How did Thor understand Groot?

While there was initial distrust among parties, Thor instantly connected with a few of the members, including Groot. Thor revealed that he understood the angsty adolescent because he once took Groot's specific language as an elective on Asgard.
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How is Groot related to Thor?

Since Gaea is also the mother of Thor, this would make Groot the Odinson's nephew (if not half-brother), which actually serves to answer the mystery of Groot's incredible power levels and ability to go toe-to-toe with divine beings.
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Who understands Groot language?

For example, Thor can understand what Groot says upon first meeting the tree-like creature. By the start of the final installment of the Guardians trilogy, all the main characters except Gamora can understand Groot, and by Guardians of the Galaxy 3's ending she learns as well.
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Why did Thor call Groot Tree?

Audiences may have assumed the case of mistaken identity was the result of some combination of Thor's indifference and his preoccupation with defeating Thanos. After all, he didn't bother to call Groot by his real name either, settling for "Tree" instead.
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How did Groot save Thor?

In a moment of selflessness, Groot sprang into action and created a handle using his own arm. While it did save Thor's life and complete the weapon, Groot's sacrifice left a strong influence on Stormbreaker's personality, as disclosed by Thor 4's director Taika Waititi at a press conference attended by CBR.
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Chris Hemsworth CONFIRMS BIG CHANGE for THOR 5 & Why He Messed Up w/ Thor Love & Thunder

Can Groot lift Thor's hammer?

Thor's hammer Mjolnir was defined by the fact that only the 'worthy' could lift it – so basically no-one except the god of thunder (and Vision, for some reason). But when it comes to the weapon's replacement, Stormbreaker – which Thor forges in Avengers: Infinity War – Groot is able to lift it too.
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Why can Groot hold Stormbreaker?

This is a very simple answer that a lot of people don't understand: You don't need to be worthy to lift Stormbreaker! Unlike Mjolnir, Stormbreaker was never enchanted by the forefathers to only be held by the “worthy”. It was simply a powerfully forged weapon with near-indestructible properties. Cliff G.
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Can Thor understand Groot language?

Thor revealed that he understood the angsty adolescent because he once took Groot's specific language as an elective on Asgard.
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Why is Rocket the only one who understands Groot?

At first, it just seems like Rocket makes up whatever Groot intends with his words, but the truth is that Rocket really understands Groot's strange language. Because Rocket has spent more time with Groot than anyone else, he understands all the nuances of the words and the way Groot says them.
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Why can Groot only say Groot?

The mature form of Groot's species is robust and heavyweight, which causes the organs of acoustic generation to become stiff and inflexible. It is this nature of Groot's larynx that causes people, who are oblivious to the subtle nuances of Flora colossi speech, to misinterpret Groot as merely repeating his name.
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Did Groot say the F word?

There's also precedence within the MCU for Groot to swear. Gunn said in a now-deleted tweet that Baby Groot "drops about 50 f-bombs in Guardians 2." They can't be heard since Groot only says, "I am Groot," which is how the director was able to get away with so many uses of the F-word without the movie being rated R.
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Why is Groot so big at the end?

Gunn referred to that version as the new Groot's "father," which explains why they don't look exactly the same, or act the same, since "Swoll Groot" has a "more outgoing personality." Groot's larger form in the credits scene is a result of him continuing to grow, though it's unclear if this is his final form or if he' ...
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Why does Groot say I love you guys?

Towards the end of the Marvel Cinematic Universe sequel, Groot says, “I love you guys” — a departure from his usual dialogue of “I am Groot.” James Gunn has confirmed that this isn't actually Groot vocalizing the words “I love you guys,” but rather, the moment signifies that the audience has spent enough time with the ...
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What is Groot's real name?

Groot's language is known to Thor, but he's likely just calling Groot “tree” by his looks rather than his name. In the comics, Groot's actual full name is “His Divine Majesty King Groot the 23rd, Monarch of Planet X, custodian of the branch worlds, ruler of all the shades.”
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Is Groot the last of his kind?

Groot was the last of his kind once Ronan's army had erased the Flora colossus, however Groot was able to save the World Pod within himself, which he could use to recreate the Flora colossus race by planting it in the sacred pool. Groot used World Pod during the Guardians battle with Thanos, which rendered it useless.
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Why does Gamora understand Groot at the end?

Gamora (and the viewer) understands Groot verbally because he is finally understood on an emotional level. After getting to know him across three movies, the audience understands him - without the need for a violent mind-meld.
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What did Groot say to Rocket when he died?

As he fades away into dust, Groot says his whole “I am Groot” to Rocket Raccoon, but what he really means, according to Guardians of the Galaxy director James Gunn, is much sadder. The tree thinks the raccoon with the voice of Bradley Cooper doing an accent is his dad! Somehow this is actually pretty sad!
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Why can't baby Groot talk?

As a Flora colossus from Planet X, Groot's language is nearly impossible to comprehend due to the inflexibility of his larynx, resulting in his dialogue consisting of solely one phrase.
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Why does Thor call Groot Tree?

The theorist also says that Thor has a habit of referring to people by their surname (Stark, Rogers, Banner), so it's possible that Groot's full name is Groot Tree.
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How did Drax know the language?

Drax the Destroyer was also able to speak it as he knew the language ever since his childhood, and therefore was the only one of the Guardians of the Galaxy who could communicate with the Star Children.
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Does Thor speak Asgardian?

So Thor only speaks Asgardian, but anyone who hears him, hears the language they speak the best.
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Why could Gorr lift Stormbreaker?

Meanwhile, MCU Phase 4 saw Stormbreaker being wielded by Thor, Gorr the God Butcher, Love, and anyone else who was strong enough to actually lift and swing it. This is because of the respective origins of both legendary Asgardian weapons.
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Why can Thanos lift Thor's Stormbreaker?

Storm breaker is meant to be the strongest weapon of Asgard and could even summon bifrost, says Eitri. But there is no enchantment or spell on it like it was on Mjolnir. So one doesn't have to be worthy to weild it, just the strength to lift it. Clearly Thanos is capable of lifting it.
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Why is Stormbreaker jealous of Mjolnir?

Both weapons also appear to have a degree of sentience, with Stormbreaker apparently being envious of Thor's affection for Mjolnir, a characteristic director Taika Waititi attributed to the handle being made from the arm of the adolescent Groot, and carrying over some of that character's moodiness at that age.
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