How old is Anakin in Clone?

During The Attack of the Clones, Anakin was 19, and Padme was 24. This was their relationship began.
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How old is Padmé in clones?

Given that the events of Attack of the Clones happened in 22 BBY, Padmé's age was 24, and Anakin's age was 19 at the time of their marriage. While Skywalker was on his way to the Dark Side, Palpatine's promise to save Amidala from death was ultimately what swayed him.
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How old is Anakin in 22 BBY?

32 BBY, Anakin Skywalker is nine years old, and turns ten at some point following the movie. 22 BBY, Anakin Skywalker is now twenty years old. 19 BBY, Anakin Skywalker is now twenty-three years old.
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How old was Anakin when he met Qui-Gon Jinn?

Born as a slave on Tatooine he was discovered at the age of nine by maverick Jedi Qui-Gon Jinn, who believed him to be the Chosen One who would bring balance to the Force due to his abnormally high midi-chlorian count. At the death of Qui-Gon, he became the Padawan learner of Obi-Wan Kenobi and began his training.
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What is the age gap between Obi-Wan and Anakin?

Anakin's birth took place in 41 BBY, establishing him as 16 years younger than Obi-Wan. At the moment of his discovery on Tatooine by Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon, Anakin was merely nine years old. By the time of “Attack of the Clones,” he had reached 19 years, and in “Revenge of the Sith,” he was 22.
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Anakin vs Obi-Wan: Live Action vs Animated (Clone Wars) - Side-by-Side Comparison

What was the age gap between Anakin and Ahsoka?

At this point in the timeline, Ahsoka was 14 years old. As the animated movie took place in the same year as Attack of the Clones, this puts Anakin at 19 years old, creating a five-year age gap between him and Ahsoka. It's easy to forget just how young Ahsoka was when she became a Padawan.
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How much older is Obi-Wan than Darth Vader?

Darth Vader, the man that was Anakin Skywalker until his early twenties, is now a 32-year-old Sith Lord in his evil prime. By contrast, the once-optimistic Obi-Wan Kenobi is weaker: a 48-year-old former Jedi trying to part ways not only with his past but with The Force itself.
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Was Qui-Gon a grey Jedi?

In material that is now considered Legends, Qui-Gon is even described as a Gray Jedi. Additionally, the term has also been applied to Force-sensitives who aren't affiliated with the Light or Dark side of the Force. Quite literally, these Gray Jedi don't see things in black and white, or light versus dark.
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Did Dooku love Qui-Gon?

Qui-Gon was Dooku's apprentice. Dooku loved Qui-Gon like a son due to their many similarities; both were individualists, idealists, and both had knowledge of the Force that was unique.
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How was Padmé Queen at 14?

Padme Was One Of The Youngest Ever Queens Of Naboo

Queen Amidala was elected at 14 years old, but strangely was not the youngest Naboo monarch to be elected. In a hereditary monarchy, whoever is next in the line of successor ascends to the throne, regardless of their age, which potentially leads to young monarchs.
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How old was Padmé when she died?

While Padmé died in childbirth at the age of 27, Anakin would live on as Vader until his redemption and death when he was 45 years old. Padmé's early death and Anakin's fall to the dark side left a question mark over what their lives might have looked like had Anakin not fallen under the influence of Darth Sidious.
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How old is Darth Vader?

1 Darth Vader Was 45 When He Died In Return Of The Jedi

Luke's faith in his father leads to his redemption, with Anakin turning against Palpatine at last. The greatest hero of Star Wars is redeemed when he is just 45 years old, finding peace in the Force at last.
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Who is Anakin's dad?

Anakin Skywalker's birth mystery is solved - his mother, Shmi Skywalker, reveals that there was no father and she can't explain what happened. Qui-Gon Jinn believed that the Force itself created Anakin in Shmi's womb, making him the Chosen One who would bring balance to the Force.
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Who is Anakin Skywalker's sister?

Anakin Solo is the youngest child born to Han Solo and Princess Leia, and the younger brother of Jacen and Jaina Solo.
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Is Windu a GREY Jedi?

The term “gray Jedi” in Star Wars is somewhat of a misnomer, considering that the definition refers to one who is practically non-Jedi. That being said, quite a few Jedi can be placed into this category. But Mace Windu identified as a Jedi despite his possible inclusion in the "gray" category.
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Was Palpatine afraid of Qui-Gon?

Thus, while Qui-Gon was less powerful than the likes of Yoda and Mace Windu, Palpatine feared him more. In the simplest terms, he was a wild card, and with the Sidious executing an intricate decades-long plan to seize power and destroy the Jedi, a wild card was something he just couldn't afford.
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What does a GREY lightsaber mean?

Gray lightsabers are often associated with Jedi who do not fully follow the Jedi Code, but also do not fully embrace the Dark Side. These Jedi are often able to balance the light and dark sides of the Force and use their powers to serve the common good and are less likely to be influenced by the Dark Side.
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Who kills Yoda?

A year later, in 4 ABY, with his health rapidly declining, Yoda died of old age when Skywalker returned to see him. He became one with the Force, shortly before Luke redeemed his father Anakin, who fulfilled his destiny as the Chosen One by killing Sidious.
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Who was Yoda's padawan?

The Grand Master's apprentice

At one point in time, Dooku was the Padawan of Yoda, the Grand Master of the Jedi Order.
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Why was Count Dooku not a Darth?

He was: Darth Tyrannus. His persona as Count Dooku was better suited to his role as leader of the Separatist faction. If he revealed himself as a Sith publicly, rather than just a former Jedi who left the order because of its supposed corruption, that would have damaged his credibility to most of the Separatists.
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Why did Kenobi age so fast?

The common belief is that the harsh weather on Tatooine combined with the emotional turmoil he experienced during and after the Great Jedi Purge simply took a toll on his body. While that would be enough to age anyone, there may be a more viable answer.
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How old is Anakin when he dies?

Even though Luke tried his best to protect him, Anakin accepted his fate and expressed his love for his son and daughter, Leia, whom he learned about before dying. While it seemed like Anakin had lived a long life, his choices eventually led to his demise at 45.
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Why can't Vader beat Obi-Wan?

While Obi-Wan Kenobi was frail by the time of Star Wars: A New Hope, he was still stronger with the Force than Darth Vader. The duel between Obi-Wan Kenobi and Darth Vader in Star Wars: A New Hope looks dated by today's standards. Nevertheless, it remains among the most important fights in the franchise.
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