How much money did Jack steal from Walt?

Jack instructs his gang to dig up the $80 million. He leaves Walt one barrel with about $11 million and takes the rest for himself. As they are about to leave, Walt spots Jesse underneath a car and tells Jack to fulfill his contract to kill Jesse.
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What happens to Walt's 80 million?

What happens to Walt's money in Breaking Bad? In the last episodes of Breaking Bad, Walter's fortune of 80 million dollars is split among 8 barrels of money. He buries it out in the desert to ensure that it can't be used as evidence against him by the police.
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How did Jack know where Walt's money was?

When Walt calls Jack's gang, he gives them the exact coordinates where he hid the barrels. When Jack is about to kill Hank, Walt reveals that he hid $80 million, and Jack deduces that the coordinates are where the barrels are buried.
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Does Walt ever give Jesse $5 million?

That said, season 5 revealed that Walt earned over $80 million in cash, which he kept in a storage unit. Jesse, however, was left with $5 million that Walt gave him out of guilt.
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Where did all of Walt's money go?

After they killed Hank, the Nazi gang took all the barrels of money with them except for 1, the one Walt got to keep and then gave to Gretchen/Elliot to give to his family.
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Breaking Bad - Walt gives up Jesse to the Neo Nazis

How much was Gus paying Walt?

Jesse is angry that Gus has paid him & Walter 3 million USD, while pocketing USD 96 million of Meth in return. Jesse says that this is the worst deal that Walter could have made. Walter cannot believe that Jesse is complaining after becoming a millionaire.
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Did Jack get Walt's money?

Jack's men take all but one barrel of Walt's money and abduct Jesse; as Jesse is taken away, Walt spitefully tells him that he watched Jane die. Walt tries to persuade Skyler and Walter Jr. to go on the run with him, but they refuse.
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Did Mike's granddaughter get money?

The guy is arrested in the same episode, he rats Mike out and all of the money is confiscated by the DEA. Jesse tries to give his money to Kaylee later on in the season but he is stoped by Saul.
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How does Hank find out Walt is Heisenberg?

Let's recap: Hank appeared to discover Walt's secret identity in the closing moments of last year's midseason finale, when he found an inscribed copy of Walt Whitman's Leaves of Grass, a gift given to Walt by now-deceased fellow meth cook Gale (David Costabile).
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Why did Jesse betray Walt?

After realizing that it was Walt who poisoned Brock, Jesse went ballistic. He wanted to bring Walt to justice, even if it meant he has to confess to everything he had done up until that point as well. As a response to this betrayal, Walt put a hit out on Jesse's head.
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Why did Jack let Walt live?

However, Jack's willingness to rescue Walt likely stemmed from Walt's ability to cook potent meth which he promised to teach Todd after Jesse Pinkman was eliminated which would net Jack's gang millions, exemplifying his greed.
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Did Jesse forgive Walt at the end?

In the final scenes, Jesse refuses to kill Walter when handed a gun, and being fully aware that Walt was responsible for Jane's death, he parts ways with him; forgiveness is ambiguous.
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Why did Walt poison Brock?

Later on, Walt himself admitted to Jesse that he poisoned Brock with a Lily of the Valley plant just to keep Jesse on his side in order for them to orchestrate the death of Gus Fring, but by that point, their relationship was already in shambles.
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What did Skyler do to Walt's money?

Skyler buys the car wash and begins laundering Walt's drug money. She and Walt eventually have sex for the first time in months, and slowly begin to rebuild their relationship. At the same time, however, she begins to fear him and worries that her children are in danger.
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Did Walt burn all his money?

Feeling guilty after the air crash that ended season two, Walt hastily begins to burn his money on the barbecue. When he changes his mind, he literally sets himself on fire before dumping himself and the money into the pool.
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What did Skyler do with Walt's money?

Skyler walks in on Walt, and, when Walt asks about the missing money, discloses that she gave the money to Ted to pay off the IRS. Walt screams in agony, before breaking down laughing as a frightened Skyler backs away.
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Who kills Walter White?

Walter White

Cause of Death: Walt was accidentally shot by the same remote-activated machine gun he used to kill Jack Welker and his gang. Walt was far from an innocent character by the time he died, but he found a sliver of redemption by saving Jesse from Welker's gang.
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Who was the hero of Breaking Bad?

It's hard to call anyone in the Breaking Bad universe a hero, as almost every character is a criminal, but each project proved that Jesse Pinkman (Aaron Paul) was the real hero.
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Why does Walt call himself Heisenberg?

Walter White chose the alias "Heisenberg" based on the German physicist Werner Heisenberg, using it to separate himself from his actions and suppress guilt, reflecting the famous uncertainty principle associated with Heisenberg's work.
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Why was Matt Ehrmantraut killed?

His worry was justified because fellow cops ambushed Matty. They believed he could become a whistleblower, so they killed him. The ambush was staged, and there was no evidence that police officers were involved, but Mike knew better.
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Did Jesse know Walt killed Mike?

Jesse didn't knew if Walt killed Mike or not, but he had suspicious because of one reason: Mike was totally against the idea of killing his guys in prison, after Mike's "depart", Walt killed them anyway.
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How much money did Jesse end up with?

Did Jesse Pinkman ever get his money from Walter White? The short answer is yes. Despite departing on acrimonious terms, Walt gave Jesse a lump sum of $5M, when he walked away from the meth business.
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Does Marie know who killed Hank?

Marie is eager to help Hank when Jesse Pinkman agrees to confess about Walt's crimes. After Hank is killed by Jack Welker, she is initially unaware of his death and reconciles with Skyler on the condition she tells Walter Jr.
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Who kills Jack Breaking Bad?

Jack begins to plead for his life by attempting to persuade Walt to let him reveal the location of the rest of his money, but Walt ignores him and ends up shooting him in the head mid-sentence, killing Jack and thus avenging Hank's death. However, as a result, the remainder of Walt's money is lost.
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Does Kaylee Ehrmantraut get the money?

She didn't get it. That's one of the reasons he left when the DEA showed up at the park: he needed his buyout from Walt if he was going to set her up. Poor Kaylee.
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