How does Spock say goodbye?

"Live long and prosper." A formal Vulcan greeting and farewell, usually accompanied by the Vulcan salute. This phrase is most commonly associated with Mr. Spock, who is also Vulcan.
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How do you say goodbye in Vulcan?

Welcome = Shaya tonat. Hello (General greeting) = Na'shaya. Hello (on phone) = Tonk'peh. Goodbye = Rom halan.
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How do they say goodbye in Star Trek?

"Live long and prosper"

A Vulcan translation – "dif-tor heh smusma" – was introduced in the 1979 film Star Trek: The Motion Picture. The less-well-known reply is "peace and long life", though it is sometimes said first, with "live long and prosper" as the reply. The phrase has been seen abbreviated "LLAP".
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What were Spock's last words?

I have been...and always shall be... your friend. Live long...and prosper. Who: Spock (Leonard Nimoy), before dying of radiation poisoning from the Warp Cells which allowed the Enterprise to escape the Genesis Wave.
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What was Spock's famous line?

"Live long and prosper" and "the needs of the many" are just a few of the actor's finest lines.
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Kirk and Spock say goodbye

What is the famous Vulcan greeting in Star Trek?

Accompanied by the phrase “Live long and prosper,” the salute is as key to Star Trek as starships, warp capabilities, and the phrase “to boldly go where no one has gone before.” Spock actor and Trek legend Leonard Nimoy created it on the set of The Original Series.
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What did Spock say before he died?

With the Enterprise in imminent danger of destruction, Spock enters a highly radioactive chamber in order to fix the ship's drive so the crew can escape danger. Spock quickly perishes, and, with his final breaths, says to Kirk, “Don't grieve, Admiral. It is logical.
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What was Spock's girlfriend name?

In the first sequel, Star Trek Into Darkness, Uhura has been serving on the Enterprise for a year and is still romantically involved with Spock.
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What does 🖖 mean from a guy?

What does 🖖 Vulcan Salute emoji mean? Live long and prosper, friends! If you ever need to spread the love to your geekier friends, then flash a 🖖. The Vulcan salute emoji, 🖖, is perfect for showing your Star Trek cred or sci-fi pride more generally.
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What does Kirk call Spock?

As for everyone else, Spock and Uhura are co-workers of similar status. Decorum and protocol dictate that Kirk address all officers by rank or with “Mr” or “Mz” while on duty. He calls him by both.
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How do Klingons say goodbye?

What is DaH jImej? Used to express an acknowledgment of parting. Hoch vIqImHa'meH, qEylIS 'e' DaHar'a'? An acknowledgment at parting, especially by saying "goodbye.”
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How do trekkies say goodbye?

"Live long and prosper."

A formal Vulcan greeting and farewell, usually accompanied by the Vulcan salute. This phrase is most commonly associated with Mr. Spock, who is also Vulcan.
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What do Vulcans say when someone dies?

Tuvok also mentions an interesting Vulcan funerary prayer: May your death bring you the peace you never found in life. We can extrapolate from this that death is viewed (not unlike in many Terran cultures) as something not necessarily negative, but rather a state of rest, free from all suffering.
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How do you say good morning in Star Trek?

“Good morning” or “How do you do?” generally don't apply on Qo'nos. A traditional Klingon greeting is “nuq'neH,” which translates to “What do you want?” though the mechanics of it are a little delicate — only ask when being approached, not when approaching.
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What is Spock famous for saying?

1 "Live long and prosper."

Of the many logical and wise things Spock said over his many years in Starfleet, the one he remains most remembered for are the words spoken with the Vulcan salute.
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What were Spock's last words on Star Trek?

Spock: I have been and always shall be your friend. Live long and prosper.
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What killed Spock?

Spock's First Death In Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan

Tragically, the heroic Vulcan succumbed to radiation poisoning.
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What is the catchphrase from Spock Highly?

"Highly illogical." -- Spock's catchphrase was also the title for a 1993 album of Nimoy songs including "Proud Mary." 3. "Vulcans never bluff." -- spoken by Spock in the Oct.
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What is Spock's full name?

The beloved Vulcan's full name is officially S'Chn T'Gai Spock. The name actually comes from a popular fan work-turned novel for The Original Series in Barbara Hambly's Ishmael which was published in 1985.
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What made Spock cry?

Nimoy stated that after "The Naked Time", in which a disease causes Spock to cry, "I knew that we were not playing a man with no emotions, but a man who had great pride, who had learned to control his emotions and who would deny that he knew what emotions were. In a way, he was more human than anyone else on the ship."
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What does 🖖 mean in texting?

It's a greeting that's out of this world. The Vulcan Salute means Live long and prosper and stems from the tv series Star Trek. The Vulcan salute emoji shows a raised hand and a noticeable gap between middle and ring fingers.
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What is a Spock slang?

Spock, emotionally distant with a cold logic all his own.
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