How is Katniss injured at the feast?

Wishing she had done the same, Katniss sprints to the table, and just as she gets to her backpack, a knife clips her forehead, spilling blood down her face. Clove, the girl tribute from District 2, slams into her, knocking her down.
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How does Katniss get injured?

A fireball brushes her calf, scalding her. She manages to put the fire out, but her hands and calf are seriously injured. Eventually the attack ends and Katniss walks until she finds a small pool. The water soothes the burns.
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How is Katniss injured in Chapter 21?

She takes off, hears a knife approaching from her right, and knocks it away with her bow. She turns and hits Clove with an arrow in the arm. A second knife slices Katniss across the forehead, and as the blood runs down her face, Clove knocks Katniss to the ground, pinning her.
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How is Katniss injured in Chapter 17?

After Foxface leaves, Katniss sees a bag of apples on the pyramid and has an idea. She moves into the open, and with three arrows, she tears the bag open. The apples detonate the mines, and Katniss is blown off her feet in the ensuing explosion.
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How is Katniss injured in Chapter 13?

She outruns the fire but ends up in a section of the arena in which the Gamemakers shoot fireballs at her, and one catches her calf as she runs. She puts the fire out with her hands, leaving them mildly burned and her right calf much more severely injured.
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Katniss Finds an Injured Peeta | The Hunger Games

How does Katniss physically hurt Peeta?

Summary and Analysis Part 2: Chapter 10. Katniss is at first so angry with Peeta for his comments, believing that he made her look weak, that when they get off on floor 12, she shoves him. He knocks an urn over, shattering it, and then falls and cuts his hands on the shards.
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Why does Katniss feel torn in at the end?

Moreover, Katniss still feels torn between her interest in Peeta and her interest in Gale. She feels more comfortable with Gale than she does with anyone else, and as she returns home to District 12, she wonders whether her relationship with Gale could turn from friendship to romance.
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What happened to Katniss in Chapter 27?

Katniss finds that her door has been locked from the outside; she is again the Capitol's prisoner. The next morning, Katniss and Peeta reunite with Caesar Flickerman for their final interviews. They sit together on the sofa as they did the previous night, and Caesar asks them about their budding romance.
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Who injured Katniss with a knife?

Clove starts to cut Katniss's mouth with one of her many knives, when all of a sudden Thresh appears and attacks Clove. He apparently heard her mention killing Rue, and he's back for revenge. He bludgeons Clove in the skull with a rock.
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What happened to Katniss in Chapter 15?

Summary and Analysis Part 2: Chapter 15. Katniss continues to struggle against the tracker jacker venom, which targets a person's fears and makes them come to life through hallucinations. She remains in a nightmarish haze, imagining Prim dying, her father's last moments, and herself torn to pieces. Finally, she wakes.
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How is Katniss injured in Chapter 20?

Clove, the girl tribute from District 2, slams into her, knocking her down. Clove pins her, taunting her all the while, and says they're going to kill her like they did her ally, Rue. But just as Clove cuts Katniss's lip, Thresh, the boy from District 11, grabs her.
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What happened to Katniss in Chapter 24?

Summary and Analysis Part 3: Chapter 24. Katniss can tell that Peeta feels bad about unintentionally killing Foxface. As they cook their food, Katniss realizes she hasn't been very nice to Peeta all day, so when he asks to go back to the cave, Katniss aggress even though she doesn't want to make the long trek back.
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What happens to Katniss in Chapter 24?

Summary: Chapter 24

Katniss explains that the berries, some of which Foxface stole, are poisonous. In a way, Peeta outsmarted Foxface. They decide to hold on to the rest of the berries in case the same opportunity arises with Cato.
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Did Katniss go deaf?

Katniss is rendered deaf in one ear after she blows up the Careers' supplies, and she doesn't regain any hearing on her left side until afterwards when the Capitol gives her a hearing aid.
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What did Katniss suffer from?

It's no surprise that Katniss becomes traumatized—after all, the Hunger Games are the perfect breeding ground for PTSD. Severe, life-threatening, interpersonal violence as well as witnessing atrocities and killing enemies in combat are particular risk factors for the disorder.
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Why doesn t Katniss cry?

When Peeta talks about how he hopes someone else will kill Thresh, Katniss starts to cry because she doesn't want anyone else to die, which is unacceptable from a tribute in the Hunger Games. Instead, she disguises her tears as homesickness.
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Who had a crush on Katniss?

Ever since he was five years old, Peeta had a huge crush on Katniss Everdeen.
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Who did Cato love?

While popular ships like Katniss/Peeta and Katniss/Gale generally come to mind first when discussing romantic pairings in the world of Panem, the combinations of couples that fans have shipped are many. One of those ships, in particular, is Cato and Clove (also known by the portmanteau "Clato").
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Who almost killed Katniss?

In the 74th Hunger Games, Clove was the only Career tribute who came close to killing Katniss twice — at the Bloodbath and at the Feast, and certainly seemed to have a deep hatred for her, perhaps because Katniss received a higher score than her.
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Who does Katniss blame for Rue's death?

Rue dies and Katniss realizes just how much she hates the Capitol for doing this to Rue, for doing this to all of the tributes. She wants revenge on the Capitol and wonders if there's a way for her to do it.
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What happened to Peeta's leg?

He is "broad-shouldered and strong." Part of Peeta's left leg was amputated following the 74th Hunger Games, forcing him to walk with the aid of a prosthetic leg for the rest of his life. In the 2012 film adaptation, his leg is never amputated.
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Are Peeta and Katniss in love?

Katniss's focus on survival and her family's safety prevented her from fully considering romance, but her feelings for Peeta and Gale diverged in the end. Katniss ultimately chose Peeta because he understood her trauma and she didn't want to lose him, proving her love for him.
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Is Gale jealous of Peeta and Katniss?

Gale is jealous of Peeta and the relationship he has with Katniss, and he wants Katniss to decide between them, though he doesn't press Katniss during her recovery in District 13. Gale is an excellent hunter and excels at setting snares and traps.
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Did Katniss ever forgive Gale?

Although she will never know for sure, Katniss does recognize that she cannot be with Gale. She will never be able to forgive him for his idea — the parachute bombs — that killed Prim.
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Why does Snow hate Katniss?

Snow can't stand to see a young woman betray a young man's affection—his view of what happened 65 years ago. And so he takes out his old, festering wound on Katniss.
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