How thin was Natalie Portman in Black Swan?

The actress shed an astonishing 20lbs from her already slight frame to play a ballerina in the 2011 film and admitted it put such a toll on her body that she thought she was going to die.
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How many calories did Natalie Portman eat in the Black Swan?

While training for "Black Swan," says Huhn, Portman got up at 5 a.m., worked out five to eight hours a day, and stuck to a 1,200-calorie-a-day vegan diet. She lost 20 pounds in six months.
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How much dancing did Natalie Portman really do in Black Swan?

In a written statement, "Black Swan" director Darren Aronofsky said, "Here is the reality. I had my editor count shots. There are 139 dance shots in the film -- 111 are Natalie Portman untouched. Twenty-eight are her dance double Sarah Lane.
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How much weight did Natalie gain?

However, her married life made Natalie unhappy, which led to "stress eating." Natalie says she is on antidepressants, and gained 30 pounds following her arrival in the U.S.
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Is Natalie Portman bulimic in Black Swan?

Natalie Portman's character not only shows signs of anorexia—she's also bulimic. How can this not seem glamorous to teens and women seeing the movie since? Natalie's character also totally loses it in a crazy downward spiral.
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Natalie Portman & Mila Kunis in Black Swan: Weight Loss & Injuries

Was Nina anorexic in Black Swan?

Although the film never outwardly declares that Nina is suffering from an eating disorder, scenes highlighting caloric restriction and purging allude to a battle with anorexia.
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How much did Natalie weigh in Black Swan?

The actress ended up weighing 95lbs while she was filming Black Swan - but she didn't enjoy being that skinny.
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How many calories did Mila Kunis eat for Black Swan?

Mila Kunis has confessed that her diet was restricted to 1,200 calories per day while filming Black Swan. The actress - who shrunk down to 95lbs for her role as a ballet dancer in the film - revealed that she was in "hell" during filming and only ate foods that fit in her hand, reports the Daily Star.
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What does losing 30 pounds do to your body?

Reduce Your Health Risks

Losing the extra weight can help eliminate those health problems or lower your odds for them. Weight loss can reduce your blood pressure and cholesterol. It can also slash risk for diabetes, heart disease, stroke, and osteoarthritis.
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How much weight did Natalie lose?

"I wanted to see what I could push my body to do, and what I could accomplish if I did make my health and fitness my No. 1 priority." In six months she lost 30 lbs. under the instruction of her childhood friend and trainer Ilya Fedorovich, who owns the fitness and supplement company Xeela.
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How old was Natalie Portman in Black Swan?

Can child stars go on to credible careers? With her Ivy League credentials and a performance in Black Swan that's put her in line for an Oscar, Natalie Portman proves it can be done... At 29, Natalie Portman has already been in the business a long time.
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What age is Nina in Black Swan?

Synopsis. The movie opens as Nina Sayers (Natalie Portman), a young ballerina in her mid twenties, is dancing the prologue to Swan Lake. Swan Lake is a ballet in which a princess is turned into the White Swan and can only be turned back if a man swears eternal fidelity to her.
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How many hours a day did Natalie Portman train for Black Swan?

For one one year training six day a week eight hours a day. Natalie Portman prepared for Black Swan.
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What was Mila Kunis weight in Black Swan?

Kunis had never had any previous experience in ballet, but trained for three months in order to "fake it." Kunis acknowledges that she got "crazy thin," as Stern puts it, weighing about 95 pounds. "I didn't starve myself," Kunis, who's 5' 4," stresses. "I did do it in the healthiest way possible.
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Did Natalie Portman and Mila Kunis lose weight for Black Swan?

Already lean, Kunis dropped 20 pounds in order to play Natalie Portman's ballerina frenemy in "Black Swan." At 95 pounds, Kunis says "I was muscles, like a little brick house, but skin and bones." Unfortunately, when she gained the weight back, Kunis says it ended up in completely different places.
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Will my breasts get smaller if I lose 20 pounds?

When you lose weight, your breasts may appear smaller due to a reduction in body fat. Breasts contain a significant amount of fatty tissue, so as you lose pounds, some of that fat will be lost from your breasts.
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Is a 25 lb weight loss noticeable?

How much weight a person needs to lose for it to be noticeable is also subjective as it depends on your frame and starting body mass index, according to Guzman. On average, a 15 to 20-pound loss (approximately 2 to 5 percent of your starting body weight) is enough to notice "significant changes in your body," he said.
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Why did Mila Kunis lose so much weight?

Mila Kunis plays an addict in Rodrigo Garcia's “Four Good Days,” and to play the part, she had to lose an extraordinary amount of weight and watch a lot of YouTube videos.
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Did Mila Kunis do the ballet in Black Swan?

Soon after the L.A.-based Kunis was cast in "Black Swan," the film's choreographer, Benjamin Millepied, contacted the Los Angeles Ballet's artistic directors and asked if they could provide Kunis with ballet training. Instead of taking on the task themselves, they recommended Blacker for the assignment.
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What does Natalie Portman eat?

Upon her morning routine, Portman said “I'm vegan, so I generally have a very clean diet; I usually have oatmeal or avocado toast in the morning. I take vitamins too—vitamin D, and I'm still on prenatal vitamins. I get B12 shots once a month because it's the one thing you don't get from a vegan diet.”
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Did Nina and Lily sleep together in Black Swan?

NOT REAL: Therefore, Lilly and Nina did not have actual sex (we know this because after sex, Lilly said something to Nina about being a ‘Good girl’ and then tried to smother her. Not real!) NOT REAL: Nina didn’t murder the real Lilly, of course.
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What did Nina do in the toilet Black Swan?

The two fight, breaking a mirror. Nina stabs her doppelgänger with a large shard of glass from the mirror, killing her. The body reverts to Lily. Nina hides the corpse in the bathroom and takes the stage, dancing flawlessly as Odile and seemingly turns into a black swan, her arms covered in feathers.
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