How old were Fili and Kili in human years?

Gloin: 37 (158) Fili: 19 (82) Kili: 18 (77) Fun Fact: Gimli was 62 during The Hobbit, making him around 14.
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How old is 21 in Dwarf years?

Description. If you're wondering what I mean by, say, age 21 = ages 44 - 47 then it means that while a Dwarf is between the ages 44 - 47 their physically appearance would be that of a 21 year old human.
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Are Fíli and Kíli half human?

Fili and Kili are not half-elf. They are the maternal nephews of Thorin Oakenshield, the dwarf, and are themselves dwarves of the line of Durin, the Longbeards.
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How old is a hobbit in human years?

Ok so I did some math today and figured that since a Hobbit is an adult at 33, if we equate this to the human adult age of 18, one human year of aging is equivalent to about 1.83 hobbit years. So at the time of LOTR, Frodo as a hobbit would be 51, but as a human would be 27.9 years old.
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What is the age difference between Fíli and Kíli?

Fíli, born in T.A. 2859, was 82 years old at the time. Kíli, born in T.A. 2864, was 77 years old at the time. The age of Bifur, Bofur, Bombur, Dori, Nori and Ori has been left unknown. However, we know that Balin was the eldest of the Dwarves after Thorin and that Fíli and Kíli were the youngest “by some fifty years”.
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What remained of Beleriand in the Third Age?

How old is Fíli in human years?

Fili: 19 (82) Kili: 18 (77) Fun Fact: Gimli was 62 during The Hobbit, making him around 14.
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How old is Kíli?

Kíli (T.A. 2864 – 2941 77 years old) was the son of Dís, the sister of King Thorin, and brother of Fíli. Kíli was one of the thirteen Dwarves who took part in the quest for Erebor, which was Bilbo Baggins's great adventure.
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How old was Thorin when he died?

Thórin Oakenshield was born in TA 2746 and was 195 years old when he perished in the Battle of Five Armies in the book. In the film trilogy, he was born in TA 2837 and was 104 when he was killed by Azog the Defiler.
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How tall was Kíli in The Hobbit?

According to author J.R.R. Tolkien, dwarves are on average between four and five feet tall, towering over their tiny friends the hobbits, who measure in between two and four feet tall, according to the books.
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Who killed Fili?

Thorin sends Fíli and Kíli to scout, not knowing they are about to be overrun by a second army of Gundabad Orcs. Bilbo comes to warn them, but it is too late. Fíli is the first one to be captured, and is later impaled by Azog in front of Thorin, Bilbo, and Dwalin, much to the horror of the latter three.
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Why does Kili like elves?

Similarly, both Gimli and Kili are drawn in by the beautiful silvery words of the elves, and the hope and inspiration that they bring.
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Can Dwarves and elves mate?

Unsurprisingly dwarves and elves have interbred for centuries though it is not common they have been close allies for too many centuries for it to be otherwise. As elves held the Armlet of Strength dwelfs can reproduce. When dwelfs have children with elves however they seem to revert to the elven bloodline.
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What is the life expectancy of a person with dwarfism?

As well as being short, some people with restricted growth also have other physical problems, such as bowed legs or an unusually curved spine. But most people don't have any other serious problems and are able to live a relatively normal life, with a normal life expectancy.
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Which dwarf lived the longest?

The longest living dwarf in Tolkien's World would have to be Dwalin from the Hobbit who lived 340 years (born 2772 of the Third Age and died 91 of the Fourth Age) or Durin the Deathless who lived at least 2,395 years, he was also one of the 7 original dwarves that woke during the years of the trees.
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Do dwarves age quicker?

Dwarves mature at the same rate as Humans, but they're considered young until they reach the age of 50. On average, they live about 350 years. How long do dwarfs live? The dwarves of Tolkien's works can live more than 300 years.
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How old is Legolas?

Legolas was portrayed by Orlando Bloom. In the "official movie guide" for The Lord of the Rings, a birthdate for Legolas is set to 87 of the Third Age. This would make him 2931 years old at the time of the War of the Ring.
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Did Thorin's bloodline end?

Their deaths and Thorin's did not end Durin's line, although did end the branch which had Thror, Thrain, and Thorin Oakenshield. Thorin's cousin, Dain Ironfoot, became King after Thorin's death. Dain's son, Thorin Stonehelm, became King after Dain died in the Battle of Dale. The line continued on after that.
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Did Kili have a wife?

Kili has had one love interest: Tauriel. After he is resurrected, they marry and have a son named after his late brother, Fili. Together they are called Kiliel.
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What color are Kili's eyes?

In the movies, Kíli has shoulder-length hair that is the color brown. His eyes are brown as well.
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Is Kíli half elf?

TL;DR: Thorin is half-elf, and Fili and Kili are themselves both part elf and half-human. The two young dwarves represent the union of Elves, Men, and Dwarves that once existed before Dale fell, and which will rise again.
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How old is Elrond in human years?

Elrond is roughly 6,437 years old during The Hobbit and 6,497 in The Lord of the Rings.
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