Does Marvel have swearing?

Although all MCU movies have been rated PG-13, which means they're each allowed one use of the F-word, Marvel Studios has refrained from including that particular swear word. Other, less severe curse words have been used, leading to Captain America's "Language!" joke in Avengers: Age of Ultron, but never the F-word.
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What Marvel movies have profanity?

How have they kept it clean and PG-13 while still including the f-word? 'Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3′ will be the first MCU movie to feature a character using profanity. The corresponding fragment was shown in a short teaser: Star-Lord gets frustrated with Nebula, telling her to open the “f***ing door”.
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Are there any F words in the MCU?

Improvised by Chris Pratt, Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 features the first F-bomb to be uttered in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. The new film Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 is definitely a film that's earned its PG-13 rating, pushing the boundaries of it by introducing the Marvel Cinematic Universe's first F-bomb.
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Why did Star-Lord say the F word?

Although the line wasn't scripted — “Everyone's been trying to improv F-bombs for 10 different years... and finally one made it in,” Pratt told Variety — it's something that feels very much like the culmination of what Gunn has been trying to do with the Guardians for the past decade; not only showing that they (often) ...
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Does Guardians 3 have an F word?

Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 broke the mold and redefined expectations in the MCU with its emotional depth and groundbreaking storytelling. Director James Gunn fearlessly pushed boundaries, including the first use of an F-bomb in the Marvel series, and was ready to fight to include it.
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Marvel Cinematic Universe Phase One Swear Count!

Does Deadpool say the F word?

Much of this violence is used for comedic relief, but that doesn't take away from how graphic it is. Language: The F word is a common drop in this film. Almost any other word that falls under the "Swear Word" umbrella is used frequently in this movie.
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Which avenger swears the most?

See below for our full tabulation of every time an Avenger swears in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, counted up through Avengers: Infinity War. There are almost no surprises on this list. The Avenger with the worst potty mouth, by far, is Tony Stark. He clocks in at 44 swear words, mostly of the “ass” variety.
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Has Marvel ever dropped an F-bomb?

Other, less severe curse words have been used, leading to Captain America's "Language!" joke in Avengers: Age of Ultron, but never the F-word. That changes in Gunn's trilogy capper, which sees Peter Quill aka Star-Lord (Chris Pratt) drop the McU's first F-bomb.
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Does Groot say the F-word?

There's also precedence within the MCU for Groot to swear. Gunn said in a now-deleted tweet that Baby Groot "drops about 50 f-bombs in Guardians 2." They can't be heard since Groot only says, "I am Groot," which is how the director was able to get away with so many uses of the F-word without the movie being rated R.
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Is there an F-bomb in Avengers endgame?

Gunn went on to say that MCU boss Kevin Feige revealed to Gunn that the Russo Brothers had put an f-bomb in an early cut of Avengers: Endgame, but removed it because they didn't want it to be their legacy. Gunn joked that he had no problem with it, though, which Feige also found funny.
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How many bad words are in Avengers?

Profanity (3)

Several uses of "hell", "damn", "ass", "shit", and "crap" among other mild-moderate profanity. 1 mouthed f-word at the film's climax. A few blasphemies. GD is used twice.
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Does Guardians of the Galaxy have swearing?

This film has a moderate amount of violence and unfortunately some sneaky moments of comedic swearing.
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Will Marvel be R rated?

The director of Marvel's Blade movie confirms that the studio has given him the green light to make the upcoming reboot an R-rated film.
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Does Steve Rogers swear?

In the opening scene of Age Of Ultron Rogers says "language" at Stark after he swears, and throughout the rest of the scene there are two times when other Avengers members tell Steve to watch his language, implying that Steve cussed, but at least in the version on Australian Disney+ Steve never swears in that scene.
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Does Black Panther have profanity?

Profanity (5)

Some uses of "damn" and "hell," but generally speaking, the amount of profanity is low.
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Did Groot say I love you guys?

As a result, Groot's sentiment, "I love you guys," extends to the viewer as well as his fellow Guardians. Groot - and, by extension, Gunn - is speaking not only to his friends, but to the audience.
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Is Baby Groot a boy?

According to director James Gunn, however, that wasn't Groot using his neat regeneration powers, and he's never going to grow back into the original Groot. Protesting a tweet asking “Who would you save, Baby Groot or a porg?” he points out that Baby Groot is an entirely new being that is, at best, a son.
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What is the weakest Marvel?

To better show some of the weakest characters in the MCU, the following list has been updated with a companion video.
  • 8 Nick Fury. ...
  • 7 Mantis. ...
  • 6 Sam Wilson. ...
  • 5 Star-Lord. ...
  • 4 Hawkeye. ...
  • 3 Korg. ...
  • 2 Agent Carter. ...
  • 1 Rocket Raccoon.
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What PG-13 movies say the F word?

20 Most Iconic F-Bombs in a PG-13 Rated Movie, Ranked
  1. 1 Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy. DreamWorks Pictures.
  2. 2 Fast Five. Universal Pictures. ...
  3. 3 Crazy Stupid Love. Warner Bros. ...
  4. 4 Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. Walt Disney Studios. ...
  5. 5 X-Men: First Class. ...
  6. 6 The Martian. ...
  7. 7 Catch Me If You Can. ...
  8. 8 Christmas Vacation. ...
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Who is the baddest Avenger?

Thor. Blessed with the powers and long life of a god, Thor was undoubtedly the most powerful member of the initial version of the Avengers. Not only can he fly and transport between worlds, but he was also the only one capable of taking down Thanos, even after he had assembled all six Infinity Stones.
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Does Captain Marvel swear?

Profane words include: 2 uses of "shit", 2 uses of "ass" (1 time, spoken by 3 characters in unison), 4 uses of "hell", 3 uses of "damn", and 1 "bastard".
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Who is the hottest in MCU?

Check out our rankings of some of the 20 hottest women in the MCU.
  • AUNT MAY. ...
  • LADY SIF. ...
  • ELEKTRA. There are no two ways about it, Elektra is just hot AF. ...
  • GAMORA. In this case, it is easy being green, and also damn sexy.
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Who says the F word most?

It's Joe Pesci, who's said the F-word 272 times in his various movies. But check this out: 241 of those were from a single movie: “Casino”.
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Is Deadpool OK for a 10 year old?

This movie is not for them. Don't be that parent to have their 10 year old go through strong bloody violence [which there are a lot of] and a sex scene montage [which is really funny], because they really wanna see it.
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