How much does Peeta weigh?

He had 3 known victims - Brutus Gunn, Holmes and the District 8 Female. Peeta weighed 145 lbs in the 74th Games.
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How much weight did Peeta throw?

In the book, Katniss says that Peeta can throw a 100 lb (45.359 kg) sack of flour. Cato is played by Alexander Ludwig who is 6"2'. He put on 30-40 lbs to his initial weight of 194 lbs for the role.
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How much can Peeta lift?

Something they reminded us in the very first games is Peeta's strength. Katniss mentions that she saw him lift a 100 pound bag of flour over his head, which is pretty strong.
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How heavy is the metal ball that Peeta threw?

During training in the film, he saw Peeta's weakness and viewed him as a "meal" until Peeta's true strength was revealed, by throwing a 100 pound metal ball at a rack of spears, leaving him and the other Careers surprised.
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Is Peeta physically strong?

Combatant: Though not much of a fighter, Peeta is also very strong, which gives him an advantage during hand-to-hand combat.
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How much does a video weigh? - Michael Stevens of Vsauce

Why was Peeta so skinny in Mockingjay?

For Peeta to look like he was tortured, many think he went on an extreme diet. But in reality, they used CGI to slim his face and make him look abused and beaten.
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What would Peeta actually look like?

Peeta is of "medium height, stocky build" and has "ashy blond hair that falls in waves over his forehead." He has blue eyes. He is "broad-shouldered and strong." Part of Peeta's left leg was amputated following the 74th Hunger Games, forcing him to walk with the aid of a prosthetic leg for the rest of his life.
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How tall is Peeta Mellark?

Katniss in the books is around 5′4 and Peeta is around 5′10. In the movie, The actor who plays Peeta is 5′6 and the actress who plays Katniss is 5′7 and a half.
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Why did Peeta look like a rock?

The scene in question features Peeta painting his face to look like a rock in order to avoid detection by other tributes during the games. Peeta's camouflage scene sticks out as somewhat ridiculous in the film considering the grounded and intense nature of many other sequences.
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How much did Katniss love Peeta?

Katniss loves Peeta, although it's perhaps not the traditional passionate romance of many Hollywood movies. Katniss not only ends up with Peeta, she even confirms that she loves him in The Hunger Games: Mockingjay – Part 2 epilogue.
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How did Peeta lose so much weight?

During an interview with Good Morning Britain, Hutcherson admitted his weight loss was an effect. I did nothing to prepare physically for this role. I went on the CGI diet, computer-generated images. They just sucked my face down in post-production.
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Why did Peeta get an 8?

Peeta Mellark - 8, for physical strength. Katniss Everdeen - 11, for her skill with a bow and arrow and her fierce temper.
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What is Peeta's greatest weakness?

Weakness: His Sentimentality

In a normal world, most of Peeta's biggest weaknesses would be seen as positive personality traits. However, because he is forced into constant life-or-death situations, characteristics like his sentimentality become threats to his safety rather than strengths.
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Does Peeta have a metal leg?

Peeta's Leg Amputation

You wouldn't have guessed it from the way the film made it appear; however, Peeta's injury was much worse than you thought. It was so bad, the Capitol deemed his leg unsaleable, hacked it off and replaced it with an artificial one.
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Did Josh Hutcherson have to lose a lot of weight for Hunger Games?

While filming The Hunger Games in Kentucky, Josh Hutcherson was put on a very strict high-protein diet and workout regimen that often left him feeling quite sore. "I had to put on a lot of weight, so I was in the process of eating chicken, eggs and protein and all that fun stuff," the actor said.
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How strong was Peeta Hunger Games?

It's shown early on in the series that Peeta has the ability to lift heavy bags of flour, and he hones this strength when he trains as a tribute. Just like with Katniss, Peeta having a physical skill becomes an advantage.
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How does Peeta lose his leg?

He was bitten by a mutt, Katniss stopped the bleeding by using a tourniquet. After he and Katniss forced the Gamemakers to accept them both, as the Victors. He was treated by Captiol doctors, and his leg was amputated. In Catching Fire when they both go back to the arena, he does have a artificial leg.
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Why was Peeta shaking his head?

But Katniss also considers that Peeta shook his head at her at the Cornucopia, which may have been him watching out for her welfare, and that he didn't tell the Careers about her skill with a bow, preserving her advantage should she find one.
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Do Katniss and Peeta sleep together?

The two don't have sex on screen. It's only implied that they get it on via snuggling and other affectionate acts in close quarters — but if you have read the book, they really imply that they took their relationship to the next level. Plus, in the epilogue, they have two kids.
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Who is taller, Katniss or Peeta?

The camera zooms out to a neutral angle, giving audiences a sudden, somewhat startling reminder that oh, that's right—Katniss is slightly taller than Peeta.
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Who else auditioned for Peeta?

Among the names that were considered for Peeta included Hunter Parrish, Lucas Till, and Evan Peters. Coincidentally enough, Till and Peters became co-stars of Jennifer Lawrence while working on the X-Men franchise but they missed the chance at a gig in the Hunger Games series.
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When did Peeta lose his leg?

He was bitten by a mutt, Katniss stopped the bleeding by using a tourniquet. After he and Katniss forced the Gamemakers to accept them both, as the Victors. He was treated by Captiol doctors, and his leg was amputated. In Catching Fire when they both go back to the arena, he does have a artificial leg.
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Does Peeta have a prosthetic?

Sure he surprises Katniss with his artificial leg on stage when they're being interviewed after the Games and the book makes mention of him being slower than Katniss (thus the reason they are separated during the rescue from the clock arena), but he was always slower than Katniss even when he had two biological legs so ...
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Was Katniss faking her love for Peeta?

Peeta clearly loved her, however, and Katniss was obliged to play up their fictional "romance" to earn sympathy and sponsors for the Games. However, something happened during the Games themselves to change the nature of their relationship.
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Why did Peeta say Katniss was pregnant?

During the interviews for the 75th Hunger Games, Peeta lied about Katniss being pregnant to try to protect her from the Games, and Katniss later stated that she miscarried due to an electric shock with the force field to avoid further questioning.
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