Why did Supergirl become a Red Lantern?

The Rage-Filled Woman of Tomorrow But the Red Ring chooses her for a reason, and all of her pent-up anger over the loss of Supergirl's people is channeled into her Lantern powers. The Ring chooses her because she doesn't know her own power and has been stewing in rage for a very long time.
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How did Supergirl turn evil?

Luthor and Supergirl fought against each other in Monument Valley, Utah. He exposed Supergirl to the Black Kryptonite ray, but rather than corrupting her as he had expected, the ray actually generated a second, darker Supergirl. This evil Supergirl possessed all of the normal Supergirl's memories and powers.
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Why is Superman not a Green Lantern?

His native planet is in Sector 2813, and as such he cannot become a Green Lantern of Sector 2814. If he moved to a planet within 2813, maybe he could get a ring. But Clark would never abandon Earth to do that, so he won't be chosen as a Green Lantern.
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Why did Mera become a Red Lantern?

During the fight on Earth, Mera is temporarily inducted into the Red Lantern Corps as a 'deputy' to help hold the line against the Black Lanterns, but Wonder Woman is able to use her Star Sapphire ring to hold back Mera's rage and grant her a degree of control, with the ring being removed completely when Aquaman is ...
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Why did Supergirl come to earth?

When the city is doomed by a meteor shower, Kara is sent to Earth by her parents, Zor-El and Alura In-Ze (the latter unnamed until later issues), to be raised by her cousin Kal-El, known as Superman. Supergirl adopted the secret identity of an orphan "Linda Lee", and made Midvale Orphanage her home.
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Red Daughter of Krypton (Supergirl) - Complete Story | Comicstorian

Why is Supergirl in The Flash and not Superman?

Although Supergirl has a fierce battle with Zod with the help of two Barry Allens and Michael Keaton's Batman, Superman is nowhere to be seen. Superman is absent not only due to Henry Cavill's departure, but also because the hero doesn't exist in the universe The Flash takes place.
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Why is Supergirl called Supergirl and not Superwoman?

There's a couple reasons, the main one being that Supergirl is a teenager, Superman is a 35+ year old man. In some continuities, Clark Kent did actually go as Superboy when he was younger. Next, there's already a Superwoman.
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Who is the most powerful Red Lantern?

The first Red Lantern, and still the most powerful. While the others on this list were all extremely powerful Red Lanterns, Atrocitus used his anger to forge the Red Power Battery and created the Corps.
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Who is the strongest lantern in DC?

DC: Most Powerful Green Lanterns, Ranked
  1. 1 Sadam Yat. Sadam Yat was prophesized to be the most powerful Green Lantern to ever live; however, Sadam was also said to bring forth the end of the Green Lantern Corps.
  2. 2 Hal Jordan. ...
  3. 3 Kyle Rayner. ...
  4. 4 John Stewart. ...
  5. 5 Guy Gardner. ...
  6. 6 Sojourner Mullein. ...
  7. 7 Jessica Cruz. ...
  8. 8 Arisia Rrab. ...
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Who becomes a white lantern?

Kyle Rayner of Sector 2814 - After mastering the seven colors of the emotional spectrum into his own ring, Kyle created the white light and became a White Lantern.
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Why does Batman hate Green Lantern?

Of all the members of the Justice League, no two heroes are more at odds with one another than Batman and Green Lantern. Why do they seem to despise one another so much? Much of it has to do with their methods of seeking justice being pretty diametrically opposed as well as their personalities.
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Why isn t Batman a lantern?

Batman has one of the strongest wills in the entire DC Universe, his willpower is certainly comparable to that of Hal Jordan, but Batman also has one of the darkest histories and most traumatic childhoods of any hero in the DC universe, which is why Batman will never get to use a Green Lantern ring.
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Has Superman ever worn a lantern ring?

But Superman is often treated as one of the purest heroes in the DC Universe, one that everyone can look up to. Batman having a Yellow Lantern ring is far more understandable, but the fact that Superman has gotten a Yellow Lantern ring twice implies the Man of Steel certainly has some link to the emotion of fear.
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Did Kara get pregnant in Supergirl?

During the Invasion Mon-El and Kara had an affair which led to Kara's pregnancy with Mon-El's child. Mon-El kept the child a secret from his mother. Rose was born on Earth during the invasion of the Daxamites. Her father was "forced" to marry Lena Luthor and his mother said that they will produce an heir.
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Who has Supergirl slept with?

Supergirl's Love Interests
  • Richard Grayson (Prime Earth)
  • Michael Holt (Prime Earth)
  • Power Boy (New Earth)
  • Bruce Wayne, Jr. ( Earth-3839)
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What is Supergirl scared of?

The one thing she feared as a child — being totally alone in space — is the exact same thing she did to the man she loved — she sent him away, in a pod, just like her parents sent her away.
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What is the weakest power ring?

Every Green Lantern Power Ring Color, Ranked From Worst to Best
  • 6 Indigo Tribe.
  • 7 Star Sapphires. ...
  • 8 Red Lanterns. ...
  • 9 Gold Lantern. ...
  • 10 Ultraviolet Lanterns. ...
  • 11 Blue Lantern. ...
  • 12 Black Lanterns. ...
  • 13 The Phantom Lantern. ...
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What lantern is Batman?

The series features Cyborg Superman, Batman as a Green Lantern, Sinestro and Star Sapphire, all from Geoff Johns' historic run on GREEN LANTERN and featured prominently in the popular "Sinestro Corps War" story arc!
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Which lantern can beat Superman?

He's powerful but not invincible, and there are ways to stop him. Hal Jordan, on the other hand, did not need any of these means to beat Superman. Instead, he uses the pure strength of the Green Lantern Corps, proving that a Green Lantern alone is powerful enough to defeat Superman.
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What is Red Lantern weak to?

Weaknesses. The Red Lantern Corps power rings do not work near the Blue Lantern Power Ring. Blue Energy: As a Red Lantern, he is rendered powerless in presence of Blue Energy. However he is capable of feeling rage enough to overcome this weakness and use his powers the most of its capabilities.
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Who is faster than Green Lantern?

As of now, Flash is still the Fastest Man Alive, and Green Lantern will have to settle for being a bit further down on that list.
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Is Supergirl a Red Lantern?

Supergirl is the first member of the Red Lantern Corps who has managed to destroy her own ring and survive without one, and without having any help from a Blue Lantern Ring, although only because she was able to absorb enough yellow sunlight due to being at Earth's sun when it happened.
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Why does Kara have black hair?

Eventually, she learned about her powers and how to use them, and took on the identity of Supergirl, wearing a black-haired wig to disguise her blond hair in that identity.
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Is Kara Zor-El stronger than Kal-El?

Honestly, Superman is not as strong even when he doesn't hold back. In DC Comics' 2021 series Crime Syndicate, we see Earth-3 Kal-El become the evil Ultraman. Though Ultraman seems to be unstoppable, Kara Zor-El defeats him with ease.
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Who is Marvel's version of Supergirl?

It's not hard to spot the similarities between Captain Marvel and Supergirl. Both are female versions of male characters; Supergirl was created as the female equivalent of Superman, while Carol Danvers originally suited up as Ms. Marvel in honor of the Kree superhero who first bore the name Captain Marvel.
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