How fast is Borg Transwarp?

The Borg's Transwarp Technology History by 2374 - A vessel belonging to species 116 named the Dauntless was assimilated by the collective, it's quantum slipstream capable of speeds of at least 10,000 light-years per hour.
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Is transwarp faster than Warp 10?

The USS Defiant studied a rare subspace compression anomaly in the hopes of collecting data relevant to the development of transwarp corridors, which were approximately fifty times faster than highest warp of Starfleet ships (9.9, equal to 2,083 × c).
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What is the highest warp speed in Star Trek?

The warp drive has a natural physical or economical limit beyond which higher speeds are no longer possible. The reference work Star Trek Fact Files indicates this limit at warp factor 9.99.
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What is the fastest speed achieved in Star Trek?

According to Gene Roddenberry's first concept script Star Trek is ..., the original Enterprise had a maximum speed of 0.73 light years per hour, which is about 6395 times the speed of light. This corresponds with warp factor 18.56 of the cubic scale.
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How fast is warp 1 in Star Trek?

Warp factor 1 is the speed of light which is — depending on which kind of measurement you want to use — 299,792,458 meters per second or 186,000 miles per second.
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#StarTrek How fast is Borg's transwarp conduit?

How fast is warp 8 in Star Trek?

Warp factor 8 equals the cube of 8 (8 times 8 times 8), or 512 times light speed. Even this velocity is too slow to allow starships to travel as quickly as they appear to on TV. In reality, the script writers arbitrarily allowed the Enterprise to get to wherever it was going, as fast as was convenient for storytelling.
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How fast could Kirk's Enterprise go?

Kirk's Enterprise Reached Warp 8

Fortunately, Kirk's Enterprise could go much faster than that: in Star Trek: The Original Series, the maximum speed was warp eight, and at that speed, it would take 3.09 days to travel from Earth to Alpha Centauri in a ship.
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How long would it take to cross the Milky Way at warp 9?

At 'Warp' 9, you can travel to the Galactic center in 1.1 years.
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How fast is full impulse?

The Star Trek Voyager Technical Manual, page 13, has full impulse listed as ¼ of the speed of light, which is 167,000,000 mph or 74,770 km/s.
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How far is Earth from Vulcan?

Location. Vulcan, the second planet of the 40 Eridani system, was located 16 light years from Earth.
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Is a warp drive theoretically possible?

Certainly not, unfortunately. While a warp drive may be theoretically just barely possible (see Alcubierre drive ) it still requires exotic (negative mass) matter, which we have never seen and have plenty of reasons to believe does not exist.
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What did Kirk say to go to warp?

Kirk uses "Take us out," but as will become apparent from this list, Kirk doesn't have one particular catchphrase. Kirk orders his crew to initiate Warp Drive in many different ways, often specific to the situation he and his crew are in.
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Why is warp speed impossible?

Einstein proved that E=MC², which means energy and mass are interchangeable. That means in order to travel faster than the speed of light, the object would need to have negative mass and therefore, negative energy—two things that, as far as we know, don't exist.
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Is there warp 10?

You can't go faster than warp 10 because it is infinite velocity where you occupy all points in the universe at the same time. In TOS when they did so, it was on the old warp scsle where warp 14 is not warp 9 on the new scale. In Voyager, they discovered a new forn of dilithium that remained stable at transwarp speeds.
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Could a warp drive go faster than light?

The traditional sci-fi concept of a warp drive involves distorting spacetime in a very specific way: compressing it in front of the ship and expanding it behind. In theory, this would allow the ship to effectively travel faster-than-light without actually exceeding the speed limit locally.
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What would warp speed look like?

The science fiction vision of stars flashing by as streaks when spaceships travel faster than light isn't what the scene would actually look like, a team of physics students says. Instead, the view out the windows of a vehicle traveling through hyperspace would be more like a centralized bright glow, calculations show.
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How long would it take Voyager to reach Andromeda?

This means that even if we could build a spacecraft that travels at the speed of light (which is not even remotely possible with our current understanding of physics), it would still take more than 2.5 million years to reach Andromeda.
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What is the maximum warp for the USS Titan?

There is dialog early in Season 3 about the warp drive of the USS Titan and its capacity to go from standstill to Warp 9.99 as a mundane action.
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How long does it take to travel a light year at warp speed?

For the original series you would use the following: V=C×W^3 where C= the speed of light ~3×10^8 meters per second. So with this scale, it would take 10.22 hours to travel 1 light year at Warp 9.5. So on the TNG scale it would take 3.44 hours to travel 1 light year at Warp 9.5.
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How long does it take for the enterprise to reach Alpha Centauri?

As Alpha Centauri is 4.37 light-years away. So using simple maths it would take just under 2 days, to be more accurate 1 day 22 hours 9 Minutes would be about it.
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How far was Voyager from Earth in Star Trek?

So, Voyager was hurled into the Delta Quadrant by the Caretaker's array, getting stranded at 70000 lightyears from Earth. This was supposed to be a trip of approximately 70 years (Caretaker (1.1/1.2)) at standard warp (probably Warp 5 = 125 * lightspeed).
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