How does Katniss show defiance at the dinner table?

At dinner, Katniss and Peeta eat course after course of rich food. Effie Trinket comments on their polite manners, different from past Seam tributes, which only infuriates Katniss. She then eats the rest of the meal with her fingers.
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How does Katniss show defiance?

By hunting illegally, Katniss shows her defiance of the Capitol and her resistance against their unjust and restrictive laws by breaking the rules.
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How does Katniss show defiance at the dinner table Hunger Games Chapter 3?

At dinner, Katniss and Peeta eat course after course of rich food. Effie Trinket comments on their polite manners, different from past Seam tributes, which only infuriates Katniss. She then eats the rest of the meal with her fingers.
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Why does Katniss scream Peeta's name at the end of Chapter 18?

Under the new rule, tributes from the same district will both be declared winners if they are the last two left alive. Katniss, realizing that she and Peeta can both survive, immediately calls out Peeta's name.
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How did Katniss go deaf?

Katniss is rendered deaf in one ear after she blows up the Careers' supplies, and she doesn't regain any hearing on her left side until afterwards when the Capitol gives her a hearing aid.
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'Katniss Shooting The Apple' Scene | The Hunger Games (2012)

What is Peeta's last name?

Peeta Mellark is a fictional character from The Hunger Games trilogy by Suzanne Collins. He is portrayed by actor Josh Hutcherson in The Hunger Games film series.
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Who kills the boy from District 3?

Cato is livid. He kills the boy from District 3 by snapping his neck and, at nightfall, the Careers head back into the woods to hunt.
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Why doesn t Katniss cry?

When Peeta talks about how he hopes someone else will kill Thresh, Katniss starts to cry because she doesn't want anyone else to die, which is unacceptable from a tribute in the Hunger Games. Instead, she disguises her tears as homesickness.
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How old was Katniss when her father died?

Katniss's father, a coal miner, was killed in a mine explosion when Katniss was 11. After his death, Katniss's mother went into a deep depression and was unable to take care of her children.
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What happens at dinner that makes Katniss nervous?

Katniss' recognition of the girl Avox, a supposed traitor, adds to the tension of the dinner and stirs up guilt in Katniss.
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How does Katniss show rebellion in Catching Fire?

' Poaching, trading on the black market, mocking the Capitol in the woods"(130) are but few examples of Katniss rebellious actions even before setting foot in the arena .
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Why is Katniss rebellious?

But Katniss's primary intent wasn't to stage an act of rebellion, though she does recognize that there was some spirit of defiance in the gesture. Mostly she wanted to save Peeta and herself and she knew the Capitol wouldn't let both of them die.
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How does Katniss purposely defy the Capitol in the book?

It is also Rue's death that makes Katniss want to shame the Capitol. She does so by adorning Rue's body with flowers, by showing this girl from another district her love, simultaneously telling the Capitol, and everybody watching, that the tributes aren't just pieces in the Games.
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How does Katniss purposely defy the Capitol in Hunger Games?

In the final climatic events of The Hunger Games, when the Gamemakers abruptly take back their promise to allow two tributes from the same district to be co-winners if both survive, Katniss openly defies them by threatening a double suicide rather than kill Peeta.
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Do Peeta and Katniss sleep together in the book?

It's only implied that they get it on via snuggling and other affectionate acts in close quarters — but if you have read the book, they really imply that they took their relationship to the next level.
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Does Peeta lose his leg in the book?

He is "broad-shouldered and strong." Part of Peeta's left leg was amputated following the 74th Hunger Games, forcing him to walk with the aid of a prosthetic leg for the rest of his life. In the 2012 film adaptation, his leg is never amputated.
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What was the rebellion in The Hunger Games?

The First Rebellion was a major civil war in Panem which lasted three years, ending seventy-four years before the beginning of The Hunger Games trilogy. A rebel coalition of districts, led by District 13, launched an open insurrection against the ruling totalitarian government of the Capitol.
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Did Rue's dad start the riot?

Katniss never hallucinates about her dad's death after being stung by tracker jackers. Rue's dad doesn't start a riot in District 11 after his daughter's death. Haymitch doesn't convince the Game Maker to change the solo victor rule.
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What does Katniss do that shows signs of rebellion against the Capitol?

Katniss performs the novel's greatest act of rebellion against the Capitol when she has the idea for her and Peeta to eat the poisonous berries. As Katniss explains, the Hunger Games are the Capitol's weapon against the districts, but they are also a popular form of entertainment.
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Why does Katniss kiss Peeta as he goes to sleep?

Peeta sleeps first. Katniss kisses him on the forehead, for herself, she admits, and not for the audience. She is glad to have him there with her, comforted by the thought that together they can fight Peeta.
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Why doesn t Katniss cry?

When Peeta talks about how he hopes someone else will kill Thresh, Katniss starts to cry because she doesn't want anyone else to die, which is unacceptable from a tribute in the Hunger Games. Instead, she disguises her tears as homesickness.
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Why can't Katniss cry?

Katniss comes close to crying, something she knows she mustn't do because it would indicate weakness to the other tributes and make her look vulnerable; thankfully, Haymitch distracts the crowd and the cameras by stumbling off stage.
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Why did Haymitch choose Katniss?

He only uses Katniss because the Capitol is brutally oppressive and he realizes that, with Katniss's help, the rebels have a real chance of bringing it down. This sort of cynical pragmatism largely defines Haymitch, and it stems from a combination of realism and a rebellious spirit.
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How does Katniss become more rebellious?

Katniss Everdeen's fight against the Capitol is motivated by a multitude of factors. Her experiences in District 12, the injustice of the Hunger Games, her personal losses and her yearning for peace all contribute to her own personal rebellion and the wider revolution that spreads throughout all of Panem.
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What does Katniss realize about her role in the rebellion?

While Katniss is hurt by Haymitch, Plutarch, and the others' plan, she fully grasps the magnitude of her role in the rebellion. She understands that her only job was to be the mockingjay. She knows the importance of keeping her alive was only because she is the face of the rebellion.
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