Does the Empire rebuild the Death Star?

Lemelisk was executed for the design flaws in the final version of the destroyed Death Star I, but was cloned by Emperor Palpatine in order to redesign the superweapon, eliminating the flaws of the former battlestation. In the newest version, he added thousands of turbolasers while removing any external weaknesses.
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Why does the Empire keep building Death Stars?

Throughout its decades-long reign of terror over the galaxy, the Empire seemed particularly obsessed with building planet-killing space stations. The first Death Star was meant to keep the galaxy in a perpetual state of fear and squash any rebellious activities that may crop up over the years.
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Why did Palpatine make a second Death Star?

Hoping to crush the Rebellion once and for all, the Empire began construction of a second dreaded Death Star near Endor. Emperor Palpatine then leaked word of its construction to the Alliance, hoping to lure rebel forces in and destroy them.
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Why is Death Star 2 incomplete?

It was two-three times larger than DS1 and took far more materials to build it. Sid also wanted it to look unfinished so he could lure the Rebels in: “it's a trap!” But he ensured the planet killer gun was operational by sending Vader in to oversee it.
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Is there a second Death Star?

The DS-2 Death Star II Mobile Battle Station, codenamed Second Sun and DS-2, also known as the Death Star MK. 2, the Death Star Mark 2, Battle Station DS-II, or simply the second Death Star, was a partially completed moon-sized battle station constructed by the Galactic Empire as the successor to the first Death Star.
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Jar Jar totally not being a Sith Lord for 7:04

What happened to the 3rd Death Star?

In the original Star Tours, a Death Star III is seen and destroyed during the ride sequence by the New Republic. Leland Chee originally created the third Death Star to explain why a Death Star is present on the Star Tours ride when both of the stations in the movies were destroyed.
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Does the Death Star get rebuilt?

The second Death Star was constructed on the edge of the Galaxy above Endor, and was built to maintain fear of the Empire and to restore confidence in its ranks after a devastating loss.
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How was Death Star 2 built so quickly?

Methods of faster construction had been developed in the years since the original station's conception, added to the fact that Imperial engineers made sure to allocate enough space on the station for the maximum possible amount of self-replicating construction droids.
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Is the Death Star more powerful than Starkiller Base?

The answer to this question will come down to each person's individual preference for the functionality of a sci-fi super weapon. If one considers the sheer might of the Starkiller Base and nothing else, then it is clear that the Starkiller Base is the better of the two.
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Who led the Empire after Palpatine's death?

Mas Amedda – Grand Vizier of the Imperial Ruling Council and Vice-Chair of the Imperial Senate, later installed by Gallius Rax as puppet leader following Palpatine's death in Aftermath: Life Debt. Amedda formally surrenders the Galactic Empire to the New Republic in Aftermath: Empire's End.
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Which Death Star was in Rise of Skywalker?

Ewok lovers got a straw to grasp recently, however: Trailers for the new film "Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker," which comes out nationwide Friday (Dec. 20), have shown a large chunk of the Death Star II in the oceans of Kef Bir, one of Endor's neighbor moons.
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Who brought Palpatine back to life?

Palpatine In Star Wars: The Rise Of Skywalker

Although his body was destroyed when Vader threw him down into the second Death Star's reactor, Palpatine survived by transferring his spirit into a clone on Exegol. This was achieved through dark science that only the Sith knew of, but the process was far from perfect.
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Was there a fourth Death Star?

Death Star IV was the fourth Death Star, a type of space station with the ability to destroy an entire planet.
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Who replaced Tarkin?

One of the most powerful of breakaway warlords was Grand Moff Ardus Kaine. The successor of Grand Moff Tarkin created the powerful Pentastar Alignment that solidified Imperial power in the Outer Rim territories but removed a substantial portion of Coruscant's influence.
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Was there a third Death Star?

Present for battles/events

For other uses, see Death Star (disambiguation). The Death Star III, also known as the third Death Star, was a mock Death Star battle station created from an incomplete worldcraft by the Kaarenth Dissension.
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Could we ever build a Death Star?

And how long would it even take to build? On to the subject of materials, it's estimated that it would take 830,000 years at current global output levels to produce the amount of steel needed for just the superstructure of the Death Star.
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Can the Death Star go into hyperspace?

But what made the Death Star particularly menacing was its ability to travel through hyperspace. Not only was it equipped with destructive armaments, it could pursue its prey with those armaments.
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How many died on alderaan?

Out of the 2 billion inhabitants on Alderaan - with the modern-day populations of China and India having about 2.8 billion people combined - about 60,000 survived the destruction of the planet due to being outside of its star system at the time.
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Which Death Star was better?

Is the Death Star 2 better than the first Death Star? If completed, the Death Star 2 would be much better than it's predecessor. For one, its superlaser could fire every three minutes, instead of once per day. This allowed it to be effective in a space battle, as it could target capital ships easily.
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Why did the Empire destroy Geonosis?

Geonosis was the site chosen for construction of the Death Star by the newly established Empire. Travel to the planet was limited to supply convoys and high-ranking Imperials privy to the secret project to build the galaxy's ultimate weapon. The Empire sterilized Geonosis, killing almost all life on its surface.
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How was Death Star 2 built so fast?

Essentially, the Empire was able to build the second Death Star so quickly because they'd already built one before. Furthermore, Darth Sidious expedited the construction of the second Death Star so that it was functional far sooner than the first.
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Do they build a new Death Star?

The construction of the second Death star (or Death Star II is it properly known) began immediately after the destruction of the first Death Star in the Battle of Yavin. Even the Galactic Empire could not afford to build more than one Death Star at a time.
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How many Deathstars were there?

Both Death Stars were destroyed by the Rebel Alliance shortly after they became operational. The first Death Star was destroyed by Luke Skywalker, with the help of Han Solo, and the second Death Star was destroyed by Wedge Antilles and Lando Calrissian.
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