How did Loki end up on Earth in Avengers?

Still licking his wounds, Loki next appeared in 2012's The Avengers. Using a scepter with mind control capabilities—a gift from Thanos (Josh Brolin)—Loki staged his takeover of Thor's favorite realm: Midgard. With the help of the Chitauri, Loki opened a portal to Earth and arrived at an underground S.H.I.E.L.D.
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How did Loki get to Earth in The Avengers?

Originally Answered: In Avengers 1, how did Loki came from space to earth through tesseract? How did he manage to open the doorway of tesseract from space? Cuz Loki had the Mind Stone(Scepter) and all he had to do was create a connection between the two stones.
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How is Loki alive in The Avengers?

As we found out in 2012's The Avengers, Loki had survived his fall, but he was under the influence of Thanos. That wasn't the only time Loki faked his death. Loki purposely deceived his brother Thor (Chris Hemsworth) in Thor: The Dark World when they fought the Dark Elf Malekith (Christopher Eccleston).
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How did Loki end up on Earth?

He'd either materialized among the Chitauri, or on a world that they were razing on Thanos' behalf, but information about an Infinity Stone would buy him an audience with Thanos. From there, it was just a matter of time before Loki won Thanos' trust, and became spearhead of the invasion of Earth.
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Why was Loki so evil in Avengers?

While Odin's hiding of Loki's true parentage and Thor's demeaning behavior may have influenced Loki, ultimately he is to blame for his villainous actions due to his own issues with self-acceptance and misinterpretation of his upbringing.
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Loki Arrives on Earth Scene - The Avengers (2012) Movie CLIP HD

Was Loki brainwashed in Avengers?

In Loki's official character bio on the Marvel website, it states: "Gifted with a Scepter that acted as a mind-control device, Loki would be able to influence others. Unbeknownst to him, the Scepter was also influencing him, fueling his hatred over his brother Thor and the inhabitants of Earth".
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Who is the most evil version of Loki?

KING LOKI. By far the most evil incarnation of Loki, and one of his oldest. During the AGENT OF ASGARD run, King Loki was literally the worst enemy of his younger self.
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What happened to Loki before Avengers?

Before showing up in The Avengers, Loki was presumed dead after falling into a wormhole in Thor.
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Why did Thor think Loki was dead?

In Thor: The Dark World, the God of Mischief joined Thor in battle against the Dark Elves, apparently redeeming himself, but died when he was stabbed in the chest. Thor grieved the loss of his brother, but viewers soon learned he had not really died at all.
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Does Thor know Loki is alive?

Thor knew that Loki was alive and on Earth not because of Heimdall… because of Frigga. In the comics version of The Movie Thor (2011), it is noted that Frigga communicated with Loki and warned Odin & Thor that the God of Mischief is alive and well. Hope this helps.
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Who married Loki?

Loki is married to Sigyn and they have two sons, Narfi or Nari and Váli. By the jötunn Angrboða, Loki is the father of Hel, the wolf Fenrir, and the world serpent Jörmungandr. In the form of a mare, Loki was impregnated by the stallion Svaðilfari and gave birth to the eight-legged horse Sleipnir.
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Did Thor know Loki was adopted?

At the end of Thor, Loki knows the truth, and Frigga knows that Loki knows, but at no point does Thor find out the whole truth. In The Avengers, Thor says "He is adopted," so he must have learned the truth sometime between the events depicted onscreen.
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Will Loki meet Thor again?

Summary. Thor and Loki may soon be reunited in the MCU's future, despite their tumultuous relationship and Loki's death in Avengers: Infinity War.
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Who sent Loki to Earth in Avengers 1?

The scepter contained another Infinity Stone that had the ability to control the minds of others, and would aid Loki greatly in his mission. Then, through manipulation of cosmic energy, Thanos teleported Loki to Earth.
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Why did Thanos send Loki to Earth?

Thanos sent Loki to retrieve the Space Stone from Earth, but gave him the Mind Stone in order to help him achieve this goal, and in the process ended up not only getting the Infinity Stone he was after but also losing the one that he already had.
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Who is the prime avenger?

The true identity of the character is only revealed in Avengers Forever #13, by Jason Aaron, Aaron Kuder, Mark Farmer, and Frank Martin, where Avenger Prime reveals himself as Loki and steps up to fight against Doom Supreme, who has upstaged Mephisto by destroying Avengers Tower and is about to claim the power of the ...
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Why does Loki laugh at his death?

But by sacrificing himself to help Loki and Lady Loki, Classic Loki proves himself wrong. He's not selfish like the other Loki variants. He does have a glorious purpose, and it's giving up his life to help others. He laughs because of the absurdity of it all.
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Was Loki sad when Odin died?

However, Loki loved his mother, Frigga, who showed more affection to him. Sadly, both Odin and Frigga died in the original timeline. Loki felt angry and heartbroken after learning Algrim killed his mother. Also, the original Loki briefly reconciled with Odin before he died of old age.
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Has Thor ever killed Loki?

Like in all comics (and even films) Loki didn't stay dead. But, the fact Thor broke his father's rule to kill his brother emphasizes just how powerful the moment was. Thor killed Loki because he had no other choice - he couldn't sit by as his brother killed innocent bystanders (and people Eric deeply cared about).
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How old is Loki in Avengers 1 in human years?

Thor and Loki's ages relative to human years were worked out with Thor 23 years old and Loki just 16 years old!
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Is Thanos Loki's Father?

Laufey is the biological father of Loki. Despite being abandoned, Loki invites the King of the Frost Giants to Asgard to murder the sleeping Asgardian King Odin and start a second war between Jotunheim and Asgard. However, Laufey is ultimately betrayed and killed by Loki.
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What was the worst thing Loki did?

The 10 Worst Things Loki Has Ever Done
  • TRIED TO STRAND THOR. It seemed that Loki and Thor were finally reaching a mutual understanding in Thor: Ragnarok.
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Who is stronger Loki or Thor?

Thor and Loki are epically powerful gods from the Norse-inspired realm of Asgard, both powered by humanity's belief in them, but it is often shown that the God of Thunder Thor is much more "powerful" than his sibling Loki.
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Why is Loki season 2 so bad?

There is too much exposition, too much confusing time-travel logic to straighten out, too many abstract crises to devise byzantine solutions for. And ironically, the more urgent Loki's characters say a disaster is, the less meaningful it seems.
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