Does Superman have a limit to his power?

When he gets really supercharged by the sun, Superman's strength levels are virtually limitless. Once, in All Star Superman, he entered the sun to save a team of scientists and ended up able to lift 200 quintillion tons… with one hand.
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What is the power limit of Superman?

It's effectively limitless. Within the story, he wouldn't be described as having “infinite strength,” (because his power is a natural attribute, not magic), but the nature of the character, if you're writing him correctly, is that he's always stronger than he needs to be for what he's doing.
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Is Superman's strength unlimited?

At the same time, Superman's strength does have a limit - while Superman has been depicted as performing feats of infinite strength in the past, these were either out-of-canon versions of the hero or took place on different planes of reality.
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Does Superman have an upper limit?

Despite his massive amounts of power, Superman does have an upper limit to his heat vision. Superman's heat vision is one of the most iconic and destructive features of his power set. But one unique situation forces the Man of Steel to confront just how this power might fail.
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Can Superman run out of energy?

In the New 52, Superman was shown, that potentially as long as he had solar radiation, even in the form of cosmic radiation, his powers would never switch off. They would never run out.
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Most Powerful Beings in the Universe

Why doesn t Superman use his full power?

Superman Believes His Full Power Will Corrupt Him

Having seen so many terrible villains misuse power they don't deserve, Superman has come to subconsciously believe that if he uses his full power, he'll be corrupted - a belief Wioska challenges him to leave behind.
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What weakness is Superman?

The most notable weakness to his name is kryptonite, radioactive slivers of his home world able to reduce him to a severely weakened state.
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Who can surpass Superman?

20 DC Characters Who Can Defeat Superman Without Kryptonite
  • 17 Batman Uses His Intelligence & Personal Knowledge Of Superman.
  • 18 Shazam Is Powered By Magic As The World's Mightiest Mortal. ...
  • 19 Martian Manhunter's Strength And Telepathy Give Him An Edge. ...
  • 20 Aquaman's Atlantean Strength And Magical Trident Are A Threat. ...
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Why is Superman so strong compared to other Kryptonians?

As in the comics, Kal-El's powers are depicted as being superior to other Kryptonians, due to his spending a far greater period of time exposed to Earth's yellow sun and atmosphere, though some have an advantage over him in terms of combat experience (e.g. Zod, Faora and Nam-Ek).
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Can Superman lift more than Hulk?

The Incredible Hulk, on the other hand, has a very different relationship to strength than Superman. While the Hulk's “baseline” level of strength only allows him to lift about 70 tons – a meager amount compared to Superman's lifting power – that level can quickly change as he gets angry… and he's usually furious.
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Can Superman lift Thor's hammer?

Yes he can, he not only welded DC'S version of Mjolnir but also Marvel's Mjolnir. While later on in the story he couldn't do it, it was later retconned in Jane's Mighty Thor run that Superman is worthy.
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Can Superman beat Thor?

Even so, taking both heroes at their maximum potential, it's practically a given that Superman would overpower Thor in terms of sheer physical strength. He may not consider himself a god, but the Last Son of Krypton can still outmatch the God of Thunder on his best day.
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Can Superman defeat Goku?

To summarize, the most powerful heroes in DC Comics will always out-muscle the most powerful ones from Marvel, and the most powerful hero in DC (Superman) will always lose to Dragon Ball's most powerful hero (Goku) simply because, at this point, Dragon Ball's power cap is beyond human comprehension.
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Can Superman beat Thanos?

Superman has beaten everything the Multiverse has thrown at him and always come back for more. He's faced Thanos's type many times and always won. Superman is vastly more powerful and skilled than Thanos. It wouldn't take him long to realize how dangerous the Mad Titan was and once he did, he'd take the kid gloves off.
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Can Batman beat Superman?

Batman alone can't put a stop to Superman. If he had taken on the Man of Steel one-on-one, he would surely be clobbered. Unless he had a Red Sun Heater in his utility belt, there was no way he'd be able to subdue Superman had the Doom Patrol not showed up.
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How much can Superman bench press?

Superman can bench 5.972 sextillion metric tons. And, almost certainly more than that. At the time I first heard this, I was of course dumbfounded by the sheer magnitude of it. And back then, it just seemed the latest in a line of limitless powers he had demonstrated.
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Who is strongest Kryptonian?

Out of all the Kryptonians in the DC Universe, Supergirl is surprisingly the strongest of them all. A villain reveals that Kara has a mythical aspect to her powers that make her far more powerful than her cousin, Superman.
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What is the lifespan of a Kryptonian?

Kryptonian's Longevity

This can enable them to live well into their hundreds to even thousands of years with every detail of their appearance remaining unchanged. It is believed that their physical appearances reach the peak of their lives in the range of their twenty years (on Earth).
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Why can't Kryptonians reproduce naturally?

They are anisogamous and are known to mate and give birth the same way humans do, but recover much faster than humans. Kryptonians stopped natural reproduction processes later on, leading to artificial population control and laws forbidding natural reproduction.
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Can Shazam beat Superman?

Even though Superman is often considered the most powerful character in the DC Universe, Shazam definitely comes close, and he can even beat the Man of Steel. And with a massive power upgrade, there's no question that Shazam can meet Superman blow for blow—despite the upgrade's terrible side effects.
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Can Superman beat Black Adam?

Kryptonians Can Beat Black Adam (Despite His Magic)

As the Justice League reflect, while Superman's specific vulnerabilities give Black Adam a chance against him, that doesn't mean the two are equal in power, and the Man of Steel is the clear winner in any comparison.
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Can Superman beat Dr Manhattan?

In short, in a straight-up battle, Dr. Manhattan could easily destroy Superman. All he would have to do is disintegrate him and no matter how powerful Superman might be compared to other beings, Dr. Manhattan is simply too powerful.
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What is Superman most afraid of?

Even casual fans of Superman know that his greatest weakness is kryptonite, the radioactive crystal that can weaken and even kill him. The worst part about kryptonite is that he has no defence against it.
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Who can defeat Superman physically?

Firestorm can rearrange matter and energy into any form. He can even absorb radiation and turn it into Kryptonite to weaken Superman. Batman stated that Firestorm has enough power to beat Superman, which is also pretty hard evidence that the Nuclear Man is stronger than the Man of Steel.
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What does Superman afraid of?

Superman's greatest fear is becoming his own worst enemy and failing to uphold the standards set by himself in protecting humanity. As seen in the 15 Times Superman Killed His Enemies , he has to face this fear in the saddest of outcomes.
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