How old is Pooka in Anastasia?

As a result of their deaths, Pooka, wrought with grief, unknowingly became the perfect vessel for the wicked Rasputin's evil plans. Pooka's exact age is unknown, but it is assumed that he stopped aging when he became a pawn of Rasputin's.
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Is Pooka a girl or boy in Anastasia?

Pooka is Anastasia's scruffy pet puppy. He is the first friend she made after being heartlessly sent away from the orphanage. Pooka generally speaks in barks, but it is revealed later in the film that he is capable of speech.
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What does Pooka mean in Anastasia?

Anya finds a puppy at the beginning of the film and names him Pooka. According to Celtic folklore, Pooka is a shape-shifting creature known to bring about good fortune.
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How old is Dimitri in Anastasia?

Ten-year-old Dimitri saving eight-year-old Anastasia. One decade later, Dimitri's a handsome twenty-year-old con-man searching for an Anastasia doppelganger/look-alike in the hopes of handing her over to the Dowager Empress in return for ten million rubles.
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Is Gleb in love with Anya?

As they travel across Russia by foot, Gleb receives orders to follow Anya and kill her if she is the real Anastasia ("Traveling Sequence"). Gleb agrees to the task, but he realizes that he is in love with Anya and questions his heart ("Still").
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Is Pooka actually Alexei?

What is Pooka supposed to be?

A stuffed animal with large eyes, Pooka selectively repeats what it hears in either a "naughty" or "nice" voice, and Wilson's job will be to portray Pooka in a large, furry costume in both advertisements and live appearances. Wilson is informed that he will be the sole actor portraying Pooka.
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What animal is a Pooka?

According to legend, the púca is a deft shapeshifter, capable of assuming a variety of terrifying or pleasing forms. It can take a human form, but will often have animal features, such as ears or a tail. As an animal, the púca will most commonly appear as a horse, cat, rabbit, raven, fox, wolf, goat, goblin, or dog.
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Is a Pooka a fairy?

The Pooka or Puca is one of the most ancient fairy creatures of Ireland, and is known further abroad as well, called Puck or Pook. In some places he is feared and in others respected.
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What happened to Pooka in Anastasia?

In his past life with the Romanovs, Pooka belonged to Anastasia's brother Alexei, and was found alive at the house where the family was killed. As a result of their deaths, Pooka, wrought with grief, unknowingly became the perfect vessel for the wicked Rasputin's evil plans.
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What happened to the dog in Anastasia?

The spaniel, named Joy, belonged to Anastasia's brother, Alexei, and was found alive at the house where the family was killed. Anastasia's own dog, Jimmy, did not survive.
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Who is the rat in Anastasia?

Bartok notices as one of the young girls goes astray. He watches closely as the Duchess Anastasia and her Grandmother are secretly shuffled to safety. He calls out to his master as fast he can, letting the evil Rasputin know that the young girl is escaping.
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What year does Anastasia take place?

As the musical ANASTASIA begins, Russia is on the verge of revolution. Time jumps from 1907 to 1927, and Anastasia's family, the imperial Romanovs, fall victim to the tide of history. When the Dowager Empress receives the news that they have been put to death, she believes she has lost her entire family.
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Who is Anastasia's love?

John Cusack as Dimitri, a young conman, former servant of the Romanovs, and Anya/Anastasia's love interest. Jonathan Dokuchitz provides the singing voice for Dimitri.
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What is the story of the Pooka?

The story goes that the Pooka often takes on the form of a friendly horse. The Pooka horse presents itself to weary humans that have usually just stumbled out of a house or a pub and are a little worse for wear.
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Where do pookas live?

Pookas are believed to live in rivers. In County Down, the Pooka would take the form of a tiny malformed hobgoblin and ask for a share of a farmer's yield. In County Laois, they took the shape of a scary, hairy boogeyman. In Roscommon, a Pooka was said to take the form of a black goat.
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What are Irish fairies?

Known to the islanders as the “little people,” “good people,” or “gentry” (Messenger, et al. 1969: 98), fairy folk are supernatural entities named after the grassy mounds that dot the Irish landscape. They are believed to live underground beneath these mounds, or in a parallel invisible world.
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Are Pooka and Pooka lives connected?

Pooka Lives is the sequel to Pooka. I've never seen the original Pooka. That doesn't matter here as there is no connection outside of the Pooka character.
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What did Derrick do in Pooka?

Long story short, Derrick gets a job as a copy writer for the company that produces the Pooka toys and after a night of weed and drinking with friends, he decides to turn the tables on Jax and his ilk by creating a creepypasta of Pooka. After Jax does the Pooka ritual and films it.
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What did Anastasia suffer from?

Anastasia suffered from a weak muscle in her back and painful bunions, both of which sometimes affected her mobility. Maria, while having her tonsils removed, experienced a hemorrhage that nearly killed her. Young Alexei was a hemophiliac and was frail for most of his short life.
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Could Anastasia have lived?

As satisfying as the movie ending is, the real Anastasia probably did not reunite with her grandmother years after the Russian Revolution and run off with a charming con man. In fact, she probably did not survive her family's execution at all.
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Why is Anastasia not a Disney Princess?

While they all meet certain criteria, there's no official set of requirements to become a Disney Princess, and while there are some exceptions (such as Mulan, who isn't royalty but is still considered a Disney Princess), Fox's Anastasia still doesn't count as one.
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Why is there no Rasputin in Anastasia?

“Well, Rasputin is not in our version, nor is Bartok (and everyone loves him, including me.),” Lynn writes over email. “But we really didn't want to repeat the animated movie onstage — and those two 'cartoon' characters simply didn't fit this version.” As for this new character, Lynn reassures us that we'll like him…
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