How does Loki have powers if he's a frost giant?

Loki's magic in the MCU is innate, he doesn't need to study or use incantations to tap into his powers. As a Frost Giant, he is born with magical abilities and has been trained in Asgardian sorcery.
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How is Loki a God if he is a giant?

How is Loki a god if he is a Frost Giant? Loki has Asgardian attributes because Odin made him a God, but he is actually a Frost Giant. Adopted as a child by Odin, Loki retains his Frost Giant biology, meaning his strength, durability, and stamina are all slightly higher than Asgardian levels.
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Why is Loki human and not a frost giant?

Why does Loki look like an Asgardian and not a Frost Giant? According to legend, Loki was the son of the Frost Giant King Fárbauti. Loki was born unusually small, and looked very much like an Asgardian child. The King had him hidden away in his fortress because he was embarrassed by his looks and size.
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Did Thor know Loki was a Frost Giant?

[MCU] How and when did Thor find out about Loki being an adopted frost giant, and how did he react to that revelation? At the end of Thor, Loki knows the truth, and Frigga knows that Loki knows, but at no point does Thor find out the whole truth.
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Was Loki originally a Frost Giant?

Like his comic counterpart, the McU's Loki was born to the Frost Giants as the son of King Laufey, adopted by Odin and raised in Asgard. As an on-screen character, Loki has developed from a villain looking to take down his brother Thor to a time-jumping variant trying to capture another version of himself.
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Loki Finds Out He's A Frost Giant - Thor (2011) Movie CLIP HD

Is Loki the son of Odin or Kratos?

The God of War Loki's lineage is quite different, with Laufey as his birth mother and the Greek demigod, Kratos, as his birth father. GOW's Loki is known as Atreus throughout the duration of the game, and his true identity is only discovered at its conclusion.
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Why isn t Loki blue?

Citing the Marvel Visual Dictionary, this theory explains that Odin used magic to make Loki seem Asgardian. However, Odin must have used stronger magic than a simple illusion. Otherwise, Loki would have turned blue in Loki when he entered the Time Variance Authority (TVA) Office, where magic and powers did not work.
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How is Loki half god and half giant?

He is one of the most well-known gods of Norse mythology. He is at least half-giant; but some report him as being a full-grown giant. Loki's father was Fárbauti and his mother was Laufey. His father was a giant.
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Why is Loki underpowered?

It's not that he never had - or can never have - those powers, but rather that he hadn't obtained them yet. Classic Loki was powerful enough because he lived a long life and found ways to survive, even living through his own Avengers: Infinity War.
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Why did Loki turn into a mare?

Loki shapeshifted and turned himself into an alluring female horse to draw Svaðilfari away from helping the master builder complete Asgard's fortifications. When they were together, Loki and Svaðilfari mated. Loki subsequently became pregnant and gave birth to Sleipnir.
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Is Loki's dad Kratos?

The God of War Loki's lineage is quite different, with Laufey as his birth mother and the Greek demigod, Kratos, as his birth father. GOW's Loki is known as Atreus throughout the duration of the game, and his true identity is only discovered at its conclusion.
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Why did Odin adopt Loki?

It was explained in “Thor” why he adopted Loki as a son. (SPOILERS from “Thor: Ragnarok” are below, so read at your own risk!) Loki was a helpless baby left to die in the cold, harsh environment of Jötunheim. Odin took pity on him and rescued him.
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Why is the Loki variant a girl?

Loki is a shapeshifter and, as noted on his paperwork with the TVA, the character's sex is fluid. This is an aspect that has been well established in Marvel comics — which takes inspiration from Loki's Norse mythology — and the character has appeared and been referred to as Thor's brother and sister in various stories.
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How did Loki turn white?

(Remember: Odin literally turned his son's skin from blue to white when he was a baby and kept Loki's parentage hidden from him until he was an adult.)
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Why is Atreus called Loki?

Atreus and Loki have always been one in the same character in God of War, but the name has far less significance to both Kratos and Atreus than it does to the audience. Loki, as it was revealed, was the name that Kratos' wife, Faye, wanted to give Atreus when he was born.
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Why is Atreus face scarred?

The leading theories include the possibility of Deimos' birthmark being genetic and Atreus' scars being related, as well as possible self-scarification as a young Atreus was trying to look more like his father. Alternatively, it's just a coincidence, and Atreus got his scars in an accident or fight.
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Is Enchantress a Loki?

A character based partially on the Sylvie Lushton incarnation of the Enchantress, a female variant of Loki simply named Sylvie, appears in Loki, portrayed by Sophia Di Martino.
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How did Sylvie become a girl?

It's obviously because of Loki's fluidity. Loki was revealed in Mobius' files as Sexfluid. No, it's not their gender that's fluid, it's their sex. They can change they biological sex any time they want, because of their powers.
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What does Lady Loki call herself?

But in episode three, the character tells Loki several times not to call her "a Loki." She says: "That's not who I am anymore. I'm Sylvie."
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Why did Odin love Thor more than Loki?

Most Marvel fans think that Odin favors Thor over Loki because the former is his natural son, while Loki is the adopted son of the giant Laufey. However, there is another, much deeper reason for Odin's favoritism, and it hides in the one-eyed god's past and his relationship with his brother Cul, the God of Fear.
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How did Odin punish Loki?

Loki was bound to a rock (by the entrails of one or more of his sons, according to some sources) as punishment, thus in many ways resembling the Greek figures Prometheus and Tantalus. Also like Prometheus, Loki is considered a god of fire.
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Did Odin forgive Loki?

Oddly enough, it was here when Odin chose to forgive him when he saw Loki before his death. At this point, Odin even praised Loki for using an effective enchantment on him. Odin didn't bring up any of the bad blood between them from Thor: The Dark World, nor did he have any anger toward Loki.
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What is Balder the god of?

Baldur, which is also spelled Baldr or Balder, is a god in Norse mythology. The son of Odin and Frigg and the brother of Thor, Hodur, and other gods, he is primarily associated with light and beauty. Baldur is beloved by his fellow gods for his beauty, wisdom, and peaceful nature.
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How is Atreus a god?

Kratos to Atreus on his godhood. Divine-Jötnar Physiology: Atreus is the son of Kratos, a Greek divine being and the former God of War, and son to Zeus, and Laufey, a powerful Jötnar Giant. As a result of this, Atreus has a tremendous physiology, making him a hybrid of the Greek and Norse pantheon.
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