How do Orcs reproduce in Middle-earth?

Unlike Dwarves and Hobbits, Orcs wouldn't be bred with any sort of awesome-looking spiky Orcish Marriage Ring. Instead, the breeding process would be closer to breeding animals. Man-flesh would have to be fed to both an Orc and an Orc woman nearby, and they'd both initiate the process.
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How did Sauron breed Orcs?

Mordor Orcs refer to the Orcs that Sauron bred for his own army. The first Dark Lord Melkor took hostage some Elves from Cuiviénen. He tortured them, beat them, and broke their bodies into the first deformed and twisted beings known as Orcs. Tolkien confirmed that female Orcs did exist.
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How are Orcs multiplied?

The orcs "multiplied" like Elves and Men, meaning that they reproduced sexually. Tolkien stated in a letter dated 21 October 1963 to a Mrs. Munsby that "there must have been orc-women". In The Fall of Gondolin Morgoth made them of slime by sorcery, "bred from the heats and slimes of the earth".
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How are Orcs conceived?

The first Dark Lord Melkor imprisoned a few Elves from Cuiviénen. The first twisted and deformed monsters known as orcs were made after he tortured, battered, and mutilated the victims.
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Can Orcs breed with humans in lotr?

They can. It is specifically stated that Saruman bred orcs with humans to create beings not afraid of sunlight. Frodo saw one of these in Bree, and others were seen at the battle of Helm's Deep.
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What Happened to the Orcs After the Ring was Destroyed and the War of the Ring Had Ended?

How do Orcs repopulate in Lord of the Rings?

Unlike Dwarves and Hobbits, Orcs wouldn't be bred with any sort of awesome-looking spiky Orcish Marriage Ring. Instead, the breeding process would be closer to breeding animals. Man-flesh would have to be fed to both an Orc and an Orc woman nearby, and they'd both initiate the process.
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How did Saruman breed Uruk-hai?

The Uruk-hai might have been the result of crossbreeding Orcs and Men. There were other creatures in Saruman's armies, and under his command in the Shire, that appear to have been hybrids. "Half-orcs" were as tall as Men and are never described simply as Orcs, as the Uruk-hai frequently are.
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How long are orcs pregnant?

Orcs have fast gestation periods, lasting only 5 - 6 months from conception to birth, and it's rare for them to have only one child, where it is common for them to have Sextuplets, or Octuplets at once.
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How did Morgoth create orcs?

It was believed by the Eldar that before Oromë first discovered Cuiviénen, Morgoth had kidnapped some of the Avari and cruelly deformed them, twisting them into the first Orcs.
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Are there female Orcs?

No female Orc character is ever depicted in the Lord of the Rings, and no information about orcs' society and upbringing (apart from it being violent and cruel)is given, but there are indeed female orcs and for what we know they might be hardly distinguishable from males (like it happens for dwarves) and even be apt to ...
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Why are Uruk-hai born in the ground?

In Peter Jackson's The Lord of the Rings, the Uruk-hai are shown as being released from a kind of membrane in the mud deep under Isengard (special commentary on the DVD edition explained that they were trying to base the scene on an early description of Tolkien's that Orcs "worm their way out of the ground like maggots ...
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How did Tolkien create Orcs?

In his new origins for orcs, Tolkien explored the idea that orcs could have been created from corrupted humans, elves, disembodied spirits, and beasts — taken by Morgoth and fashioned into a conglomerate mockery of Eru's creations.
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How did Saruman get so many Orcs?

Around TA 2990, he started making his own Orcs and eventually crossbreeding them with Men. After Saruman's nominal fealty to Sauron in TA 3000, his Uruks joined Orcs of the Misty Mountains in attacks upon eastern Rohan.
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How did Orcs become Orcs?

There it is said that, after the destruction of the Two Lamps, Morgoth created many evil creatures of different shapes, "yet the Orcs were not made until he had looked upon the Elves, and he made them in mockery of the Children of Ilúvatar".
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Why can't Nazgul cross water?

One theory suggests that the Nazgul's fear of water could be attributed to Ulmo, the Vala of water, who resided in every body of water in Middle-earth and may have punished any evil creatures who entered his domain.
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Was Smaug created by Morgoth?

Smaug is Not The Strongest Dragon

That title falls to Ancalagon the Black, the largest dragon ever to have existed in Middle-earth. He was bred by Morgoth during the First Age to fight for the Dark Lord during his campaign of terror.
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Who kills Morgoth?

He will fight in the Last Battle against the Valar and their allies, but will ultimately be slain by Túrin Turambar, the Man he cursed. By finally defeating Morgoth, Túrin will avenge not only himself, but all members of the race of Men.
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How can Morgoth create dragons?

However, the most likely theory is that Morgoth bred a Maiar with some kind of beast (or one of the nameless things). That would explain the dragons' immense power, but it would also explain why the dragons were completely in thrall to Morgoth.
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How are new orcs born?

Jackson's depiction of the Uruks being spawned from the mud came from Tolkien's old description of orcs being "bred from the heats and slimes of the earth." It is said they were a result of cross-breeding orcs and "Goblin-men", instead of Orcs and Men. In Tolkien's writings "Goblin" is just another term for orc.
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How long are elves pregnant?

They live for millennia, so being pregnant for one hundred years is actually not that bad when you look at it that way. Both parents are also aware of the baby elf growing in the womb the whole time.
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How did Elves become Orcs?

Yes, they are. As Melkor could not create real life (only Eru could) he captured elves, torturing and maiming them both in physical and spiritual terms, corrupting them to the breaking points: orcs.
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How did Arwen summon water?

In the first film of Peter Jackson's The Lord of the Rings film trilogy, it is at the Fords of this river that Arwen, bearing a wounded Frodo on her horse, confronts the Nine Ringwraiths and eventually summons the flood that consumes them. She does so by chanting to the river in the Quenya tongue.
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What happened to the Orcs after Sauron died?

Since their will was not bound to Sauron now, it is more likely that they ran away in terror and scattered across Middle-earth. After Sauron's defeat, Aragorn and his army killed the remaining Orcs in Mordor.
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