Is Batman gray or black?

Color scheme Batman's cape, cowl, gloves, briefs, and boots are usually either black or dark blue with the body of the costume being grey. Originally the suit was conceived as being black and grey, but due to coloring schemes of early comic books, the black was highlighted with blue.
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Why is Batman so gray?

Partly in order to resemble a bat, as per his name and his agenda of striking fear into the hearts of criminals. Also because he almost always operates at night, in the dark, so dark colours help him to hide in the shadows and maintain an element of surprise.
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What is Batman's signature color?

As the world's most brooding superhero, Batman's favourite colour is undoubtedly black - though he almost looked completely different. Bob Kane's original design saw Batman decked out in a bright red leotard with black pants, a basic black eye-mask and blonde hair.
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What colour was the original Batman?

Batman first appeared in the comic book in May 1939 in a gray suit, a black speedo cape, a round yellow buckle belt, black boots and purple gloves. That same year, Batman appeared in another version with black gloves and a cloak that looked more like bat wings.
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Why did Batman change from blue to black?

As you can see from the (huge) diagram below, Batman's suit has changed colour dramatically over the intervening years but almost always with an emphasis on blue for the comics and black for the films where high-contrast materials work better.
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Is Justice League Better in Black & White? - Justice is Gray

Was Batman originally black or blue?

Batman's cape, cowl, gloves, briefs, and boots are usually either black or dark blue with the body of the costume being grey. Originally the suit was conceived as being black and grey, but due to coloring schemes of early comic books, the black was highlighted with blue.
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Is there a black version of Batman?

The next hero to don Batman's cowl will be a black man, named Tim Fox, DC Comics has revealed. The identity of the new Batman, estranged son of Bruce Wayne's business manager Lucius Fox, was announced by the comics publisher on Thursday.
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When did Batman change from blue to black?

68 1987: Batman: Year One Reimagined His Original Costume

Year One defined Batman for many fans and so did the return to a more classic suit. The Dark Knight went back to a black and grey suit, gold utility pouch belt, and a bat logo that sometimes was just a black bat and sometimes had a yellow oval around it.
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Why Batman doesn t cover his mouth?

With Batman's martial arts skills and the design of his costume, there's no need. His mouth is such a tiny area of his body that it would take an expert marksman to hit it from far away. Also because he likes the suit that way, It's the same reason why daredevil only covers half his face…it's just a cooler design…
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What did the original Batman look like?

In his first story, “The Case of the Chemical Syndicate,” Batman (then called The Bat-Man) wore a gray union suit with a black bat on his chest, black shorts and boots, a black cape that on the cover looks more like wings, a yellow utility belt, and a cowl mask with short-ish ears.
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Why is Batman color black?

1) Because most bats have dark colors. Lots of bats are grey or black. 2) Symbolism. Bruce Wayne chose the bat motif because bats are scary and (all together now) "criminals are a superstitious, cowardly lot".
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Why is Batman costume black?

"I think that Tim Burton's Batman movie was also influential, making the costume look all black," he said. "Previously the comics and TV show made the cape and cowl blue and the rest of the costume violet or gray. The darker color suited the depiction of Batman as a dark, grim vigilante who operated at night.
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Who color graded the Batman?

David Cole said he did something 'crazy' to get the colours in the new Batman. I've seen Waqas Qazi's colour grading video, but that process isn't anything out of the ordinary. Does anyone have an insight on what David Cole did? I know they scanned it to film for a bleach bypass effect, but he wasn't referring to that.
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Was Batman ever blonde?

When Bob Kane drew his first concept of Batman, it was very different from what we think of Batman today. In his original sketch, Batman wore red tights with no gloves or cowl on his head. He just wore a domino mask that didn't hide his blonde (yes, blonde) hair.
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When did Batman become darker?

It was not until the 1970s when the character began to feature in darker stories once again; however, Batman was still commonly associated with the campy theme of the 1960s Batman TV series, and was regarded more as a father figure to Robin rather than as his original identity as a vigilante.
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Who is the GREY character in Batman?

The Gray Ghost, played by Simon Trent, was a fictional television hero from Bruce Wayne's childhood.
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What is Batman's only fear?

Batman Is Afraid To Be In The Company Of Bats

As a child, Bruce's fear of bats stemmed from falling in a cave where he encountered the animal. He continued to harbor it as an adult, although Bruce used the very fear as his strength. Batman Begins: Bruce Wayne embraces his worst fear.
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What was Batman's worst fear?

Batman worries about things like his loved ones dying, failing to save Gotham, or his successors becoming evil. Unfortunately for the Dark Knight, these fears have often manifested in reality, with Bruce Wayne having to face his worst nightmares and push his mental limits.
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Why does Batman wear eye?

(To be fair, it is a lot about the aesthetic.) The eye makeup has a practical purpose: Bruce Wayne needs to cover the area around his eyes in order to completely conceal his face while wearing his black cowl.
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Why does Batman have a giant penny?

Batman '89: The giant penny appears in the first issue of the comic series. Depicted as a ornament for the Lincoln Bank, Batman uses to protect himself from Joker Gang gunfire after foiling their heist. Whilst dealing with the guilt of a youth's death, Bruce Wayne later buys the penny to decorate the Batcave.
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Why does Batman wear a mask?

In The Dark Knight Rises, Bruce Wayne explains to Officer Blake that the mask was to “protect the people closest to [him]” and that “the idea was to be a symbol—Batman could be anybody.” For Scarecrow, the Joker, and Bane, the mask is not a symbol of anonymity but represents their individuality.
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Is Batman's suit skin tight?

The Bat emblem remained yellow, and the skin-tight suit was mostly black except for the sides, which were coated with a purple fabric. The boots and gauntlets remained black, but they were reinforced with pointed accouterments, similar to Batman's gauntlets.
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Who is the black version of the Joker?

Nick Creegan had no idea what he was getting himself into. When the actor auditioned for the role of Marquis Jet, Jada's (Robin Givens) son on Batwoman, the actor had no clue he would become an iteration of The Joker.
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Does DC have a black Batman?

DC Comics has just announced the first Black character ever to take on the mantle of Batman. Falling under the company's new Future State series, The Next Batman will center around Tim Fox, the estranged son of Wayne Enterprise's CEO Lucius Fox and brother to the former Batwing Luke Fox.
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Who is the darkest version of Batman?

10 Darkest Versions Of Batman, Ranked
  1. 1 The Batman Who Laughs. The Batman Who Laughs terrified everyone and for good reason.
  2. 2 Flashpoint Batman. ...
  3. 3 The Grim Knight. ...
  4. 4 Red Rain Batman. ...
  5. 5 Red Death. ...
  6. 6 Omega. ...
  7. 7 The Dark Knight Returns Batman. ...
  8. 8 The Gift's Batman. ...
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