Is Cato bad Hunger Games?

Cato is the main antagonist of the novel The Hunger Games, the first novel in the trilogy and its film adaptation of the same name. He is a voluntary tribute from District 2, alongside with his district partner Clove.
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Why was Cato so obsessed with Katniss?

Cato's competitive nature is even more extreme than those of his fellow Careers, as he harbors a deep resentment of Katniss due to her high training score and iterates to his allies that he must be the one to kill her.
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Is Cato a victim of The Hunger Games?

Cato Is a Victim in The Hunger Games Too

Cato's status as a killer facilitates the final twist: that he, too, is a victim of the Capitol's brutality. The movie spells out the details more directly than the book, which is told from Katniss's perspective and focuses on her impressions rather than his.
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What kind of person is Cato?

Cato made a career out of purity, out of his refusal to give an inch in the face of pressure to compromise and deal. His was a powerful and lasting political type: the man who achieves and wields power by disdaining power, the politician above politics.
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Why did Cato hurt Peeta?

As he does so, Cato cuts his way through the brush and realizes what Peeta has done. Enraged at Peeta's betrayal, Cato engages the other tribute in a fight, a fight which Peeta swiftly loses, escaping only with a severe leg wound, tracker jacker strings, and burns retained from the fire.
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Cato + Clove or Cato + Glimmer?

Why does Cato hate Katniss?

Cato sees his victory in the Hunger Games as the correct and natural outcome – after all, he's been preparing his whole life, and tributes from Districts 1 and 2 are most likely to be winners. But Katniss's high score in training, uncommon for District 12 tributes, earns Cato's attention and ire.
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Did Cato and Clove love each other?

She loved Cato, and he loved her, but they couldn't tell anyone. No one would sponsor a Career Tribute who loved anyone, especially someone in the arena with them. They had tried to keep it secret, but, since they see the Comittee of Victors every day in training, it's hard to keep anything secret from them.
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Was Cato a good guy?

In his political career, Cato applied Stoic principles to fight against corruption and uphold justice. He was admired for his unwavering integrity and his dedication to the greater good. His commitment to virtue and the Republic made him an inspiration to those who sought to preserve Rome's traditional values.
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Why was Cato so important?

He was the author of Origines, the first history of Rome composed in Latin. This work, of whose seven books only a few fragments survive, related the traditions of the founding of Rome and other Italian cities. Cato's only surviving work is De agri cultura (On Farming), a treatise on agriculture written about 160 bc.
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Why is Cato called the censor?

from 190 on, he prosecuted cases against a faction of the Scipios. 184 CENSOR-hence "Cato the Censor"-he favored strict virtues, no luxury, and a powerful state. He gained fame as a real stickler as censor. More trials, enhancing reputation as well as enmities.
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What were Cato's last words?

Cato's last words- "go on, shoot me. And he goes down.
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Who kills Cato?

Cato releases Peeta and falls off of the Cornucopia. The dogs immediately attack him. When Katniss realizes that the dogs intend to kill Cato slowly, she fires her last arrow at Cato, putting him out of his misery. His death marks the end of the 74th Hunger Games.
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Who almost killed Katniss?

In the 74th Hunger Games, Clove was the only Career tribute who came close to killing Katniss twice — at the Bloodbath and at the Feast, and certainly seemed to have a deep hatred for her, perhaps because Katniss received a higher score than her.
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Did Cato hurt Peeta?

Peeta urges Katniss to run and stays to fight fellow tribute Cato while she escapes. He survives the encounter with Cato but suffers a stab wound on his leg. He camouflages himself into the rocks and mud alongside a riverbank, slowly dying of blood poisoning until Katniss finds him days later.
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Why was Cato so bloody at the end?

Since Cato had many bloody marks on his face, its assumed that he got these from either Thresh, or the mutts. It's assumed that it's the mutts, since they were claw marks. Cato fights Katniss and Peeta on top of the cornucopia.
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Who saved Katniss's life from Cato?

Katniss eventually awakes and realizes that a day or two has passed. Then she remembers that Peeta saved her life and wonders why he did it. She also remembers that she got the bow and arrows, and finally she feels like she has a chance in the Games.
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What did Cato the Elder hate?

Answer and Explanation: Cato's dislike of Carthage stems from two things. First, he participated in the Second Punic War (218-201 BCE) against Carthage, holding the position of the military tribunal. Then, in 153 BCE, he participated in a Roman embassy to Carthage.
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Who was Cato's wife?

Marcia, daughter of Marcius Philippus, was the wife of Cato Uticensis, for whom she bore three children, one of whom was Porcia, who became Brutus's wife.
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Why does the Capitol allow Cato to suffer?

Suffering as entertainment

The principle is best exemplified in Cato's slow death at the end of the novel. Once the muttations have defeated Cato, they don't kill him immediately, and Katniss realizes that the Gamemakers want Cato to remain alive because it creates an exceedingly gruesome spectacle.
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What did Cato realize at the end?

Change: Mournful Cato

Realizing that he's about to die, the District 2 tribute says, ''I've always been dead, haven't I? I didn't realize it until now. ''
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Why does Cato wear a black robe?

Cato is seen dressed in a black toga. Historically, Cato wore a black toga to express his belief that the ideals of the Roman Republic have died, and thus he was in mourning for Rome.
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Who was Cato's enemy?

Cato the Younger and Rome

His most prolific and well-known enemy was Julius Caesar.
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Where is Cato when Clove dies?

Whereas at the feast when clove was dying, Cato ran and held her in his arms and begged her to stay with him. But this could have been merely because Cato was trying to survive himself with the tracker jackers and didn't have time to help glimmer. Or because clove was simply the last ally alive.
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How does clove wound Katniss?

She takes off, hears a knife approaching from her right, and knocks it away with her bow. She turns and hits Clove with an arrow in the arm. A second knife slices Katniss across the forehead, and as the blood runs down her face, Clove knocks Katniss to the ground, pinning her.
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How old were Cato and Clove?

I've heard everything from: "They were districts partners with no connection" to, "They were in love" to "Cato groomed her" (consider, he's almost 18, and she just turned 15), to "They grew up together", to "They didn't know each other before, but formed a bond in the arena".
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