How did Chucky come back from seed?

Following the end of Bride, Seed of Chucky follows Glen/Glenda (Billy Boyd), Chucky and Tiffany's child. After seeing the dolls of Chucky and Tiffany in a film preview, Glen/Glenda sets out to find their parents and, using the Heart of Damballa, brings them back to life.
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How did Chucky come back in Seed of Chucky?

Desperate to know his parents, Glen escapes Psychs and tracks the Chucky and Tiffany dolls to a prop room in Hollywood. Glen uses the Heart of Damballa, a voodoo amulet, to resurrect them.
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How did Chucky come back after Child's Play 3?

Eight years after Chucky's second demise, the Play Pals company resumes manufacturing Good Guy dolls and re-opens the abandoned factory. A splash of blood from Chucky's corpse is inadvertently mixed in with the molten plastic being used to produce the dolls, reviving him in an updated body.
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Why did they rebuild Chucky?

The doll from the previous movie is cleaned, repaired and put back together. The manufacturers want to prove there was nothing wrong with the doll. There were rumors that someone tampered with the doll's voice cassette, something like "Hi, I'm Chucky.
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What comes after Seed of Chucky?

Curse of Chucky was released nine years after Seed, though the narrative picks up only four years after Seed's epilogue (and 25 years after the first movie). Chucky finds himself in a new home, tormenting Nica Pierce and her family. Notably, Nica is played by Fiona Dourif, the daughter of Chucky actor Brad Dourif.
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The CHUCKY Timeline | Horror History

How did Chucky live after Seed of Chucky?

The ultimate choice was to have the corporation that produces the Good Guy dolls reassemble Chucky to show consumers that there's nothing wrong with the doll. Naturally, while doing so, the line worker reassembling the doll is electrocuted by a power surge, thus reviving Chucky.
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Is Glen a boy or a girl Seed of Chucky?

Chucky insists the child is a boy and should be called Glen, while Tiffany argues that they're a girl and should be named Glenda. When asked, the doll replies they don't know what they are. During the film, the doll switches between identifying as Glen and Glenda and changes their pronouns and presentation accordingly.
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Why does Chucky nose bleed?

Kyle follows Chucky and Andy to the factory, where Chucky knocks Andy unconscious and attempts the ritual to transfer his soul into Andy. However, Chucky is able to finish the chant until suddenly, his nose starts to bleed.
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Why is Tiffany human in Seed of Chucky?

Tiffany, like her love interest, Chucky, wishes to transfer her soul into the female human protagonist in both 'Bride Of Chucky' and 'Seed Of Chucky', succeeding in the latter; she manages to switch bodies with a fictionalised version of Jennifer Tilly.
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How did Chucky become real?

While creator Don Mancini took inspiration from his childhood and horror stories that came before, the character of Charles Lee Ray, aka Chucky, is completely fictional.
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Why was Chucky obsessed with Nica's mom?

Nica manages to break the restraints and attack Chucky but gets pushed over the balcony. Nica begs to know his motive, and Chucky reveals himself as a family friend who was secretly in love with Nica's mother Sarah. He says he killed Nica's father and kidnapped Sarah.
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Why did Chucky stab Nica's mom?

After her husband's funeral, she is kidnapped by Charles, but manages to call the police. Charles angered by her rejection, pulls out a knife and stabs her in the stomach before fleeing the oncoming police. Because she was pregnant with Nica, his actions cause her to be paraplegic.
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Why was Chucky so obsessed with Andy?

Unfortunately, as is so often the case, that Good Guy doll has been possessed by the spirit of a serial killer, the notorious Charles Lee Ray. After gruesomely murdering several people in Andy's life, Chucky attempts to transfer his soul into Andy so that he can be a real boy.
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How did Chucky get Tiffany pregnant?

Bride of Chucky: Chucky Gets Tiffany Pregnant

After she angers him, Chucky kills Tiffany, and transfers her soul into a female doll. The duo then goes on a cross-country rampage, during which they have sex.
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Can Chucky feel pain?

Despite inside the body of a doll, Chucky can feel pain and can bleed when injured, and has a large scar with stitches on his face. He used many weapons including guns, but mostly an axe or a knife to kill people who buy or sees him killing someone.
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Why does Chucky have scars?

Turns out it's a clever ruse. In a dramatic moment, it's revealed that Chucky put on some makeup to hide his facial scars. He's still the same killer doll that was put through an industrial fan and sewed back together.
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How is Tiffany not a doll anymore?

He proceeds to transfer her soul into the bridal doll, to make her understand what it is like to be trapped in a doll body. For the both of them to be human again, Chucky explains to her a plan to use his old voodoo amulet to transfer their souls into new bodies.
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Who is inside the Chucky doll?

Charles Lee Ray, aka Chucky

Also known as the Lakeshore Strangler, we first meet Chucky in his original human form as he's running from the cops in Chicago. Upon being shot, he uses voodoo and an amulet, the Heart of Damballa, to transfer his soul into the closest vessel: a Good Guy doll.
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Did Tiffany split her soul?

Tiffany also made use of this spell, splitting her own soul and placing a piece into a brand new Belle doll, using this new Tiffany as a minion of her own.
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Why can Chucky walk in Nica's body?

To her surprise and horror, Chucky reveals that he was never gonna kill Nica and that there are worse fates than death. Chucky then chants a voodoo ritual transferring his soul into Nica, which also gives her the ability to walk.
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Did Chucky take Alice's body?

In the next film, Alice learns she has been put under the guardianship of Chucky's girlfriend, Tiffany Valentine, who tells Nica that Alice died. Later in the film, it is revealed that Chucky was able to possess Alice but she "died" after one of Chucky's intended victims fought back.
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Was Chucky Brainwashed?

In an homage to “A Clockwork Orange" in "Chucky" Season 2, the kids captured a Chucky doll and put him through a brainwashing exercise that ultimately resulted in the evil doll finding violence abhorrent. As a result, his persona changed from one of murder and toxicity to one of almost childlike innocence.
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Did Chucky get a girl pregnant?

In order to get Glen's soul into a human body, Chucky's semen is inserted by Tiffany into Jennifer so she can bear a child for Glen to use. As the two awake the next morning, unaware of the events of the night before, Jennifer suddenly experiences morning sickness and realizes that she is pregnant.
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How did Tiffany give birth?

Now going by "Tiffany Ray", Tiffany plans to transport her soul into the body of Jennifer Tilly (who happens to be playing her in the film). They also plan to impregnate her and put Glen's soul in the baby's body. Their plan is successful, as Jennifer swiftly gives birth to two babies, a boy and a girl.
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How did Glenn become human?

After the events of the film (and bear with me here, because this gets complicated): Glen murders Chucky for killing Tiffany, Tiffany possesses the soul of actress Jennifer Tilly, And a possessed Tilly gives birth to twin babies so Glen and Glenda can live on as humans.
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