How old was Natalie Portman in Episode 1?

Natalie Portman's Age in Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace. Being born in 1981, Natalie Portman would have been around 16 years old when filming began in 1997. She was reportedly in her senior year of high school when The Phantom Menace released in 1999.
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How old is Padme in ep 1?

Padmé was 14 in The Phantom Menace, 24 in Attack of the Clones, and 27 in Revenge of the Sith. Padmé was born in 46 BBY (Before the Battle of Yavin) and died in 19 BBY. The prequel trilogy covers the events that range from 32 BBY to 19 BBY, the year of Order 66 and the rise of the Galactic Empire.
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How old was Keira Knightley in Episode 1?

Knightley was twelve years old when she was cast and during Star Wars: Episode I The Phantom Menace filming in August 1997 at Leavesden Film Studios, England. The completed film was released two years later in the Summer of 1999, when she was fourteen years old.
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Why was Padme Queen at 14?

Surprisingly, Padme gained power thanks to her age. According to the 2015 book Star Wars: Absolutely Everything You Need To Know, the people of Naboo would intentionally choose young women as their leader, believing they would have a form of childlike wisdom that adults wouldn't.
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Did Padmé not wear a bra?

She was not allowed to wear a on set because of the “no underwear in space” rule. Instead, the costume designers had her cover certain areas with gaffer tape, which is incredibly sticky and painful to remove.
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These No Makeup Photo Confirms the Rumors

What is the age gap between Anakin and Padmé?

Padmé is Five Years Older Than Anakin Skywalker

In actuality, Padmé was just 14 years old in The Phantom Menace. When she ventured to Tatooine and met an enslaved young boy named Anakin Skywalker -- who took an immediate shine to her -- Anakin was just nine years old.
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Who was the body double for Padme?

Keira Knightly had no idea who she played in the Star Wars franchise. The actress played the part of Sabé in 1999's The Phantom Menace when she was 12 years-old. The character is a very important handmaiden and body double for Natalie Portman's Queen Padmé Amidala.
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Who acted as Queen Amidala's decoy?

Who did Keira Knightley play? Knightley appeared as one of Padme's handmaidens — named Sabe. She pretended to be Padme, acting as a decoy throughout the film to keep people from attacking Padme.
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How old is Obi Wan in Episode 1?

In Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace, set 32 years before A New Hope, a 25-year-old Obi-Wan Kenobi (Ewan McGregor) appears as the Padawan apprentice of Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn (Liam Neeson).
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Who is Anakin Skywalker father?

Shmi informs Qui-Gon that Anakin has no father, leading Qui-Gon to suggest that Anakin is a product of midi-chlorians (Force-imparting microorganisms). As the film progresses, Anakin leaves Tatooine to begin his Jedi training.
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Did Padme groom Anakin?

She was around 14 years of age. No, she did not groom him because their entire interaction basically amounted to about a couple weeks to a month, before a roughly 8 year separation. Originally Answered: When Anakin met Padme in Phantom Menace, how old was she?
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How old was Anakin when he died?

While it seemed like Anakin had lived a long life, his choices eventually led to his demise at 45. Though half of his life was filled with tragedy, he managed to make things right with the time he had and gained a Jedi burial that had him reunite with his old Master and Yoda.
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How old is KYLO Ren?

Kylo was born in 5 ABY (After the Battle of Yavin). The battle occurred at the end of Star Wars: A New Hope and marked the destruction of the first Death Star. The Force Awakens was said to have taken place in 34 ABY, making Kylo 29 years old when he made his onscreen Star Wars debut.
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When was KYLO Ren born?

Kylo Ren was born in Hanna City, Chandrila around the year 5 ABY to the Dark Lady Shira Brie, also known as Lumiya. The day of his birth was roughly eight months after the Granicus Campaign was put to an end.
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How old is Anakin in Episode 1?

*According to sources published at the time the prequels came out, Anakin was 20 in Episode II, but 9 in Episode I, which took place ten years earlier. The explanation for this was that he turned ten right after Episode I, and the two movies are actually about ten years and one month apart.
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Was Sabé in love with Padmé?

The life of Sabé is very interesting. She spent her entire life dedicated to the protection of a politician who died suddenly then worked to protect the person who killed her. Sabé was also visibly in love with Padme, though her affections were always unrequited.
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How old was Keira Knightley in Bend It Like Beckham?

Although they both played teenagers, Nagra and Knightley were in very different life stages themselves; Nagra (born in 1975) was 26 when filming, while Knightley (born in 1985) was just 16.
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Who asked Natalie Portman in Star Wars?

Portman's “Thor: Love and Thunder” director Taika Waititi told a widely shared story in summer 2022 about asking Portman if she might want to star in his currently-in-development “Star Wars” movie. He failed to realize that Portman was already a veteran of the franchise.
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Who killed Padme?

Padmé's death disappointed audiences when they saw Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith, but one theory posits that Palpatine was the one to kill Padmé. A Star Wars theory suggests that Padmé did not die of a broken heart, but rather that she was killed by Palpatine.
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Why did Padme clean r2d2?

A grateful Amidala acknowledged R2-D2's bravery, and ordered her handmaiden Padmé' to clean up the battered droid by way of thanks. With its hyperdrive damaged, the royal starship landed on Tatooine.
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Who is Padme to Luke?

Attended by medical droids, Padmé Amidala gave birth to her twins Luke and Leia on Polis Massa. She died and the twins were split up, with Obi-Wan taking Luke to Tatooine and Bail Organa returning home to Alderaan with Leia.
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What does BBY mean in Star Wars?

That's a date. 'BBY' stands for 'Before the Battle of Yavin,' referring to the climactic battle over the moon of Yavin IV where Luke shoots a proton torpedo down the Death Star's exhaust port in the original Star Wars film.
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How old was Anakin when Luke was born?

How old was Anakin when Luke and Leia were born? In canon, he was 22 (he was born in 41 BBY, and Luke and Leia were born in 19 BBY). In Legends, accounts vary saying he's either 22 or 23.
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Who was Anakin Skywalker's girlfriend?

Padmé Amidala was a courageous, hopeful leader, serving as Queen and then Senator of Naboo -- and was also handy with a blaster. Despite her ideals and all she did for the cause of peace, her secret, forbidden marriage to Jedi Anakin Skywalker would prove to have dire consequences for the galaxy.
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Did Rey and Kylo kiss?

Once she defeated Palpatine, Rey died and Kylo Ren brought her back through Force healing, at the cost of his own life. Rey kissed Kylo (now Ben as he returned to the light side), but the use of Force healing was too much for him and he died, becoming one with the Force.
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