Who is released when Galactus dies?

Abraxas is one of the many cosmic entities of the Marvel Universe, his origins dating back at least as far as the Big Bang - if not further. He is said to be imprisoned within Eternity itself and can only break free of this prison when Galactus dies.
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What happens if Galactus dies?

A starving Galactus dies and assumes the form of a star. The death of Galactus allows the entity Abraxas (a metaphysical embodiment of destruction and the antithesis of Eternity) to emerge from imprisonment.
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Who has killed Galactus?

Okay, so other supervillains have defeated Galactus before – most notably Dr. Doom and the Beyonder (“The who?” you might ask. Eh, he'll probably show up in Marvel Cinematic Universe Phase 5 or 6.) – but this is Thanos.
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Has Galactus ever been a good guy?

Beyond good and evil, forced to destroy entire worlds to survive, Galactus is intimately tied to the nature of the universe. He believes it is his destiny to ultimately give back to the universe much more than he has taken. He currently has two heralds, Silver Surfer, and Stardust.
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Who is Novas' girlfriend in Marvel?

Ginger was the High School girlfriend of Richard Rider (AKA Nova). Following Rider's disappearance from Earth, she ended up in an abusive marriage. Nova paralyzed her husband Darren and left him with brain damage when he tried to murder Ginger. A pregnant Ginger lost her home due to the substantial medical bills.
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What Will Happen To The Universe If Galactus Dies?

Is Nova A Avenger?

By the time of the series, Nova has served as a temporary Avenger. He also appears in the Last Hero Standing and Avengers Next miniseries. Nova also assisted in the battle against Galactus in Last Planet Standing.
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What is Nova's real name MCU?

Biography. Teenager Sam Alexander is the latest human to become Nova, a cosmic hero linked to the Nova Corps, an intergalactic peacekeeping force, through an inherited helmet from his father. Sam, with no knowledge of Nova's past, learns to use his abilities and become a superhero.
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Can Galactus beat Darkseid?

Both represent forces of nature in their universes, but Galactus was simply too much for Darkseid to handle.
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Is Silver Surfer a bad guy?

Silver Surfer (Norrin Radd) is a major antagonist turned supporting character in Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer. He was once an alien being from a distant planet. Galactus a cosmic entity that fed on entire worlds that would arrive at his home planet.
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Can Dormammu beat Galactus?

Galactus would win. Dormammu may be a god within the Dark Dimension but he's a fairly weak one. Doctor Strange has been able to defeat him there. Galactus is on a whole different level of power.
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Who killed Thor?

Mjølnir: Thor was wielding the magical Uru hammer, which he had lost when he was banished from Asgard. However, before Thor could retrieve the Mjølnir from S.H.I.E.L.D., he was killed by Hawkeye.
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Has Spiderman killed Galactus?

The source of the Power Cosmic and among the most powerful cosmic entities in the Marvel Universe, Galactus destroys worlds with little effort. Spider-Man stands no chance against him but in at least one reality in the multiverse, Earth-11638, Spider-Man single-handedly defeated Galactus with some supernatural power.
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Who killed Silver Surfers?

This pursuit eventually leads the group of former heroes to find and battle the Silver Surfer. While he puts up a significant fight, the pack of super zombies eventually kills the Surfer Man, with Zombie Hulk dealing the final blow.
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Can Thanos erase Galactus?

Very Few Marvel Characters Can Defeat Galactus

Thanos came close to killing Galactus during the Infinity Gauntlet miniseries. Super-charged with the six Infinity Stones, Thanos easily trounced Galactus, imprisoning him alongside other cosmic beings, including the In-Betweener and two Celestials.
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Can Superman beat Galactus?

Superman's powers have gone through many changes over the years, but he's still the most physically powerful being on the Earth. He's faced down all kinds of threats and won, whether through brute strength or a combination of brains and brawn. His power is certainly enough to beat Galactus, but he'd go the extra mile.
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Can Hulk beat Silver Surfers?

10 Hulk. Silver Surfer has handily defeated the Hulk multiple times. While the Hulk is incredibly strong and one of Marvel's most powerful heroes, it's how the Silver Surfer was able to take him down that shows just how strong the herald of Galactus is.
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How old is Galactus?

Having existed since the creation of the multiverse, he's billions of years old at least. This strange but incredibly powerful cosmic deity debuted in the pages of Strange Tales #157 by Jim Steranko, which was the resident showcase of Dr. Strange comics at the time.
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Who is stronger, Galactus or Thanos?

Galactus wins. Thanos is insanely strong but he isn't quite on par with cosmic entities. Galactus is a cosmic entity and a constant in the multiverse, meaning he's always existed in the multiverse and most likely will continue to exist until the end of all things Marvel.
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Could Odin beat Galactus?

Odin stands a good chance at defeating a moderately-fed Galactus. Odin has been stated to be equal to a moderately-fed Galactus. Though Galan did withstand a powerful headbutt from Odin. The Devourer had just consumed one planet before that.
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Who would win Hulk vs Galactus?

Oddly enough, Hulk might actually be able to hit Galactus hard enough that he notices that he's been hit. But that's about as far as the fight goes. Galactus would see him as nothing more than a little green annoyance to be flicked away like a gnat.
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Is Goku stronger than Galactus?

Galactus may have immense power, but he needs to constantly feed on planetary-levels of energy to sustain it. Goku, on the other hand, often reaches his most powerful form when he's at the very end of his rope. So while Galactus would get weaker as the fight went on, Goku would get stronger, giving him the edge.
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Who is Richard Rider's love interest?

From the first time they met, it was clear that Richard Rider and Namorita had a certain rapport. This bloomed into a romantic relationship, although a somewhat strained one at that.
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Who's stronger, Nova or Captain Marvel?

During the Annihilation storyline, Nova became more powerful than any other wielder of the Nova force has ever been. He singlehandedly held all the power of the Nova Force within him and was able to completely control it with a bit of training. This is no easy feat and it made Nova one of the strongest in the universe.
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Will we get a Nova movie?

Marvel Studios has confirmed that a Nova show or movie is in the very early stages of development, though specific details regarding the format have not been revealed yet. Who might play Richard Rider in the MCU's Nova project?
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