loki realizes he can't beat or trick the Hulk so he does something a little different: he rips the gamma radiation out from Hulk.
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Can Hercules beat Loki?

In a fistfight, Hercules. In a fight with weapons, Hercules. In a contest of cunning it's hard to say. Mythological Loki got himself in trouble more than he got himself out of it, and hercules has enough brains to solve several of his labors.
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Will Iron Man return?

Robert Downey Jr is open to returning to the Marvel Cinematic Universe. In an interview with Esquire, the actor said he'd happily play Tony Stark aka Iron Man in future movies if Marvel gods want him to. (Also Read – Robert Downey Jr on his journey 'from uninsurable actor to Oscar winner': Father thought I got robbed…)
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Did Tom Hiddleston quit Marvel?

While speaking with Fallon, Hiddleston discussed how his Marvel journey has finally reached its “conclusion.” “It's the conclusion to season 2, it's also the conclusion to seasons 1 and 2, it's also the conclusion to six films and 12 episodes and 14 years of my life,” he said.
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Is Loki gone forever?

Technically speaking, the real Loki — or rather, the Loki that fans have watched since 2011 — is still dead. The version in the series is from a different timeline, and he is at a distinct point in his character growth.
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