How long would Rapunzel's hair be in real life?

Hair grows around 1cm per month. From that, work out how long it would take you to grow your hair 70 feet (approximately 2,134cm) long like Rapunzel. Starting from bald, it would take you about 178 years!
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How long is Rapunzel's hair in real life?

Perkova stands at 5-foot-3 while her hair length measures to be 5-foot-6. She said it takes 30 minutes to blow dry.
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How long should be Rapunzel's hair?

First, we researched the story of Rapunzel and discovered that it never clearly states how long her hair was. However, we were able to identify that the tower she was trapped in was 70-feet tall, therefore we could assume that Rapunzel's hair was at least 70-feet long.
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How long would your hair be after 18 years?

If you have good hair genetics and your hair conforms to the traditional hair growth cycle, if you don't cut your hair from birth until age 18, it would probably grow to somewhere between 18 to 30 inches. If you have excellent genetics, your hair could grow to 36 to 42 inches.
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Is it possible to grow your hair as long as Rapunzel?

The average human hair grows about 15 cm (or 6 inches) per year. At that rate, if Rapunzel were trapped in a tower 10 meters (32.8 feet) tall (about as tall as a four-story building), it would take 66.6 years for her hair to grow long enough to reach the base. That's a long time to wait for a rescue.
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What is the secret to growing long hair?

Try a scalp scrub or massage

"When you've got a night to yourself, try to work in a super moisturizing hair mask and invest some extra time in massaging the scalp as this will stimulate the scalp and help to promote hair growth," says Christinah Nicolaisen, CEO of Nikita Hair.
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Why can't Rapunzel cut her hair?

In the series, her new hair is revealed to be indestructible and cannot be cut. It's later revealed that Rapunzel's hair no longer possesses its original powers to heal, but is revealed to have acquired a new power, protecting Rapunzel by creating a magical shield.
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What happens every 7 years to your hair?

The typical hair growth cycle for most people is about four to seven years. This is often where the thought comes in that your hair is brand new every seven years. Technically, it is because by this time, the hair has cycled out and new hair is growing.
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How long would hair grow if never cut?

If you never cut your hair, would it keep growing forever? Nope. Everyone has a maximum hair length, although most of us never know what that length is. Some people's hair might never grow past their waist, while others might have hair that would grow to over five feet in length.
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What happens if you never cut your split ends?

Medically called trichoptilosis, split ends can occur anywhere on the strand, but are common on the ends. Split ends in large numbers deserve attention. If left untreated, they can lead to overall damage and brittleness of the hair.
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Can Rapunzel still heal?

It's later revealed that Rapunzel's hair no longer possesses its original powers to heal, but is revealed to have acquired a new power, protecting Rapunzel by creating a magical shield. It also appears to respond to her subconscious when she's dreaming, because it was levitating all over her bedroom before she woke up.
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Did Mother Gothel love Rapunzel?

Donna Murphy believed that Gothel did really love Rapunzel in her own way. "I also think there is this thread of a kind of love that she does have for Rapunzel. It's not what she set out.
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Who is Rapunzel's child?

The Mattel cartoon Ever After High (2013–2017), features Rapunzel's has two daughters: Holly O'Hair and Poppy O'Hair. Tangled: The Series (2017–2020) is a 2D animated TV show based on Disney Animation's computer animated musical feature film Tangled.
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What happens if you never cut your hair?

Basically, if you don't have a trim, your split ends will run riot and likely split further up the shaft eventually snapping and making your hair short, which stops it from growing long. This way, your hair can continue to grow healthily from your roots, but the ends won't fray and snap shorter.
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How much older is Flynn than Rapunzel?

Although Flynn Rider never mentions how old he is on-screen, the animators behind Tangled have confirmed (via Showbiz Cheat Sheet) that Flynn is 26 years old in the movie. When he meets the likable Disney princess Rapunzel in her tower, she's 17 years old with her 18th birthday right around the corner.
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How old is Rapunzel in Tangled?

Rapunzel and Flynn Rider

This couple from Tangled are thought to have an eight-year age gap, with Rapunzel being 18 and Flynn being 26.
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How long would hair be after 100 years?

The hair grows about 15cm per year, on average. So over 100 years, it'd grow 1500 cm, or 1.5 km! Of course, the hair doesn't continue to grow endlessly – it falls out and new hair grows in its place. So in reality, you'd probably have 1-2 metres long hair by the end.
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What happens if you don't cut your hair for 10 years?

"If you don't cut your hair, it may appear to stop growing," said Vitale. This is because as the ends get older and split, those splits begin to travel up the hair and cause breakage. So those with long hair may feel like it stays the same length, due to the ends breaking at a similar point."
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What happens if you don't cut your hair for months?

While neglecting to cut your hair isn't a crime, you can end up doing your strands more harm than good. Split ends are a big enemy of hair and can cause damage if not cut before they occur.
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At what age is hair thickest?

But that's not all: The thickness of hair fibers changes, too," says Thomas. You start with "baby fine" hair that gets a lot thicker around puberty and continues to increase into your 30s; thickness then begins to decrease around your early 40s.
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Does pubic hair stop growing?

Does pubic hair cease growing once it's reached a certain length? All hair grows at a contstant rate, but eventually falls out. With body hair, which typically does not grow as long as head hair, the rate at which it falls out is greater. This results in hair that appears to reach a certain length then stops growing.
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How much does 100 hairs look like?

However, on average, 100 strands of hair would be about the width of a pencil, and if they were laid out flat, they would cover an area of about 1 square inch (6.45 square centimeters).
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What does Rapunzel's crown look like?

It's a mostly gold tiara with a three tear-shaped diamonds with small rubies on the gold shapes.
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What does Rapunzel's hair symbolize?

What does Rapunzel's hair symbolize? Her hair symbolizes desire. This desire is prevalent in her birth mother, Dame Gothel, and even the prince who initially uses the hair to climb up her tower.
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