How old is Spock in Star Trek 2009?

The film Star Trek (2009) is meant to take place in the year 2258, when Spock was shown to be a man in his late 20s/early 30s. Ambassador Spock was born in 2230 and lived until 2387 in the alternate timeline, he was cast back in time to 2258 and lived an additional five years until 2263. 2387–2230=157, 157+5 = 162.
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How old is Kirk in Star Trek 2009?

In Star Trek's Kelvin timeline, Chris Pine's Jim Kirk was actually born 2 months before Shatner's, on January 4, 2033. At age 22, Jim joined Starfleet on a dare, but he rapidly rose to become Captain of the Enterprise at just 25 years old when he led the starship's defeat of Nero in J.J. Abrams' Star Trek 2009.
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How old is Spock in The Original Series?

Spock was born on January 6th, 2230, and by the start of TOS was 35 years old, turning 39 by the end. The last time Leonard Nimoy's Spock appeared in the franchise's Prime Timeline was in the TNG episodes "Unification, Parts 1 and 2", which were set in the year 2368.
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How old are Kirk and Spock?

Kirk was born in 2233 which was canonized in both Star Trek (2009) and the TOS episode, “The Deadly Years,” where he said he was 34 years old, and that episode took place in 2267. Spock was born on stardate 2230.06, or in the Earth year of 2230 which was canonized on Star Trek: Beyond on Ambassador Spock's obituary.
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How old can Spock live?

He entered the alternate reality at age 157 and stayed alive for 5 years ( and he died due to natural causes.
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The Original Star Trek Fun Facts

How old is Spock when he dies?

The elder Spock died off-screen on New Vulcan on January 2, 2263. Ambassador Spock was 161 when he died in the Kelvin timeline, although his final death chronologically happened 12 years before his original Prime timeline death in Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan.
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How much older is Michael than Spock?

Michael is about 4 years older than Spock, but curiously, Sybok was already gone when the young Burnham moved to Vulcan. Sybok is never mentioned in any of Michael and Spock's flashbacks to their childhood on Star Trek: Discovery, but was Burnham aware that Spock had an older half-brother?
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Did Spock have a baby?

Sadly, Spock died without ever siring an heir, and in Star Trek canon, neither Kirk nor Spock got to have descendants to carry on their adventures and save the galaxy.
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Was Spock ever in love?

Chapel was the one who had a crush on Spock, but as Spock suppressed his emotions most of the time, she never was able to get far. Spock's only real love, if you can call it that, was Leila Kalomi in the Season 1 episode 24 called “This Side of Paradise”.
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How old is Spock in Vulcan years?

Spock would have been in his mid-30s during the events of The Original Series. In human years, he would be roughly in his sixties. However, Vulcans have extremely long lifespans compared to humans and it isn't unusual for Vulcans to live to 200 years of age even though humans and Vulcans mature at about the same age.
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What is the lifespan of a Vulcan?

Lifespan. The Vulcan lifespan is longer than that of humans. Vulcans have been known to live over 200 years, though there has been cases where 250 or 300 can occur. After reaching adulthood, the aging process of Vulcans slowed a great deal.
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How many years apart are Kirk and Picard?

Captain Kirk and Captain Picard were not alive at the same time. Captain Kirk lived in the 23rd century. Captain Picard lived in the 24th Century, 80 years later. Star Trek: Generations.
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Who is older Picard or Kirk?

How old is Captain Picard in Star Trek Next Generation? The character Picard was 59 when TNG debuted. Picard was deliberately fashioned as “older and wiser” as opposed to Kirk who was 34. Someone more mature and experienced - not a “space cowboy” - to command the 1000+ crew of the Federation flagship.
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Who was the oldest in Star Trek?

The oldest known human in the mainline Star Trek canon is none other than the doctor of the USS Enterprise, Leonard "Bones" McCoy. McCoy canonically reached the age of 137.
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What is Spock's girlfriend name?

Uhura's first name was not used in Star Trek canon until Abrams's 2009 film. The mystery regarding Uhura's first name is the subject of a running joke in the film, as Captain Kirk repeatedly tries to find out what it is, before finally hearing Spock call her "Nyota" in a moment of intimacy.
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Were Kirk and Spock in love?

Star Trek: The Original Series writer David Gerrold, has also spoken about K/S slash sometimes. In 1985, Gerrold commented: One of the truths I've been telling lately is that Kirk and Spock are not lovers ... they're not even boyfriends. They're just good friends.
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Does Spock marry Uhura?

At the beginning of the third movie, we learn that Spock and Uhura decided to break up, after Spock mentioned his dilemma about going back to New Vulcan, getting married and helping to rebuild instead of going through his Starfleet carrier.
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Who did Spock love?

T'Pring is arguably Spock's greatest Star Trek love interest, considering that she was once his fiancé. In Star Trek: TOS season 2, episode 1, "Amok Time", Spock (Leonard Nimoy) was forced to return to T'Pring (Arlene Martel) on Vulcan when he began undergoing the symptoms of Pon Farr, the Vulcan drive to mate.
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Why are there two spocks in Star Trek?

Spock Met His Doppelganger In Star Trek: The Animated Series

Keniclius uses Spock's DNA to create a giant 25-foot-tall clone, referred to as Spock 2, to help him bring peace to the entire galaxy.
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Did Spock ever marry or have children?

Spock (Leonard Nimoy) never married T'Pring (Arlene Martel) in Star Trek: The Original Series and the foundations as to why are laid in Star Trek: Strange New Worlds.
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Why did Spock never mention his sister?

Spock made a tough decision to keep his adopted sister a secret to protect the galaxy in "Star Trek: Discovery." Spock's history of keeping personal matters private helps explain why he never mentioned Michael Burnham.
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How tall was Spock?

Spock is portrayed by Leonard Nimoy with a height of 6'0” (1.83 m). How tall is Spock? The Spock is 6 feet (1.83 m) tall as portrayed by Leonard Nimoy.
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Did Spock ever mention Michael?

Michael originally died in that attack, and therefore, in all the prior Star Trek series & movies, Michael was never a part of Sarek's life, and thus never connected to Spock. Spock never mentioned his human sister because he didn't have one..
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