How old is Count Dooku from Star Wars?

According to Wookieepedia, Dooku was born 102 BBY, and since the events of Revenge of the Sith occurred in 19 BBY, Dooku would have been 83 when he died, which is very surprising, since he would have been older than Palpatine who was born 84 BBY.
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What is the age difference between Dooku and Qui-Gon?

Dooku as a Jedi Knight with Padawan Qui-Gon Jinn, and Jedi Masters Yoda and Tyvokka. Dooku became a Jedi Knight in his early twenties and took Qui-Gon Jinn as his first Padawan. The two were quite close in age, with only ten years separating them.
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Who is older Mace Windu or Count Dooku?

Before Dooku was a Sith, he was an esteemed Jedi Council member. As Windu's senior by 30 years, he saw Mace grow up and mature in the Jedi Order. That's why he referred to Windu as an “old friend” in this comic.
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Who was stronger Dooku or Vader?

Count Dooku

Despite this, though, he still wasn't the best fighter with a lightsaber, and his Force skills were not nearly as powerful as Darth Vader's.
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Who is stronger Count Dooku or Anakin?

By Revenge of the Sith, Anakin was considered equal or inferior only to Yoda. Once he became Darth Vader, Anakin had long become superior to Dooku and Mace Windu. He exceeded their power while still living as Anakin Skywalker, and greatly exceeded their power later in life, both in the force and in lightsaber combat.
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The Life of Count Dooku: Entire Timeline Explained (Star Wars Explained)

Would Dooku have turned if Qui-Gon was alive?

Dooku, AND Anakin, would be less likely to fall to the dark side if Qui-Gon was left alive and Maul's sympathetic past would never be revealed. For the former, Order 66 wouldn't be executed since Dooku wouldn't be the one planning to do that on the clones.
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Did Dooku love Qui-Gon?

Qui-Gon was Dooku's apprentice. Dooku loved Qui-Gon like a son due to their many similarities; both were individualists, idealists, and both had knowledge of the Force that was unique.
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How old is Kylo Ren?

Kylo/Ben was born about a year after Return of the Jedi so he's roughly 29 when we first see him in The Force Awakens, also possibly having turned 30 during The Last Jedi.
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Why is Dooku's lightsaber curved?

Studying Jedi Archive records, Dooku based his new weapon design after the curved hilts that were standard during the heyday of Form II lightsaber combat. The curve allowed the hilt to fit better into his hand, allowing for superior finesse and precise blade control.
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What is Count Dooku's real name?

Count Dooku's real name, Dooku, was more fitting than his Sith title, Darth Tyranus, as it speaks to his manipulative nature. Dooku played a crucial role in weakening the Jedi and the Republic from within, planting doubt and eroding trust.
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How old is Palpatine when he dies?

As the Death Star had been destroyed, and the Battle of Yavin had finally taken place, the years then moved into ABY (After the Battle of Yavin). It's said that Star Wars: Return of the Jedi takes place during 4 ABY, meaning Palpatine was 88 when he met his original end.
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Why is Count Dooku not a Darth?

He was: Darth Tyrannus. His persona as Count Dooku was better suited to his role as leader of the Separatist faction. If he revealed himself as a Sith publicly, rather than just a former Jedi who left the order because of its supposed corruption, that would have damaged his credibility to most of the Separatists.
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How tall was Count Dooku?

Count Dooku | Darth Tyranus, portrayed by Christopher Lee, is 6 foot 5 inches (1.96 m) tall. Count Dooku, also known as Count Dooku of Serenno and later Darth Tyranus, is a fictional Jedi Master, Sith apprentice, and propaganist in the Star Wars movies and the extended franchise.
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Who was Qui-Gon's lover?

Star Wars has many love stories; one of my favorites is between Qui-Gon Jinn & his betrothed, Jedi Knight Tahl. It was told & developed so well. [Jedi Apprentice series]
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Was Sidious afraid of Qui-Gon?

Darth Sidious, was in the earliest stages of his plan to take over the galaxy, and he was afraid a certain Jedi might get in his way. Interestingly, however, that Jedi wasn't Yoda or Master Windu, but instead Qui-Gon Jinn.
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Did Dooku go to Qui-Gon's funeral?

Jinn's former master, Count Dooku, had been considered to attend the funeral but had declined the invitation, claiming he would not be "pleasant company".
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Has Dooku ever met Maul?

Having been trained to become Sith Lords, both Maul and Dooku sought to gain more power under Sidious while simultaneously looking to overthrow him. Toward the end of the Clone Wars, Dooku and Maul did actually meet each other in canon in the Son of Dathomir comics by Jeremy Barlow.
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Has Dooku ever killed a Jedi?

Unfortunately, the Dark Side soon took hold of him. He murdered Yaddle and pledged himself to Darth Sidious. However, Yaddle wasn't the only Jedi that Dooku killed. Yoda #4 (by Jody Houser, Luke Ross, Nolan Woodard, and VC's Joe Caragagna) showed how Dooku brutally killed his biggest fan.
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Would Dooku have lost to Yoda?

Dooku could have not beaten Yoda in Geonosis, meaning that the fight would have ended with Dooku either killed or captured had it continued. At that point, the only two Force-sensitive warriors who could beat Yoda in a fight were Mace Windu and Darth Sidious.
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Could Rey beat Count Dooku?

7 Why Rey Couldn't Win: Dooku's Skills Far Outshine Rey's

Rey was able to triumph over a lot of foes through sheer pluckiness and a good mixture of luck and sheer Force power. That won't help her against Dooku.
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Could Dooku beat Windu?

It's hard to say exactly how the fight happened, as this is a comic, and the amount of movement shown is very minimal. There are, however, some important things to note. While it's clear that nobody won this duel, Dooku definitely had the upper hand in the end.
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