How does Nick feel about Jordan in the end?

Nick feels similarly conflicted about Jordan. He realizes that she is dishonest, selfish, and cynical, but he is attracted to her vitality nevertheless.
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What does Nick realize about Jordan at the end of the chapter?

Nick describe Jordan as the end of Chapter 3 he learns that she is a dishonest person. She cheats her way to win. Nick states, "Dishonesty in a woman is a thing you never blame deeply—I was casually sorry, and then I forgot."
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How did Nick really feel about Jordan?

Nick is interested in getting to know and date Jordan. However, his feelings towards her are superficial, and this infatuation comes to an end when he discovers who Jordan really is - she's 'incurably dishonest' and incapable of commitment.
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How does Nick feel about Jordan by the end of the novel How does she feel about him?

How does Nick feel about Jordan Baker? Nick is very attracted to Jordan Baker, and he likes to look at her. How does Jordan Baker feel about Nick? Jordan Baker is very friendly towards Nick, and she likes to talk to him.
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Why does Nick reject Jordan?

Nick posits that Jordan constantly tells lies in order to maintain an advantage over others. Whatever advantage Jordan has is linked to her beauty and fame, and Nick indicates that she uses this advantage both to satisfy her own desires and soothe her insecurities.
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Why does Nick kiss Jordan?

Why do Nick's feelings about Jordan change?

Nick changes his feelings toward Jordan because after the hit and run of Myrtle,she becomes the same as Tom and Daisy. He sees her, whether it is true or not, as just another over-privileged woman who destroys those around her. Simply, she becomes a part of a world that Nick has become disillusioned about.
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Why did Nick and Jordan's relationship end?

Nick became involved with Jordan because of his relationship with Daisy and Tom. He broke the relationship off because he was sick of her immaturity and how she lied all of the time. He said she was on of the most dishonest and careless people he has ever known.
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How does Nick feel about Jordan in Chapter 9?

Nick leaves, feeling angry and sorry. Nick thought his relationship with Jordan was superficial. But Jordan implies she really loved him. Nick, too, it appears, was corrupted by the East.
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How does Nick feel about Jordan in chapter 8?

Nick leaves to go work, where he has a terse conversation with Jordan Baker about how he treated her the night before. Nick ends the phone call, realizing both that they are finished as a couple, and that he doesn't care.
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What does Jordan reveal to Nick at the end of Chapter 4?

What is revealed about Gatsby in Chapter 4? Jordan tells Nick that Gatsby and Daisy had been in love before she married Tom Buchanan. Gatsby wants Nick to get Daisy to come to Nick's house, presumably to continue their interrupted love affair.
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What shocking truth does Jordan reveal to Nick?

Following lunch, Nick gets together with Jordan at the Plaza Hotel, where she tells him the story Gatsby shared with her at the party. She reveals that Gatsby, as a young man, had a passionate love affair with Daisy Fay, later known as Daisy Buchanan.
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Was Nick attracted to Jordan?

Nick is therefore attracted to Jordan's realistic and skeptical attitude and likes the fact that she does not haunt him like Daisy does to Tom and Gatsby. He likes that he is not obsessed by her.
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Does Nick kiss Jordan?

Jordan conveys Gatsby's request to be invited to Nick's house when Daisy is present. The chapter ends with Nick embracing and kissing Jordan.
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What criticism of Jordan does Nick make near the end of the chapter?

The chapter ends with Nick saying his goodbyes and witnessing a car crash involving the owl-eyed man and another while walking home. After this, Nick includes a short anecdote on the deceitful nature of Jordan Baker, saying that he feels he could love her but does not know how to love a woman so comfortable with lying.
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What does Nick suddenly remember about Jordan?

Jordan Baker is known for being a professional golfer. Indeed, even Nick knows who she is before the beginning of the novel. He remembers a golfing scandal in which she was reported to have moved one of her balls. In this manner, she's also known for her dishonesty and carelessness when it comes to the rules.
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What is Nick's relationship with Jordan in chapter 3?

He works each day in the city, has a brief relationship with a woman from New Jersey, and then begins to date Jordan Baker. Yet though he's attracted to Jordan, he doesn't like her because she's dishonest and even cheats at golf. Nick then says that he is one of the only honest people he's ever known.
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Do Nick and Jordan end their relationship in Chapter 8?

Nick and Jordan have a big fight. Jordan claims Nick was rude to her in the past and they are unable to set up a time too met up and end the argument. Nick gives up on their relationship. George Wilson is interrogated and claims, “He has his ways” of finding out who murdered Myrtle and acts mentally insane.
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What does Nick find at the end of Chapter 8?

Nick hurries back to West Egg and finds Gatsby floating dead in his pool. Nick imagines Gatsby's final thoughts, and pictures him disillusioned by the meaninglessness and emptiness of life without Daisy, without his dream.
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Why is Nick disappointed in Jordan chapter 8?

The actual cause of the issue between Jordan Baker and Nick is simple to understand. That's why: Nick is disappointed in Jordan's emotional reaction. For Jordan, it only matters how Nick treated her. And this is despite Myrtle's recent death.
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What happens to Nick and Jordan in Chapter 8?

What happens between Nick and Jordan Baker? Nick breaks off the relationship. He just can't stand the ease with which she (and Tom and Daisy) let things slip by. They are too irresponsible for his moral sensibilities.
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What is Nick doing at the end of Chapter 9?

Nick decided to leave the area and head back west. He called Jordan, who was his girlfriend, and ended things with her for good. In October, Nick ran into Tom. He asked Tom what he had said to Wilson that made him go and kill Gatsby, and Tom said he "told him the truth" that the car belonged to Gatsby.
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What does Nick find out when he visits Jordan Chapter 9?

Nick visits Jordan Baker's residence to settle matters. She claims she's marrying someone else, but Nick doesn't believe her.
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Are Nick and Jordan in love?

While he feels "a sort of tender curiosity" towards Jordan, Nick states that he never fully loves Jordan.
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Is Nick in love with Gatsby?

This is at the very end of the novel. Of the late Gatsby, Tom says, “That fellow had it coming to him. He threw dust in your eyes just like he did in Daisy's….” And that's why it matters that Nick is gay and in love with Gatsby: because Tom's assessment is spot-on, but Nick will never admit it.
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What were Nick's final words to Gatsby?

Nick's final significant words to Gatsby are, "They're a rotten crowd. You're worth the whole damn bunch put together." This is a fitting goodbye because it reflects Nick's recognition of Gatsby's exceptional qualities and his condemnation of the shallow and morally bankrupt society that surrounds him.
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