How old is Wonder Woman?

When Wonder Woman returns to Man's World after a decades-long hiatus in the 1977 Wonder Woman episode "The Return of Wonder Woman," she tells Steve Trevor that she will be 2,527 years old on her next birthday.
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What is the age of Wonder Woman?

In most story arcs, the Amazons were created by the Gods of Mount Olympus in 1200 B.C. Then after a millennia, Hippolyta, with the help of the Gods, creates Diana from clay. So according to this timeline, Wonder Woman was “born” around 200 B.C making her over two thousand years old!
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Is Wonder Woman 5000 years old?

That question first came up around the release of Dawn of Justice, and Gal Gadot and Wonder Woman director Patty Jenkins took steps then to explain why Gadot's character doesn't seem to age. Gadot was the first to weigh in prior to the film's release, offering the suggestion that Diana was about 5,000 years old.
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How old is the real Wonder Woman?

Furthermore, based on comic-based evidence, the Amazons were created by the Gods of Mount Olympus around 1200 B.C., and Hippolyta formed Diana from clay about a millennium later, placing her birth around 200 B.C. Consequently, Wonder Woman's age today would be approximately 2,224 years old.
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Is Wonder Woman immortal?

The most general rule regarding Wonder Woman is that she is immortal but not invulnerable. In other words, she is immune to natural death but not to a violent death. In other continuities, Wonder Woman has been immortal but only on the island of Themyscira.
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Superhero Origins: Wonder Woman

Why is Diana stronger than the other Amazons?

Wonder Woman is the strongest and most powerful of all the Amazons thanks to her goddess-granted powers from Aphrodite. She is even said to be "Stronger than Hercules", and able to physically outmatch other beings such as Superman and Supergirl.
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What is Wonder Woman's only weakness?

She has no convenient weakness. She used to be rendered powerless if she was bound or shackled by a man, but that's been phased out. She would also go mad when her bracelets were removed. Not treated consistently either.
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Why does Wonder Woman never age?

Typically, the Amazons are depicted as immortal, allowing for Diana's birth to take place decades or centuries before the present, enabling writers to place her at various points throughout history.
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Can Wonder Woman beat Superman?

Superman Just Became a God in DC Lore (No, Literally)

Though the Man of Steel fought with a frightening tenacity, Wonder Woman proved she's ready and able to take him down if she ever has to. Of course, both heroes have their own unique traits that make them quite amazing fighters.
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Who is older Batman or Wonder Woman?

Batman is the next oldest Justice League member after Wonder Woman, although the Caped Crusader is nowhere near as old as the Amazon.
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Is Wonder Woman a god?

No longer a clay figure brought to life by the magic of the gods, she is, instead, a demi-goddess and the natural-born daughter of Hippolyta and Zeus.
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Who is older Thor and Wonder Woman?

No, he is far older, in a recent account Thor said that when he first came to Midgard seeking worshipers, humans still lived in caves, that makes Thor to be older than her by at least 7,000 years if she is 3,000 years old as suspected (which only accounts his first visit to Earth as a young adult warrior god, thus it ...
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How tall is Wonder Woman?

Summary. Wonder Woman's height has changed over the years, growing from 5'8" in the 1940s to 6'2" in the present day.
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Why is Wonder Woman so strong?

Superhuman Strength: Granted by Demeter (Goddess of the Earth). Diana is literally as strong as the Earth because of her link to the planet granted to her by Demeter. She is said to be 'stronger than Hercules'. It is obvious her strength is magical in nature, given her height and weight.
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Is Wonder Woman bulletproof?

Wonder Woman is similar to Superman and Martian Manhunter in terms of strength and durability. But she has a few unique weaknesses as an Amazon-demigoddess that tend to be consistent for all versions of her character. She can be killed or injured with piercing weapons (arrows, bullets, swords, etc.)
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Can Wonder Woman beat Hulk?

Even with her fighting knowledge, Hulk's raw power alone is likely far too much for her to handle. Furthermore, Hulk only grows stronger as his rage increases. In a prolonged fight with Wonder Woman, he is very likely to grow ever stronger, eventually being able to completely overpower her.
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Who is stronger, Wonder Woman or Batman?

Even if Wonder Woman didn't have super strength and near invulnerability on her side, Diana has years of experience in combat over Batman. She was also trained by masters of war and can handle herself both as a soldier and a tactician. Based on her long lifespan, she's clearly a better fighter than Batman.
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Who is stronger, Wonder Woman or Shazam?

Wonder Woman's recent arm-wrestling match against Wonder Girl proves that she is stronger, even without the aid of Zeus' power. Wonder Woman's power level surpasses that of Shazam, despite his gifts from the gods.
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What is Wonder Woman's weakness?

She doesn't have any one particular weakness.

It would take some very serious cunning to trick her up or make her lose a fight. In other words: you can't just beat her like you could any other hero. She has no kryptonite.
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What is Wonder Woman's lifespan?

The current version, being the Goddess of War, would live forever, while she can be killed by other god-like creatures. By example, she can be killed by Superman or Darkseid. Former versions, being a demigod or a magical clay girl, were more vulnerable and even these versions died at some point.
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What is Superman's lifespan?

In the Kingdom Come Epilogue he seems destined to live for a little more than 1000 years. In the epilogue, Superman is shown to have survived 1000 years after his return, and as an old man, he watches the fly-pass of the future generation of superheroes.
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What is Wonder Woman's worst fear?

Wonder Woman: Losing Her Humanity

However, some of the book's variant covers revealed more about Wonder Woman's fears before fans even opened the comic. Given a monstrous, Medusa-like redesign, her mythological makeover indicates a fear of losing her humanity.
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What woman is stronger than Wonder Woman?

3 Big Barda

Wonder Woman's flight would make her hard to catch but once caught Big Barda's strength and weaponry make her a near-unbeatable brute force. The rod and the sword may find themselves equally matched but when it comes down to strength Big Barda is a wall of pure muscle.
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What is Wonder Woman's fatal flaw?

Wonder Woman's creator, William Moulton Marston, had some unusual ideas for his heroine, some of which included themes of bondage. In her original stories, and up until the 1980s, Diana's main weakness was being bound by a man. If captured and bound by a man, Wonder Woman couldn't access her powers.
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