How did Loki survive falling off the bridge?

How did Loki survive in Thor (2011)? He basically drifted through space until Thanos found him and gave him purpose by sending him to Midgard to invade with the Chitauri. That's it really.
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How did Loki survive the fall from the Bifrost?

So, to be fully clear, Loki only ever actually died one time. When he dropped from the bifrost in Thor, he didn't die, but rather went directly into a wormhole that eventually led him to a world called Sanctuary, where he met a guy you may have heard of: Thanos.
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How did Loki survive after falling off the bridge?

Loki has always delighted in cheating death, manipulating others into believing he was dead in order to hatch his next scheme. At the end of Thor, he apparently took his own life — but Loki survived death by plunging into one of the many portals he knew could be found in Yggdrasil.
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Where did Loki go after he fell off the Rainbow Bridge?

Loki Falls Into the Abyss in Thor

In Thor, Loki falls into the abyss after Thor destroys the rainbow bridge on Asgard. Loki hangs from his staff, the same staff he tried to impale his brother with 10 seconds before, and has an emotional moment with both Thor and Odin as they try to save him.
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How did Loki survive black hole?

What Loki went through was a wormhole, but even if he survived a black hole, that would an outlier feat for him, because that is the only time he survived something as powerful as a black hole.
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Thor vs Loki Final Battle - Loki Falling Scene - Thor (2011) Movie CLIP HD

Could Thanos survive a black hole?

What Marvel characters can survive a black hole? Pretty much any of the Entity Level characters - , Galactus, Thanos, The In-Betweener, Zeus, Odin, etc, Probably Galactus's heralds - Silver Surfer Maybe even the lesser gods - Thor, Hercules - especially if their chief god (Odin and Zeus) so willed it.
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How did Loki reverse the falling building?

This is when Loki uses his powers of telekinesis again and pushes the building back into place, stopping it from crushing them.
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Does Thor know Loki is alive?

Thor knew that Loki was alive and on Earth not because of Heimdall… because of Frigga. In the comics version of The Movie Thor (2011), it is noted that Frigga communicated with Loki and warned Odin & Thor that the God of Mischief is alive and well. Hope this helps.
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Did Thanos resurrect Loki?

Loki had to give him the Tesseract with him getting to rule Earth. But it failed. Now when Loki gives Thanos the Tesseract in Infinity War, Thanos knows Loki's resurrection has served it's purpose and kills him, bringing everything full circle.
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Does Thor ever see Jane again?

Thor And Jane Reunite And Reconcile Until Her Death In Thor: Love And Thunder (2022) The final chapter in Thor and Jane's relationship timeline, Thor: Love and Thunder, focused more on their relationship than any previous movie.
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Why did Loki fake his death in Thor 2?

Loki has always delighted in cheating death, manipulating others into believing he was dead in order to hatch his next scheme. At the end of Thor, he apparently took his own life — but Loki survived death by plunging into one of the many portals he knew could be found in Yggdrasil.
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What happens to Loki after he falls?

Seeing his efforts were all for naught at the end of Thor, he let himself fall into a wormhole created after the Bifrost was destroyed. When the character showed up again in The Avengers, he was changed for the worst. No longer out to win the love of Odin, he was vengeful and emotionally scarred.
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How did Loki get to Earth in Avengers?

Still licking his wounds, Loki next appeared in 2012's The Avengers. Using a scepter with mind control capabilities—a gift from Thanos (Josh Brolin)—Loki staged his takeover of Thor's favorite realm: Midgard. With the help of the Chitauri, Loki opened a portal to Earth and arrived at an underground S.H.I.E.L.D.
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Did Thor know Loki was adopted?

At the end of Thor, Loki knows the truth, and Frigga knows that Loki knows, but at no point does Thor find out the whole truth. In The Avengers, Thor says "He is adopted," so he must have learned the truth sometime between the events depicted onscreen.
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Who controls the Bifrost after Heimdall died?

Skurge was employed to stand in as the Guardian of the Bifrost. With the passing of Odin, his firstborn, Hela the Goddess of Death, was released from her imprisonment went after her two brothers, Thor and Loki. Witnessing the desecration of Mjolnir at the hands of Hela, Loki called upon Skurge to open the Bifrost.
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How did Thor get to Earth if the Bifrost was broken?

The explanation given at the time was that Thor had to use “Dark Energy” to return to Earth, and that's just it. Then the bifrost bridge is simply rebuilt at some point before Thor: The Dark World (so it really wasn't all THAT big of a sacrifice, if they could just rebuild it in a couple of years).
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Is Loki permanently dead in Infinity War?

So far, that was the only film in the trilogy where Loki didn't "die." His final, final death came at the hands of Thanos in Avengers: Infinity War. Loki's parting words to Thor were, "the sun will shine upon us again." And it has, but in separate universes!
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Does Loki turn blue when he dies?

However, throughout the rest of Thor: Ragnarok and until his own death in Avengers: Infinity War, Loki never had blue skin. One theory on Quora explains this, holding that Loki's appearance was caused by Odin's magic, which was so powerful that it persisted after he died.
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Who killed Thor?

Answer and Explanation: According to Norse mythology, Thor dies in an epic battle with a monstrous serpent named Jörmungandr, also known as the Midgard (middle earth) Serpent. Both opponents meet their death in this battle, which is a part of the ultimate destruction of the current world, known as Ragnarök.
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What was the last thing Thor said to Loki?

And then it hit me: The last words Thor ever spoke to Loki were, "You really are the worst brother." OK, Loki was absolutely the worst brother and he deserves that, but we've seen years' worth of Thor deciding to kill Loki, only to reluctantly realize he loves his brother too much to kill him.
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Is Tom Hiddleston done playing Loki?

Tom Hiddleston, who has played Loki since 2011's Thor, explained his character's final moments in an interview with Jimmy Fallon. “It all comes full circle,” he said. “It's the conclusion to Seasons One and Two, and it's also the conclusion to six films and 12 episodes and 14 years of my life. 14 years.
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Who killed Loki in Ragnarok?

During the events of Ragnarok, which led to the ultimate destruction of the cosmos, Loki, along with all the gods and goddesses, met his final end. His demise came in a battle with the Aesir god Heimdall, the guardian of Asgard, in which they fought each other to the death.
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Why does Loki never use his powers?

Despite his powerful magic, Loki doesn't rely on it heavily and prefers to use his intellect and manipulation skills. He views magic as a tool rather than his primary offense or defense.
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Why does Loki not use his powers in Loki?

The TVA blocks magical powers to protect the Sacred Timeline, and two possible explanations for this are explored. While Loki still uses his wits and intellect, the series needs to move away from the TVA to showcase more of his magical abilities.
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How did Loki steal the Tesseract?

When Thor's sister, Hela (Cate Blanchett), destroys Asgard, Thor and Loki hasten to escape. Loki visits the vault of Odin, Thor's now-dead father. As he walks through the roon, he spots the Tesseract and pauses. The movie implies that Loki, now a good guy but still the God of Mischief, steals the cube for himself.
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