How many Vulcans survived Star Trek?

After Nero (Star Trek 2009) destroyed Vulcan, there were 10,000 Vulcans who escaped, and by the end of the movie, older Spock had already found a planet for them to colonize, and that planet is now called New Vulcan (Star Trek Beyond).
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What is the lifespan of a Vulcan?

Lifespan. The Vulcan lifespan is longer than that of humans. Vulcans have been known to live over 200 years, though there has been cases where 250 or 300 can occur. After reaching adulthood, the aging process of Vulcans slowed a great deal.
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Is Spock more Vulcan than human?

Many of the in-canon descriptors applied specifically to Spock, who was half-human and whose physiology likely diverged from the Vulcan norm quite a bit. His heart lies in the lower portion of his abdomen and beats hundreds of times per minute, and his blood pressure is unusually low as a result.
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How many Vulcans are there in Star Trek?

How can that be when they've been a space fearing society for several hundred years, shouldn't thay have lots of ships and colonies?
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Are Vulcans stronger than Klingons?

Vulcans are suggested to be x3 times stronger than a human (and consequently a Klingon) but they are a race that, mostly, avoids all forms of physical violence, due to their dark and murky past, favoring intelligence and logic over warfare.
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What Happened to Voyager?

How much stronger is Spock than a human?

Vulcans are approximately three times stronger than the average human, with enhanced lung capacity and metabolism. Spock is only half-Vulcan but has displayed his impressive power on more than one occasion.
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Is Spock 100% Vulcan?

Spock's mixed human–Vulcan heritage serves as an important plot element in many of the character's appearances.
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What race lives the longest in Star Trek?

Among the non-immortal humanoid aliens, the longest-lived appear to be El-Aurians (e.g. Guinan) who have lifespans of 750 years or more. Among Trills, the humanoid host lives as long as a human, but the worm-like symbiont lives at least 400 years, apparently. After that, Vulcans and Romulans are about 200 years.
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What race is guinan?

Guinan is an El-Aurian, a race of empathic and telepathic beings who are extremely long-lived; Guinan's exact age is never mentioned, but she is well over 500 years old by the time of her appearance in Star Trek: Picard season 2.
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What are the longest living aliens in Star Trek?

The Trill live about 550 years. The El-Aurians live over 700 years. So, other than the “immortals” like Q, I'd say the El-Aurians. How old is the Borg species in Star Trek?
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How old can Spock live?

He entered the alternate reality at age 157 and stayed alive for 5 years ( and he died due to natural causes.
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How old was Spock when he died in real life?

Leonard Nimoy, who popularised the gesture in his role as Mr. Spock on the 60s TV series Star Trek, both lived long and prospered, before dying at the age of 83. In an age where the word is overused, the half-man, half-alien was truly an iconic character.
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How many times has Spock died?

With Spock having died twice in the Star Trek movies in two different timelines and realities, it's doubtful Star Trek: Strange New Worlds will kill off the Vulcan a third time. Star Trek: The Original Series movies are streaming on Max. Star Trek: The Original Series and J.J.
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Did Spock have a child?

No canonical children have been mentioned for Spock. Drafts of the scripts for Star Treks III and IV hinted that the rejuvenated Spock impregnated Saavik during his accelerated Pon Farr, but this was not referenced in the script as filmed.
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How long do Klingons live?

Memory Alpha notes that there is no canonical maximum estimate for Klingon lifespans, but several Klingons are known to have exceed a century, and some may have made it past 150 (earyh) years. That makes them pretty comparable to 24th century humans.
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How long do Romulans live?

Yes, Romulans have a maximum life expectancy of 250 years, but the average appears to be 200 to 230 years. The same is true for Vulcans, with the average being about 220 years. Spock's father, Sarek, lived to be 202 years. A good deal longer than his half-Vulcan son, Spock, who only lived to be 162 years old.
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Why is Q afraid of Guinan?

Q seemed frightened of Guinan, telling Picard that she is "not what she appears to be," and that Picard should remove her from the Enterprise. Considering Q's abilities, it's unclear why he would be afraid of Guinan, and Star Trek has never offered a real explanation for Q's reaction.
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Why did Q hate Guinan?

As a trickster god, Q relies on people feeling powerless against his godlike status as he toys with their lives. With Guinan referring to him as merely a “denizen” it's clear that she doesn't buy into his elevated status. That could very well be the thing that frightens him most of all.
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Are Guinan and Picard lovers?

Guinan does not treat Picard as her captain, but simply as her friend. And with the amount of trust Picard places in Guinan, it's clear they have been friends for a long time.
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How old is Worf?

Worf was born in 2340. In TNG, he's in his 20s. In Picard, he's around 60.
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Why is a day 26 hours in Star Trek?

This makes sense in context as the station operated above the planet Bajor, whose rotational period was 26 hours. While Bajor most likely had their own way of keeping time, the show was still told through the lens of Starfleet, so the human-originated system of hours was put in place on the station.
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Who is the smartest race in Star Trek?

Synths like Data or Soji from Picard are also able to do things that seem like magic, though they retain their corporeal form. Since one of the main tenets of Star Trek isn't just the acquisition of knowledge but sharing it, androids and other sentient computers are likely the smartest beings out there.
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What is Spock's last name?

Spock's full name is S'Chn T'Gai Spock…

According to this poster, Spock's full name is S'Chn T'Gai Spock. Per Cinema Blend, this name was lifted from a 1985 Star Trek novel called Ishmael, written by Barbara Hambly.
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Who did Spock marry?

As Spock explained to Kirk in Star Trek: TOS, his union with T'Pring was "less than a marriage but more than a bethrothal." Indeed, Spock was meant to finally undergo the koon-ut-kal-if-fee marriage ritual with T'Pring in "Amok Time" before she invoked her right to have Spock fight to the death for her.
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