Does Pennywise eat children or fear?

According to It, when humans got scared, "all the chemicals of fear flooded the body and salted the meat". This is why he prefers to feast on children -- their fears are simple, pure, and powerful compared to the complex, pathological fears of adults. Basically, children are delicious.
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Does Pennywise eat off fear?

So in this case, Pennywise is an entity that feeds on fear and fear actually gives him power, but he needs a constant supply of it, otherwise his physical form weakens and can eventually be destroyed.
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Does Pennywise eat little kids?

If you looked at Tim's Pennywise, you instantly think “Oh! It's a nice clown!” which makes it equally terrifying to know that he is an intergalactic being that eats children.
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Does Pennywise only take children?

However, he doesn't seem to target adults like he does kids, which is odd, seeing as how, as many will agree, adults have just as many fears, worries, phobias, anxieties, and insecurities as any child, maybe more since they've lived longer and thus had more time to develop more things to be afraid of.
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Why does Pennywise terrorize kids?


Described as a mysterious, eldritch, demonic entity of evil, It is a monster of unknown origin that preys on Derry's children and humans every twenty-seven years. IT finds striking fear in children akin to seasoning or "salt(ing) the meat", "You all taste so much better when you are afraid".
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Why Does Pennywise Kill Children? | IT

What is Pennywise scared of?

Stephen King's IT introduced readers to a one-of-a-kind creature that can take any form, the most common one being Pennywise the Dancing Clown, and as menacing as it is, this creature has one big enemy it's truly scared of: Maturin, the turtle.
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Why Pennywise eats kids?

According to It, when humans got scared, "all the chemicals of fear flooded the body and salted the meat". This is why he prefers to feast on children -- their fears are simple, pure, and powerful compared to the complex, pathological fears of adults.
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Why does Pennywise eat every 27 years?

IT arrived on Earth through an event similar to an asteroid impact, landing in what would later become Derry, Maine. Once there, IT adopted its usual pattern of hibernation that lasted between 27 and 30 years, awakening to kill and eat and then going back to sleep.
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Why does Pennywise scare before killing?

Pennywise does not need to scare his victims in order to kill them, he simply prefers to. The reason he does this is because it supppsedly tastes better. He says it's like "salting the meat." Pennywise feeds off the fear as much as he does the consumption of Children.
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How did Pennywise lose to kids?

The spider-clown shrinks as the Losers hurl taunts at It, until it's tiny and weak enough that they pluck out its heart and squash it into nothingness. In the end, they defeat Pennywise by, uh, making him feel really bad about himself. It author Stephen King.
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Why did Pennywise turn into a baby?

And if his victim believes him to be powerless, he will become powerless. And so the group figures out that their best bet is, essentially, to bully the bully: They mock Pennywise, telling him he isn't scary. Humiliated, Pennywise begins to shrink, transforming into an almost Benjamin Button–like, melted clown-baby.
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What is Pennywise weakness?

However, It must surrender the the laws of whatever shape It takes. Pennywise's strength is also his weakness. For example, if he were to take the shape of a werewolf (as he does in the novel), silver bullets would harm him.
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Who gets eaten by Pennywise?

Georgie Elmer Denbrough is a fictional character created by Stephen King from his 1986 epic horror novel It. Georgie is the younger brother of Bill Denbrough, and falls prey to Pennywise the Clown.
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How many people did Pennywise eat?

Though there are some IT characters just as scary as Pennywise, the film's main villain proves to be its deadliest, with a kill count that actually reaches into the tens of thousands. Reddit user u/angelholme estimates that Pennywise actually took the lives of between 12,117 and 18,011 people.
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Does Pennywise eat a baby in the book?

However, despite all that, there's one thing IT doesn't feature, and that's Pennywise devouring a baby. King doesn't go quite that far, although babies aren't safe from violence in the book completely, thanks to Patrick Hockstetter.
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Who was the first person Pennywise killed?

Georgie's death was unique in It. While Pennywise's later victims were composed exclusively of high school students, Georgie was only six when he died. The added horror of killing someone so young and innocent immediately established Pennywise as a terrifying villain.
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Can Pennywise only hurt you if you're scared?

Yup! He's a demon and the general idea is if you are not scare, it will only be harder for Pennywise to kill you as he needs to bait you. He can kill you if he wants to anytime and doesn't care. Although, if you are not scared, he will either leave you be for a little while or just kill you in the instant .
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How many years did Pennywise sleep?

It slept for millions of years, then, when humans appeared in the area, It awoke and began a feeding cycle lasting about a year, feeding on people's fears and frequently assuming the shape of whatever its prey feared the most. After feeding, It would resume hibernation for approximately 30 years before reappearing.
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How long did Pennywise sleep for?

IT emerges from its lair beneath the sleepy town of Derry, Maine. IT terrorizes children and feeds off their fear. Eventually, after IT gets its fill with a cataclysmic showdown, IT sleeps for the next three decades (or so).
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Who is Pennywise daughter?

Kersh is Pennywise's daughter. Or at least the daughter of the man who originally had Pennywise's face. Additionally, the trailer offers a first glimpse of Bill (James McAvoy), Ben (Jay Ryan), Richie (Bill Hader), Eddie (James Ransone), and Mike (Isaiah Mustafa) back together.
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Why does Pennywise want kids to float?

A common interpretation of this phrase is that it refers to where the souls of IT's victims go after they die, as they wouldn't go to heaven nor hell, staying instead in the “deadlights”, which would be a sort of limbo, thus “floating” in that middle point for eternity.
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Did Pennywise get pregnant?

Regardless, she's one nasty beast and not alone due to the egg sack she's carrying. Unfortunately, King's imagination ran a little wilder than alluded to in the movies or earlier in the books, and the consequence of that is a pregnant Pennywise.
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What does Pennywise want with kids?

Pennywise feeds on fear, mainly childrens fear. In the 2017 film pennywise is seen retreating from the kids when they conquer their fear of him and start to fight back.
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